catching up with blogging didnt blog for some time.
Friday, May 20, 2011
i didnt really upload my blog for quite a long time hmm..! i loose track of what to upload haiz!
see what i got for today to upload??

it's a great movie to watch because emphasize more on the CAPTAIN JACKSPARROW, johnny dept is currently away to the under water diamention, so he's wasnt around.
not gonna spoild the story go catch it your self you will love it if you got same interest as me; PIRATE!!!.
BLACK BIERD is in the movie ELBERT TEACH, not MARSHAL D TEACH. haha that's from the ONE PIECE.
watched with ma bros; TOBIAS, SAMUEL, VINCENT & LEONARD.
oh ya i helped 2 person to make a marker TATTOO:

helped OLIVER and THOMAS in the random TATTOO for fun haha^^
today LG with my fellow ITE group snapped a random shot on JUSTIN:

it kind of random i used his laptop bag wrap his head.
think about it actually what mention in the BIBLE is really happening IDOLATRY after so long of went through lot of things and concert help out, making me realize people in the world out there worshiping those IDOL without knowing it.
the power of satan really rule in lots of way, i remember usually if something who a person worship or respect they will tend to keep photo of the person in their wallet and even the handphone; 1 example a photo of a BUDDHA and some other GOD.
that's a sign that tell me that alot of people in the world out there worshiping those K idol without it i felt really sorry for them, im kind of powerless to help, but just talk about it.
i must be careful of my life too, i should not get involve in those people life out there. i should not live my life this way make me no different as those people in the world out there. i gonna avoid them all and not get involve in those things.
i don't even see much CHRISTIAN keep photo of JESUS in their wallet or handphone.
i should be thankful to god for what given to me. some for my own good and those helpful stuff.
i gonna write more story due to clearing my heart of im getting old, too old to be around youngster already. my time is short wondering how much can i type.
gonna create a story again, been posting lots of story for the pass update didnt touch up with that for some time.
< >

It was late morning, waken up by a noise of the train and a voices of the crowd. when i open up my eye it was a disturbment of the glaring light projected through the window of the train towards me, i was twinkling my eye forcing my sight through the brightness with a blured vision around me.
seeing the distorted vision of the crowd around with frustration; i rubbed my eye and with a clear vision got finally. i looked out of the window with my palm sweating fearing of the high, making me wonder where the hell am i. with a glance of view out of the window of the train im in i was amazed by the structure of island floating on the cloud with cool wind rushing across my face it making me feel so sky blue.
with a rushing compression sound crunching out of the train, with a shock i looked at my left hand direction there's some one came by to take a seat beside me; it is a guy with a weird looking hat like a book on his head. with a stare i given him caused me to felt nervous, wondering why do i even stare at him. he took off his hat with his warm friendly smile with his eye glingering with charm, my heart started beating a extra bit: wondering what make him so special that i even got a blood rushed head?
So i was to lost and nervous to ask a thing, he started stretching his warm hand toward me saying:'Nice to meet you!"
with a hand shake i give him, asking: " err..! nice to meet you too, by the way do you know where am i now?" with a twinkling look on his face he replied: "train to the cross road street?" i was kind of lost without getting where exactly it is:" err.! i still don't really get it, i don't even know why am in the train?" so he answered: "that shouldn't be, in the 1st place how do you even brought the train without knowing why are you here?" with confusion and curiosity i replied: " i just woke up without a memory of being here, now i really got no i deal where im heading to?".
With a concerning look on his face; asking me to alight from the train with him, so with a wondering mine i decided to follow, seems i don't even know where the hell am i will i get lost then?
so with a deep breath he took, placing his hand on my soldier introducing him self:" hmm..! by the way i'm MIKEL, you can call me MIKE, so you are?"
with a admiration of blood flowing through my vassal introducing my self:" IM JACKIE".
i am currently aimless now, only thing left here is to follow him; to see what coming up next? with his hand gripping on his bag lifting up tilted his head back to me; giving me a sign of following him. it gave me a heart warm safeness in following him. with a care free smile he looked at me asking:"do you have any bag along with you?" I looked around seeing no bag around giving him a NO sign.
while through the follow it really a stunning environment around where extraordinary architecture symbol around, the ambiance of street around trigger a blood across my back through my neck to a smile of amazement.
Dropped by cafe a sudden sound of propeller a wierd looking things landed by its a floating bike looking things which i can't really de script it, a man get off of it removing his helmet it was a sloppy looking old man with an untidy bierd on his face. can't of funny there, i just can't help it but to laugh.
a sudden hand tabbed on my solder by MIKE saying: " lets have a drink before we make our way through." So i just flow along to have a drink and chill. with lots of joke he shared to me about how a blind man and a blind man fight.
i pictured it out in my mine; it really kind of humorous imagining; a 2 man touching their way toward each other to strangler another. wondering how do the blind man even get into a conflict when they can't even see each other, there's lots of reason he can give that make me laugh.
after the whole long hour of chat and drink got my mine and face to num off due to laughing and thinking alot, kind of tired and on a stonning mood. so MIKE was remained silent too, so he decided take a rest at the grass of beach. aimlessly in my mine anyway here i follow him.
to a amazing view of sea of cloud on the beach of grass, it look scary yet amazing. i was wondering where am i. will i still get to go home? there's too much things to explore here, it make me never wanna go back home.
suddenly a high tide of cloud raised up like a sea, i got smoked by the haze of cloud i lost sight of direction, i stood up and wondering around blindly with fear and confusion in my mine, i got to scared till i dare not stay still.
hearing a voice shouting calling me:" JACKIE....!! stay where you are please don't roam around, you'll get lost"
i couldn't help if but fear caused me to roam around suddenly felt the crack of the stone rolled i dropped down the cliff, i felt really traumatized a sudden hand grabbed tightly on my hand pulling me back up to the ground. it was MIKE who pulled me up, looking at his stunning and concerning face make me felt really touched and amazed by him.
with his hand tabbed on my back saying:" you are safe on the ground now, let's get out of here.". he hold tightly onto my hand pulling me along to follow him, to make the way out of the maze. so that i won't get lost.
I his hand make me feel so warm, but my heard still bitting quickly feeling my eye turning wet with a drip of tears coming out, with those indescribable cool expression on his face with his hand stretching up to give a rub on my head to warm me up saying:"things are fine now, let's go." with a charm voice from him i really give me a rushing of drum bit on my heart where i can't de script the feeling.
so the sky goes darken with an inch with all the lamb light glowed up around the street, the gorgeousness of scenery filled my sight, the cloud around me goes slimmer with a cool wind rushed across my ear.
< i think i better stop by here, tired of uploading carry on soon>
i didnt really upload my blog for quite a long time hmm..! i loose track of what to upload haiz!
see what i got for today to upload??

it's a great movie to watch because emphasize more on the CAPTAIN JACKSPARROW, johnny dept is currently away to the under water diamention, so he's wasnt around.
not gonna spoild the story go catch it your self you will love it if you got same interest as me; PIRATE!!!.
BLACK BIERD is in the movie ELBERT TEACH, not MARSHAL D TEACH. haha that's from the ONE PIECE.
watched with ma bros; TOBIAS, SAMUEL, VINCENT & LEONARD.
oh ya i helped 2 person to make a marker TATTOO:

helped OLIVER and THOMAS in the random TATTOO for fun haha^^
today LG with my fellow ITE group snapped a random shot on JUSTIN:

it kind of random i used his laptop bag wrap his head.
think about it actually what mention in the BIBLE is really happening IDOLATRY after so long of went through lot of things and concert help out, making me realize people in the world out there worshiping those IDOL without knowing it.
the power of satan really rule in lots of way, i remember usually if something who a person worship or respect they will tend to keep photo of the person in their wallet and even the handphone; 1 example a photo of a BUDDHA and some other GOD.
that's a sign that tell me that alot of people in the world out there worshiping those K idol without it i felt really sorry for them, im kind of powerless to help, but just talk about it.
i must be careful of my life too, i should not get involve in those people life out there. i should not live my life this way make me no different as those people in the world out there. i gonna avoid them all and not get involve in those things.
i don't even see much CHRISTIAN keep photo of JESUS in their wallet or handphone.
i should be thankful to god for what given to me. some for my own good and those helpful stuff.
i gonna write more story due to clearing my heart of im getting old, too old to be around youngster already. my time is short wondering how much can i type.
gonna create a story again, been posting lots of story for the pass update didnt touch up with that for some time.
< >

It was late morning, waken up by a noise of the train and a voices of the crowd. when i open up my eye it was a disturbment of the glaring light projected through the window of the train towards me, i was twinkling my eye forcing my sight through the brightness with a blured vision around me.
seeing the distorted vision of the crowd around with frustration; i rubbed my eye and with a clear vision got finally. i looked out of the window with my palm sweating fearing of the high, making me wonder where the hell am i. with a glance of view out of the window of the train im in i was amazed by the structure of island floating on the cloud with cool wind rushing across my face it making me feel so sky blue.
with a rushing compression sound crunching out of the train, with a shock i looked at my left hand direction there's some one came by to take a seat beside me; it is a guy with a weird looking hat like a book on his head. with a stare i given him caused me to felt nervous, wondering why do i even stare at him. he took off his hat with his warm friendly smile with his eye glingering with charm, my heart started beating a extra bit: wondering what make him so special that i even got a blood rushed head?
So i was to lost and nervous to ask a thing, he started stretching his warm hand toward me saying:'Nice to meet you!"
with a hand shake i give him, asking: " err..! nice to meet you too, by the way do you know where am i now?" with a twinkling look on his face he replied: "train to the cross road street?" i was kind of lost without getting where exactly it is:" err.! i still don't really get it, i don't even know why am in the train?" so he answered: "that shouldn't be, in the 1st place how do you even brought the train without knowing why are you here?" with confusion and curiosity i replied: " i just woke up without a memory of being here, now i really got no i deal where im heading to?".
With a concerning look on his face; asking me to alight from the train with him, so with a wondering mine i decided to follow, seems i don't even know where the hell am i will i get lost then?
so with a deep breath he took, placing his hand on my soldier introducing him self:" hmm..! by the way i'm MIKEL, you can call me MIKE, so you are?"
with a admiration of blood flowing through my vassal introducing my self:" IM JACKIE".
i am currently aimless now, only thing left here is to follow him; to see what coming up next? with his hand gripping on his bag lifting up tilted his head back to me; giving me a sign of following him. it gave me a heart warm safeness in following him. with a care free smile he looked at me asking:"do you have any bag along with you?" I looked around seeing no bag around giving him a NO sign.
while through the follow it really a stunning environment around where extraordinary architecture symbol around, the ambiance of street around trigger a blood across my back through my neck to a smile of amazement.
Dropped by cafe a sudden sound of propeller a wierd looking things landed by its a floating bike looking things which i can't really de script it, a man get off of it removing his helmet it was a sloppy looking old man with an untidy bierd on his face. can't of funny there, i just can't help it but to laugh.
a sudden hand tabbed on my solder by MIKE saying: " lets have a drink before we make our way through." So i just flow along to have a drink and chill. with lots of joke he shared to me about how a blind man and a blind man fight.
i pictured it out in my mine; it really kind of humorous imagining; a 2 man touching their way toward each other to strangler another. wondering how do the blind man even get into a conflict when they can't even see each other, there's lots of reason he can give that make me laugh.
after the whole long hour of chat and drink got my mine and face to num off due to laughing and thinking alot, kind of tired and on a stonning mood. so MIKE was remained silent too, so he decided take a rest at the grass of beach. aimlessly in my mine anyway here i follow him.
to a amazing view of sea of cloud on the beach of grass, it look scary yet amazing. i was wondering where am i. will i still get to go home? there's too much things to explore here, it make me never wanna go back home.
suddenly a high tide of cloud raised up like a sea, i got smoked by the haze of cloud i lost sight of direction, i stood up and wondering around blindly with fear and confusion in my mine, i got to scared till i dare not stay still.
hearing a voice shouting calling me:" JACKIE....!! stay where you are please don't roam around, you'll get lost"
i couldn't help if but fear caused me to roam around suddenly felt the crack of the stone rolled i dropped down the cliff, i felt really traumatized a sudden hand grabbed tightly on my hand pulling me back up to the ground. it was MIKE who pulled me up, looking at his stunning and concerning face make me felt really touched and amazed by him.
with his hand tabbed on my back saying:" you are safe on the ground now, let's get out of here.". he hold tightly onto my hand pulling me along to follow him, to make the way out of the maze. so that i won't get lost.
I his hand make me feel so warm, but my heard still bitting quickly feeling my eye turning wet with a drip of tears coming out, with those indescribable cool expression on his face with his hand stretching up to give a rub on my head to warm me up saying:"things are fine now, let's go." with a charm voice from him i really give me a rushing of drum bit on my heart where i can't de script the feeling.
so the sky goes darken with an inch with all the lamb light glowed up around the street, the gorgeousness of scenery filled my sight, the cloud around me goes slimmer with a cool wind rushed across my ear.
< i think i better stop by here, tired of uploading carry on soon>
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