Saturday, July 10, 2010
Saturday, July 10, 2010
sleep for 16hr since yesterday 3 day back only sleep 4 hr and 2 day back didnt sleep all the way till yesterday then went to school for make up class that's why today liek that.
damn late for service when i just step in into nexus auditorium i heard JASMINE POON said in the mic please be punctuall i was stunt for few 2nd thought she referring to me but actually not just referring to something else hmm..!
after service follow JOSHUA LIM and JOSEPH LUM the 2 JL i the only extra sad case but never mind went for dinner at JUS ASIA with them and later went to play ARCADE with them i played PARAPARA PARADISE not bad quite fun starting abit dun dare but just for the seek of getting the artisitc feel out of it when i play it just remind me of KENNETH CHIA gonna draw it out to show:

cool isnt it?
look wad i get today from MR JOSEPH LUM CHEE HOE his 1 month more PROTEIN POWDER it's a good motivation for me to train haha^^
when i got this i started training like mad it's just a motivation.

train train train..!! have to take a break from drawing instead train build my body so next time no 1 can ever say me skinny bum i will show them my muscle and fuck their ass with my muscle haha^^
sleep for 16hr since yesterday 3 day back only sleep 4 hr and 2 day back didnt sleep all the way till yesterday then went to school for make up class that's why today liek that.
damn late for service when i just step in into nexus auditorium i heard JASMINE POON said in the mic please be punctuall i was stunt for few 2nd thought she referring to me but actually not just referring to something else hmm..!
after service follow JOSHUA LIM and JOSEPH LUM the 2 JL i the only extra sad case but never mind went for dinner at JUS ASIA with them and later went to play ARCADE with them i played PARAPARA PARADISE not bad quite fun starting abit dun dare but just for the seek of getting the artisitc feel out of it when i play it just remind me of KENNETH CHIA gonna draw it out to show:

cool isnt it?
look wad i get today from MR JOSEPH LUM CHEE HOE his 1 month more PROTEIN POWDER it's a good motivation for me to train haha^^
when i got this i started training like mad it's just a motivation.

train train train..!! have to take a break from drawing instead train build my body so next time no 1 can ever say me skinny bum i will show them my muscle and fuck their ass with my muscle haha^^
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