wednesday june 17 2009 Estar invited to joint him to sentosa
wednesday june 17 2009
i Just post every photo that taken in my phone for this day!!
Estar invited to joint him to sentosa.
there's Hariz, Hamzar, Faiz, Jessica, Aisyah and Sharif who came for the outing picked siloso beach this coming saturday there's hot bod's event will happen i just seen then notice it's a celebration for those who reached 18 year old nah...!
cant be bother i just happen to share it only im aredy 19 this year im just an old man haha^^ wont't be as enegitic as those youngster who just reach 18 those youngster must learn to enjoy while they young.
i took some superb photo just random it:

hey! that's my guitar FAiz using it.

some cool picture i took i mean cool to me becoz i took of coz la..!!

Woo...! ya i found my long lost uncle in Sentosa he recognize me wad a surprise sia my friend say he look just like me idiot sia they.

just took a picture around see wad can they do in Sentosa! hehe^^ burried and swim by the way im a good swimmer u know?

he happen to appear the most in my Camerar phone dun know why he took him self so much time i think he's the main charactor in the story who is Hariz

This are all those damn Blur picture taken in the night sry my phone it's a eagle not an night owl night time it will give a sick result sad case i just wanna randomly takke picture in the night ^^ hehe
i Just post every photo that taken in my phone for this day!!
Estar invited to joint him to sentosa.
there's Hariz, Hamzar, Faiz, Jessica, Aisyah and Sharif who came for the outing picked siloso beach this coming saturday there's hot bod's event will happen i just seen then notice it's a celebration for those who reached 18 year old nah...!
cant be bother i just happen to share it only im aredy 19 this year im just an old man haha^^ wont't be as enegitic as those youngster who just reach 18 those youngster must learn to enjoy while they young.
i took some superb photo just random it:

hey! that's my guitar FAiz using it.

some cool picture i took i mean cool to me becoz i took of coz la..!!

Woo...! ya i found my long lost uncle in Sentosa he recognize me wad a surprise sia my friend say he look just like me idiot sia they.

just took a picture around see wad can they do in Sentosa! hehe^^ burried and swim by the way im a good swimmer u know?

he happen to appear the most in my Camerar phone dun know why he took him self so much time i think he's the main charactor in the story who is Hariz

This are all those damn Blur picture taken in the night sry my phone it's a eagle not an night owl night time it will give a sick result sad case i just wanna randomly takke picture in the night ^^ hehe
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