Sunday, November 7, 2010
Sunday, November 7, 2010
helped my friend out in the SALOMON run thingy no ideal what exactly it's all about; i think it's a runner-ton thingy if im not wrong.
help from yesterday and today:

actually today i didn't exactly help; because i overslept due to yesterday night had a bad cougth that ruined my sleep.
i thought i gonna woke my brother up; glad he didn't wake up. bought a cougth medicine:
ANTI-PHLEM Cough Mixture.
As expectorant in cough. it relieves bronchospasm, there by causing brochodilation and improves respiratory ventilation.
hope it will help i so longing for recovery.
i bought it for only S$3.00 actuall price is S$4.20 EXP 09 2012 not bad quite long.
actually i did feel an effect from this cough mixture; after taking it, my cough become lesser isntead of a continuous cough. hope i can sleep in peace by the mixture.
yesterday after the help out i went over to find XIN MEI at BISHAN; went to watch movie with her. watched THE MEGAMIND:

MEGAMIND it a very interesting movie; cool 3D graphic and interesting and unique story line.
it look freaking turn off by it front cover; you will reallize how cool it's after watching it, go own your ticket to find out how cool it is. it's freaking worth it.
ticket will be on discount if you got a SAFRA card for GOLDEN VILLAGE. XIN MEI asked people around for SAFRA card to get a discount.
after the movie chit chat and hang till abit late but not so late. then i started to JOG back home from braddell to near YIO CHU KANG area.
i took a longer jeourney this time round. previously i jog a direct path way following the MRT line it's shorter i increase my distance.
from bradell jog across JTC industrial and passed by SINGAPORE PRESS HOLDING to BISHAN BLOCK 138 which is my old house never see that environment for a long years moved off since i was primary 3.
the place still look on the same shape just nicely renovated.
i really miss this place passing by here is like refreshing my child hood memory when i was a baby.
when i passed by here i actually was recalling back my pass memory thinking how do i look like and what did i thinking.

this scene is some how a memory it look different compared to the pass; PANORAMIC view haha last time i won't get the chance to take picture compare to now.
i jogged pass my 1st house to my 2nd house which is still BISHAN but STREET 13 BLOCK 158; where my luck turn terribly down during those days but i still miss the house. it's the place where i grown up using it for CG mostly. sad to say it's just all history.
run across the park from my 2nd old house to behind KUO CHUAN PRESBYTERIAN, BISHAN ITE and NEXT BISHAN STADIUM. that's the path way i used to jog during mty secondary school time wad a recall of memory.
i remember those day where i jog with JOSEPH LUM and HUI YANG through those path missed those moment.
from BISHAN STADIUM there's a direct path to pass ANG MO KIO to YIO CHU KANG.
helped my friend out in the SALOMON run thingy no ideal what exactly it's all about; i think it's a runner-ton thingy if im not wrong.
help from yesterday and today:

actually today i didn't exactly help; because i overslept due to yesterday night had a bad cougth that ruined my sleep.
i thought i gonna woke my brother up; glad he didn't wake up. bought a cougth medicine:

ANTI-PHLEM Cough Mixture.
As expectorant in cough. it relieves bronchospasm, there by causing brochodilation and improves respiratory ventilation.
hope it will help i so longing for recovery.
i bought it for only S$3.00 actuall price is S$4.20 EXP 09 2012 not bad quite long.
actually i did feel an effect from this cough mixture; after taking it, my cough become lesser isntead of a continuous cough. hope i can sleep in peace by the mixture.
yesterday after the help out i went over to find XIN MEI at BISHAN; went to watch movie with her. watched THE MEGAMIND:

MEGAMIND it a very interesting movie; cool 3D graphic and interesting and unique story line.
it look freaking turn off by it front cover; you will reallize how cool it's after watching it, go own your ticket to find out how cool it is. it's freaking worth it.
ticket will be on discount if you got a SAFRA card for GOLDEN VILLAGE. XIN MEI asked people around for SAFRA card to get a discount.
after the movie chit chat and hang till abit late but not so late. then i started to JOG back home from braddell to near YIO CHU KANG area.
i took a longer jeourney this time round. previously i jog a direct path way following the MRT line it's shorter i increase my distance.
from bradell jog across JTC industrial and passed by SINGAPORE PRESS HOLDING to BISHAN BLOCK 138 which is my old house never see that environment for a long years moved off since i was primary 3.

i really miss this place passing by here is like refreshing my child hood memory when i was a baby.
when i passed by here i actually was recalling back my pass memory thinking how do i look like and what did i thinking.

this scene is some how a memory it look different compared to the pass; PANORAMIC view haha last time i won't get the chance to take picture compare to now.
i jogged pass my 1st house to my 2nd house which is still BISHAN but STREET 13 BLOCK 158; where my luck turn terribly down during those days but i still miss the house. it's the place where i grown up using it for CG mostly. sad to say it's just all history.
run across the park from my 2nd old house to behind KUO CHUAN PRESBYTERIAN, BISHAN ITE and NEXT BISHAN STADIUM. that's the path way i used to jog during mty secondary school time wad a recall of memory.
i remember those day where i jog with JOSEPH LUM and HUI YANG through those path missed those moment.
from BISHAN STADIUM there's a direct path to pass ANG MO KIO to YIO CHU KANG.
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