Saturday, april 24, 2010
Saturday, april 24, 2010
take my time to wake up such cool rainy weather just can get up from my bed so gonna rest abit longer.
today i late for service becoz i went to wait for MR MELVIN at somerset MRT.
hmm..!! im think about it i cannot make it for today prayer meet becoz tmr i have to wake up early ya.
im glad today XIN MEI try to nudge me actually i treasure a friend like her she carry alot of memory it may seems idiot but just find her special i just can never turn against her.
certain people will struggler in life XIN MEI is 1 of a girl who struggler alot exchive dougth she cannot make it but the time will come she will some how succeed any way u know why becoz I SAY SO...!!
today after dinner i went of early JOSEPH LUM drive me back he also another guy who carry alot of memory treasure a friend like him too..!!
he is 1 of a guy that make me keep wondering how will he succeed i got no ideal wad his major in life when i look at him i see alot of bearer blocking me from seeing it hard to predict it!!
he need to discover wad he really wanna do it must be an interest to him...!!

walking around kind of bored at home so went out for awalk waiting for GOD to whisper something to me.

actually i just fixed my camerar but it still gave me problem damn it especailly the flash...!!!
take my time to wake up such cool rainy weather just can get up from my bed so gonna rest abit longer.
today i late for service becoz i went to wait for MR MELVIN at somerset MRT.
hmm..!! im think about it i cannot make it for today prayer meet becoz tmr i have to wake up early ya.
im glad today XIN MEI try to nudge me actually i treasure a friend like her she carry alot of memory it may seems idiot but just find her special i just can never turn against her.
certain people will struggler in life XIN MEI is 1 of a girl who struggler alot exchive dougth she cannot make it but the time will come she will some how succeed any way u know why becoz I SAY SO...!!
today after dinner i went of early JOSEPH LUM drive me back he also another guy who carry alot of memory treasure a friend like him too..!!
he is 1 of a guy that make me keep wondering how will he succeed i got no ideal wad his major in life when i look at him i see alot of bearer blocking me from seeing it hard to predict it!!
he need to discover wad he really wanna do it must be an interest to him...!!

walking around kind of bored at home so went out for awalk waiting for GOD to whisper something to me.

actually i just fixed my camerar but it still gave me problem damn it especailly the flash...!!!
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