hmm..! what a day.
Friday, August 26, 2011
today i super duper late for school. reached school at 11AM+; class for 1hour + only. but glad manage to complete all my work and assignment.
last minute ma lecture asked me to do 1 more assignment; means i monday have to go back school while everyone have a great day off. haiz! actually i don't really mind.
today my bro took a photo of me:
he said i should start going gy often. he adviced me not to let the improvement stop there.
so i should start going gym; my bursary gone haiz. if not can buy supplement for body building.
today JABEZ told me can go to the CC and ask for the bursary. i not sure can or not; hope can sia.
today after school i straight away head back home: i was thinking of eating out side, but decided not to.
instead i went back home to cook my self a lunce; since i got lots of time. im now jobless and quite free; so all the time can go to making this:
my very own creation, it suddenly come into my mind of trying out new stuff which i never tried before: SHANK PAUL OMU JELLY FISH PASTA haha^^

got lots of missing taste in it; i think because there's no olive oil and garlic. if not can make AGLIO OLIO base with sweet, sour and SPICY JELLY FISH.
actually i forget something; never cook for quite long. OLIVE OIL can be subtitute with BUTTER sia. haiz screw me never think of that.
quite a filling lunce i got; can be bought outside. drank some alcohol drink which my dad bought; no i deal what drink is that. never really read it.
after the filling lunce i actually fell a sleep, before the sleep a friend of my: EUEGENE LOW he was interested in my drawing. he started to to research on the lost city; he tell me that my drawing give him a feeling of human left the earth.
where the earth is left behind; where nature claim it back. so he did research on that; giving me a link of video that tells him about the describtion.
i was some how quite amaze by those description; not knowing my drawing of the abandon marina bay sand can lead to this. actually the video concept ideal came from the RUSSIAN Chernobyl nuclear power plant disaster causes radiation; where the whole town was abandoned due to radiation of the nuclear.
the nuclear power is long lasting power; where the radiation also last there for years. human growth is according to the DNA cell; the radiation is a NANO particle that can clash into out DNA and causes us to growth in error. something like cancer cell. the body will grow distortedly.
i started asking my bro about it; he's the 1 who once told me about the radiation case. i asked him why do the plan and animal still survive; he replied: " plan and human are different type of cell, there's a fish which got mutated by the nuclear radiation; causes them to grow really huge". it was like wow interesting.
i wanna find out more about it.
im kind of glad that i did that drawing; it link to alot of topic and knowledge. Euegene started the ball roll 1st. he compliment my drawing haha^^.
i while watching the 9 part of the YOUTUBE VIDEO on the CHERNOBYL; i actually felt a sleep due to the lousy video quality.
nab for a few hour till 7PM+; JABEZ call woke me up; asking me wanna hang out for dinner. it was like troublesome, i don't feel like moving. she said she very bored at home; so i think of a nearer place to me. so i think of ANG MO KIO HUB; but cannot if not that will be too obvious: i picking my comfort zone. so i decided to pick BISHAN BOTAK JONES. so she will think my choice is sincere haha.
making my way down to BISHAN some how quite troublesome for my mood. but JABEZ will be in a even much more trouble some row; she travel from JURONG to BISHAN.
had a great meal and picked the low cost:

im so very full; their potion decrease. i remember last time they serve huge american size of potion. any way singaporean also won't be able to finish it; but if they decrease the potion; they should as well decrease the price of the food what.
after all it's great time spend, i think her trip back home will be a long way. i some how quite touch that she is such a sincere friend.
been talking alot with her; sharing my problem will be a good 1. i even share to her who i like and why?
because my brain tell me to like my everything; that's why i like my everything.
today i super duper late for school. reached school at 11AM+; class for 1hour + only. but glad manage to complete all my work and assignment.
last minute ma lecture asked me to do 1 more assignment; means i monday have to go back school while everyone have a great day off. haiz! actually i don't really mind.
today my bro took a photo of me:

so i should start going gym; my bursary gone haiz. if not can buy supplement for body building.
today JABEZ told me can go to the CC and ask for the bursary. i not sure can or not; hope can sia.
today after school i straight away head back home: i was thinking of eating out side, but decided not to.
instead i went back home to cook my self a lunce; since i got lots of time. im now jobless and quite free; so all the time can go to making this:

my very own creation, it suddenly come into my mind of trying out new stuff which i never tried before: SHANK PAUL OMU JELLY FISH PASTA haha^^

got lots of missing taste in it; i think because there's no olive oil and garlic. if not can make AGLIO OLIO base with sweet, sour and SPICY JELLY FISH.
actually i forget something; never cook for quite long. OLIVE OIL can be subtitute with BUTTER sia. haiz screw me never think of that.
quite a filling lunce i got; can be bought outside. drank some alcohol drink which my dad bought; no i deal what drink is that. never really read it.
after the filling lunce i actually fell a sleep, before the sleep a friend of my: EUEGENE LOW he was interested in my drawing. he started to to research on the lost city; he tell me that my drawing give him a feeling of human left the earth.
where the earth is left behind; where nature claim it back. so he did research on that; giving me a link of video that tells him about the describtion.
i was some how quite amaze by those description; not knowing my drawing of the abandon marina bay sand can lead to this. actually the video concept ideal came from the RUSSIAN Chernobyl nuclear power plant disaster causes radiation; where the whole town was abandoned due to radiation of the nuclear.
the nuclear power is long lasting power; where the radiation also last there for years. human growth is according to the DNA cell; the radiation is a NANO particle that can clash into out DNA and causes us to growth in error. something like cancer cell. the body will grow distortedly.
i started asking my bro about it; he's the 1 who once told me about the radiation case. i asked him why do the plan and animal still survive; he replied: " plan and human are different type of cell, there's a fish which got mutated by the nuclear radiation; causes them to grow really huge". it was like wow interesting.
i wanna find out more about it.
im kind of glad that i did that drawing; it link to alot of topic and knowledge. Euegene started the ball roll 1st. he compliment my drawing haha^^.
i while watching the 9 part of the YOUTUBE VIDEO on the CHERNOBYL; i actually felt a sleep due to the lousy video quality.
nab for a few hour till 7PM+; JABEZ call woke me up; asking me wanna hang out for dinner. it was like troublesome, i don't feel like moving. she said she very bored at home; so i think of a nearer place to me. so i think of ANG MO KIO HUB; but cannot if not that will be too obvious: i picking my comfort zone. so i decided to pick BISHAN BOTAK JONES. so she will think my choice is sincere haha.
making my way down to BISHAN some how quite troublesome for my mood. but JABEZ will be in a even much more trouble some row; she travel from JURONG to BISHAN.
had a great meal and picked the low cost:

im so very full; their potion decrease. i remember last time they serve huge american size of potion. any way singaporean also won't be able to finish it; but if they decrease the potion; they should as well decrease the price of the food what.
after all it's great time spend, i think her trip back home will be a long way. i some how quite touch that she is such a sincere friend.
been talking alot with her; sharing my problem will be a good 1. i even share to her who i like and why?
because my brain tell me to like my everything; that's why i like my everything.
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