Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Tuesday, June 8, 2010


today im early for school wooohh...!! my lecture was very happy with me she start the class without waiting for the rest, usually she will wait im glad but abit unfair when usually i always late she didnt start the lesson till all come.
today rotted in ENGINEERING GRAPHIC but glad i did finish my work 1st then everyone for autocad only la other subject TAN GU GU la for me.
today kind of a great day took my class photo and really drawn closer and closer with my classmate after school kind of bored dun wan go home too early hang out with FAIZ till the everning slack with him in TAMPINES and chit chat and took MRT with him back home kind of miss the day i commonly hang out with him!!
my artistic ORIGAMI man fighting done it during rotting in class:

fighting grabed on the floor!

MMA basic grabber!!

it got screwed on the floor.

after a long hour of grabbing!

it struggler..!!

it got up and hand combat!!

it colapse and both knocket out!!
oh ya today just recieved a MSG friend james he got a song for me to minister for CG this the 4 song i printed all in 1 piece of papper save the tree hope i can make it obviously i do struggler.

ding dong the song!


today im early for school wooohh...!! my lecture was very happy with me she start the class without waiting for the rest, usually she will wait im glad but abit unfair when usually i always late she didnt start the lesson till all come.
today rotted in ENGINEERING GRAPHIC but glad i did finish my work 1st then everyone for autocad only la other subject TAN GU GU la for me.
today kind of a great day took my class photo and really drawn closer and closer with my classmate after school kind of bored dun wan go home too early hang out with FAIZ till the everning slack with him in TAMPINES and chit chat and took MRT with him back home kind of miss the day i commonly hang out with him!!
my artistic ORIGAMI man fighting done it during rotting in class:

fighting grabed on the floor!

MMA basic grabber!!

it got screwed on the floor.

after a long hour of grabbing!

it struggler..!!

it got up and hand combat!!

it colapse and both knocket out!!
oh ya today just recieved a MSG friend james he got a song for me to minister for CG this the 4 song i printed all in 1 piece of papper save the tree hope i can make it obviously i do struggler.

ding dong the song!
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