Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
hmm today over slept count my day off school instead, life is getting terible. what happens to me if life is terible; definitly wont be smilling at all.
i am so gonna get punching beg to kick it and punch to my grave, sometime felt so pissed off but no ideal where to express it to.
today i took a nab like no one cares, sleep anytime i want without giving a shit what is happening. i had taken a pause in going on with life.
in another word get lifeless for a day.
Fly me to the SUN Let me scream among those dush Let me see what hells is like On mercury and earth In other words, burn my ass In other words, baby kick me (ouch!)
Fill my heart with sour Let me scream for ever more (arrhhh....!!)
You are all I long for All I worship and adore In other words, please bull shit In other words, I hate you.
hmm..! the year of the rabit is close; the previous rabit year happen make me hate rabit years. time passed really fast soon becoming back to the years of the snake.
12 year passed like that making me feel really old like death is coming close to me; something everyone will have to face hmm...!!
i been staring at the calender wondering and thinking back about the years and recalling what exactly happen in those past year why time flies like a blink?
i had living in the year of the snake and horse twice in my life:
1990, 2002 soon will be the 3rd time in my life 2014.
time flies isn't it? to the GEN Y and GEN X
get from wikki i read through it i think this is the best way to know which generation will get to see the end time:

Generation X, commonly abbreviated to Gen X, is the generation born after the Western post-World War II baby boom ended. While there is no universally agreed upon time frame, [2] the term generally includes people born in the 1960s and 70s, ending in the late 1970s to early 80s, usually not later than 1982. The term had also been used in different times and places for various different subcultures or countercultures since the 1950s

Generation Y, also known as the Millennial Generation (or Millennials),Generation Next, Net Generation, Echo Boomers, describes the demographic cohort following Generation X. As there are no precise dates for when the Millennial generation starts and ends, commentators have used birth dates ranging somewhere from the mid-1970s to the early 2000s Members of this generation are called Echo Boomers, due to the significant increase in birth rates between 1982–1995, and because most of them are children of baby boomers. The 20th century trend toward smaller families in developed countries continued, however, so the relative impact of the "baby boom echo" was generally less pronounced than the original boom.
Characteristics of the generation vary by region, depending on social and economic conditions. However, it is generally marked by an increased use and familiarity with communications, media, and digital technologies. In most parts of the world its upbringing was marked by an increase in a neoliberal approach to politics and economics. The effects of this environment are disputed.

Generation Z or "Net Generation" is a common name for the First World or Western generation of people born between the mid 1990s and the early 2010s.
As the most recent generation, the earliest birth year commonly noted is 1991. More generally, the oldest members of this generation were born at the end of the "Echo Boom" about 1995, and the youngest of the generation were born during a baby boomlet around the time of the Global financial crisis of the late 2000s decade, ending around the year 2012, with the next unnamed generation succeeding.
Although members of Generation Z are typically the children of Generation X, their parents may also include the youngest Baby Boomers as well as older members of Generation Y.
hmm today over slept count my day off school instead, life is getting terible. what happens to me if life is terible; definitly wont be smilling at all.
i am so gonna get punching beg to kick it and punch to my grave, sometime felt so pissed off but no ideal where to express it to.
today i took a nab like no one cares, sleep anytime i want without giving a shit what is happening. i had taken a pause in going on with life.
in another word get lifeless for a day.
Fly me to the SUN Let me scream among those dush Let me see what hells is like On mercury and earth In other words, burn my ass In other words, baby kick me (ouch!)
Fill my heart with sour Let me scream for ever more (arrhhh....!!)
You are all I long for All I worship and adore In other words, please bull shit In other words, I hate you.
hmm..! the year of the rabit is close; the previous rabit year happen make me hate rabit years. time passed really fast soon becoming back to the years of the snake.
12 year passed like that making me feel really old like death is coming close to me; something everyone will have to face hmm...!!
i been staring at the calender wondering and thinking back about the years and recalling what exactly happen in those past year why time flies like a blink?
i had living in the year of the snake and horse twice in my life:
1990, 2002 soon will be the 3rd time in my life 2014.
time flies isn't it? to the GEN Y and GEN X
get from wikki i read through it i think this is the best way to know which generation will get to see the end time:

Generation X, commonly abbreviated to Gen X, is the generation born after the Western post-World War II baby boom ended. While there is no universally agreed upon time frame, [2] the term generally includes people born in the 1960s and 70s, ending in the late 1970s to early 80s, usually not later than 1982. The term had also been used in different times and places for various different subcultures or countercultures since the 1950s

Generation Y, also known as the Millennial Generation (or Millennials),Generation Next, Net Generation, Echo Boomers, describes the demographic cohort following Generation X. As there are no precise dates for when the Millennial generation starts and ends, commentators have used birth dates ranging somewhere from the mid-1970s to the early 2000s Members of this generation are called Echo Boomers, due to the significant increase in birth rates between 1982–1995, and because most of them are children of baby boomers. The 20th century trend toward smaller families in developed countries continued, however, so the relative impact of the "baby boom echo" was generally less pronounced than the original boom.
Characteristics of the generation vary by region, depending on social and economic conditions. However, it is generally marked by an increased use and familiarity with communications, media, and digital technologies. In most parts of the world its upbringing was marked by an increase in a neoliberal approach to politics and economics. The effects of this environment are disputed.

Generation Z or "Net Generation" is a common name for the First World or Western generation of people born between the mid 1990s and the early 2010s.
As the most recent generation, the earliest birth year commonly noted is 1991. More generally, the oldest members of this generation were born at the end of the "Echo Boom" about 1995, and the youngest of the generation were born during a baby boomlet around the time of the Global financial crisis of the late 2000s decade, ending around the year 2012, with the next unnamed generation succeeding.
Although members of Generation Z are typically the children of Generation X, their parents may also include the youngest Baby Boomers as well as older members of Generation Y.
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