Saturday, June 26, 2010
Saturday, June 26, 2010
punishment is mend for all living beings, people need to go through pain and sorrow in order to be mature to know what suffering means.
they need to see destruction right in their eye, they have to be really sad.
seeing their loves 1 going through pain and struggle in the same time heart breaking will to come in order to understand how it feels like.
being thrown in to the valley of the damn is where SKILLS ARE BORN.
the birth of skill came from the unpresent realm.
all who went through pain and unpresent realm are mend to gether as 1 to punish all heuman beings to sharpen them!
by the way today is ESS and HONG SIONG B-Day i trying my best to help in his B-day but due to the botherless amature things are ruined the B_DAY are spoild by those amature as a parental loves punishment will fall apond them.
today was kind of bored in ESS draw a ROBot:

a special BOT that designed specially for robbing it called a ROBot it made by a guy who went through poverty it was really a hell that he went through he was totally matured by the pain he went through he grown up in a run-down area which is a SLUM there's totally cut out oppotunity for him where skill are born out from him that he gethered item and books to build up an inspiration in constructing a ROBot that bring destruction to the inmature beings and rob wealth out from them inorder to mature them.
today bought a TOYS STORY 3 MOVIE TICKET with JOSEPH, JOHN, XIN MEI and HUI YANG it s really a great movie really can touch u to ur child hood:

about the toy that treasured by the owner are lost making thier journey back to where they belong, got save and own your TOY STORY 3 TICKET!
did this drawing with HUI YANG while waiting for the MOVIE hmm..!!

it's an art of communication graphicly..!!
punishment is mend for all living beings, people need to go through pain and sorrow in order to be mature to know what suffering means.
they need to see destruction right in their eye, they have to be really sad.
seeing their loves 1 going through pain and struggle in the same time heart breaking will to come in order to understand how it feels like.
being thrown in to the valley of the damn is where SKILLS ARE BORN.
the birth of skill came from the unpresent realm.
all who went through pain and unpresent realm are mend to gether as 1 to punish all heuman beings to sharpen them!
by the way today is ESS and HONG SIONG B-Day i trying my best to help in his B-day but due to the botherless amature things are ruined the B_DAY are spoild by those amature as a parental loves punishment will fall apond them.
today was kind of bored in ESS draw a ROBot:

a special BOT that designed specially for robbing it called a ROBot it made by a guy who went through poverty it was really a hell that he went through he was totally matured by the pain he went through he grown up in a run-down area which is a SLUM there's totally cut out oppotunity for him where skill are born out from him that he gethered item and books to build up an inspiration in constructing a ROBot that bring destruction to the inmature beings and rob wealth out from them inorder to mature them.
today bought a TOYS STORY 3 MOVIE TICKET with JOSEPH, JOHN, XIN MEI and HUI YANG it s really a great movie really can touch u to ur child hood:

about the toy that treasured by the owner are lost making thier journey back to where they belong, got save and own your TOY STORY 3 TICKET!
did this drawing with HUI YANG while waiting for the MOVIE hmm..!!

it's an art of communication graphicly..!!
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