another drawing with PENCIL.
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
hm..! today woke up in peace; without any worry of late for school because there's no school for today and tomorrow deepavali dey...!
but kind of bored today; woke up at 3PM+ burn off my morning just like that. nevermind still did spend my time properly went to eat dinner at ANG MO KIO ASTON with CHING CHYE and HUI YANG. had my midium rare SIRLOIN.
i did a drawing, i trying to place emotion in this drawing but it look real stupid instead haha feel like laughing.
there's a story line in it:
(i gonna represent a row as SARAH in this story.)
im SARAH AGE 18 living in KICK WOOD STREET, living with my mom; in my house whole, there's only the both of us.
if you wonder where's my dad; he gone some where since i was 3. don't have to feel sorry for me i don't feel a thing; because it was a real long ago incident which i wasn't mature enough to feel any concious. so i didn't really feel sad or mad about it.
im known as a MISS INVISIBLE in school; there's only 2 person who got a special glass to see me. which is my best friend BELLA and TOM; they where my best friends, we are from the same class for years. they are such a nice friend i ever got on planet earth.
this is just a description to introduce myself.
One fine morning im woken up by the glare of the sun light shining through my room window toward my face. woken up by a brightness which trigger a nudge of pain on my head. opened up my eye stoned for a second looking into the clock: OH NO! it's alredy 9AM im so dead; today is my school trip to the RAINFOREST, isn't im super excited for it?, yet i'm still woke up late, im so screwed up.
quickly i rush and pack up my stuff, have a quick wash up and change. rushing out of my house without a eye on my breakfast. with fear of missing the bus; quickly i pick up the bicycle and cycle as fast as i can. glad the school is near ahead; quickly i paddle on the bicycle to accelerate up the speed.
finally im there, with confusion and lost wonder where do the class gather?. quickly i place my hand in my pocket to search for my phone; realize i left my phone at home, im screwed up seriously. only solution left is search around for them.
See no firmilier faces around; quickly look around to get a hint of where their location. i just couldn't find it; with frustration and piss i lost my control on manner. feeling real awkward everyone around is looking at my red angry face; how awkward.
suddenly saw BELLA and TOM; they are like a guardian angel who there for me. they tilted their head towards my direction; with a most glamorous smile coming from their face. it's really a relief, i shouting over with excitement;"arh..! you guys are really my saviour".
their faces started to change look at my with a crunch expression, i don't have to ask why?; oops! they must be thinking that im crazy.
BELLA started spoken to me:" hey SARAH! i suggest you should sell away your phone, i just couldn't reach you through that" and with agreement TOM said to me:"SARAH! we thought you're dead".
im glad of their concern; i ex-plane what exactly happen. so quickly we rush down to the bus to make our trip to the rainforest things.
passing by lots of beautiful scenery.
after a hour of bus, we landed on a area where the ferry located. seeing the QUEUE at the ferry yard; making me feel so excited. smelling the sea and the breeze; so refreshing. hear voices of seagulls screaming; makes my day.
hearing explanation from the teacher; boring is all about it.
can't wait to take the ferry, soon will get to explore the rainforest. before entering to the ferry, TOM nudged me saying:"what a boring place thought it will be fun, all the while i been excited for nothing? lets go get some snack and drink"
im agree some word from him, quickly we rush to the shop to store our bag with foods and drink. im wonder will there be any things to eat at the rainforest beside; maggots and bugs. i won't be able to eat those stuff anyway, so storing up food from the shop will be the best choice.
glad BELLA brought along a huge bag.
took the ferry across the sea, feeling the wind and the air that far away from any road; making me felt assure that there's no exhaust air around here. taken a deep breath and feel the clean air.
finally reached the rainforest FERRY YARD after a long trip of ferry. the sky turning dark; wonder where will we settle down?. we're guide by the scout; to tour around the scout camp where we settle down.
hearing the talk from the chief scout, TOM whisper at my ear with a gossip saying :"that chief scout got a fat tummy wonder how can he scout around with that?". im thinking TOM wasn't even listening to the talk, it understandable.
the talk is so long and boring to the extend where im about to doze off anytime. BELLA requested among us:"hey! why not we go out for a stroll instead of staying around this boring scout camp? we ask for an excuse to the wash room". it's really a good ideal to me.
we decided to head to the wash room. what an interesting water tap they got; it got a long handle bar, wonder how does it work? try push up the handle bar nothing came out and i try pulling it down, same goes nothing is happening.
im wondering how to dispend water from this damn weird tap, suddenly BELLA came after her use of the cubicle she also wondering the same thing as me. we have to try figure it out how does the water gonna dispend out?
BELLA continuously shake the handle bar of the water tap; it flow out with water finally. so that's how the scout water tap works. we started laughing over the water tap.
BELLA went out of the lady wash room to find TOM. left with me im looking at the mirror, refreshing myself by splashing water to my face thinking: im now already at the RAINFOREST, wonder what gonna be next? hope things will turn out fun and exciting.
suddenly hear a voice of exhaustion, wonder where does it come from; i looked around seeing no one. that's really creepy; i rush out of the wash room with fear. was shocked by BELLA, asking me what happen?. "never mind"; i replied.
TOM saying:"lets go" we secretly left the scout camp to take a look around the rainforest. it was a blue night looking up the sky it filled with plentiful of stars.
a word from BELLA:"beautiful.....!" it caught my eye and heart. it's really amazing the moon light up the plant with a glow blue breeze which amaze me through my eye to heart. what im thinking now is nothing but a beautiful late evening scenery.
i decided to walk further down; saw a rock laying on a field of grass, there's a fox seated right on top the rock. wonder how exactly does it look like; i took a closer step toward the fox wanting to ask TOM and BELLA to look. but they wasn't around. i should take the chance to look at the fox before it ran off.
the fox looked up the sky; making me wonder what does it look at?. i look up the same direction as the fox see the moon lighting down with a orbs of air dancing around; bring a spark onto my eye. it's just so beautiful, the same voices of a exhaustion came across my ear, i was shock looked toward the fox; it ran off i decided to follow the fox wonder where does it ran to.
the exhausted voice bothering me, it's really creepy. so i decided not to chase after that fox, it's pointless any way. i should go back to find BELLA and TOM; see no sign of them.
i shouted out their name to call them:"BELLA.....! TOM.......! where are you? i saw a fox just now...!". no 1 seems to reply, im thinking how can they leave me alone here; i decided to head back to the scout camp.
wonder where's the scout camp, im seems to be lost in such place. i felt really scared with cold sweat flowing down my neck, felt really panic. quickly ran around to look for the scout camp. see no one around, im really lost.
the sky turned dark, it's no longer evening; it's a complete night. i shouldn't be hanging around here, it's real dangerous. could have just stay near the scout camp instead of ran of some where, now im lost and there's no 1 out there to respond to me.
suddenly felt the ground shaking like im gonna sink down any time; it's horrifying. quickly i ran away blindly with fear to avoid danger. there's countless of mud rising up from the ground lifting up the plant. it formed into a figure of a weird looking creature with red eye roaring out a voice of a distorted celo. it give me a wave of fear; where my feet started trembling.
nothing i can do but just ran, there's countless of figure forming up a mess number of mud army. i just couldn't escape from it; it keep chasing after me the the extend where im gonna run out of breath any time.
through the continuous run i started to feel real exhausted, felt like there's no hope for me to escape left. suddenly a hand came by and grab onto my hand real tight and swing me up the tree to make an escape from tree to tree. it was a fine looking guy came by to rescue me, i look at his eye; it give a mysterious feature that melt my heart. wonder is he TARZEN? no he's not even a naket guy; he's definitely not TARZEN.
he appear so sudden like a hero rescuing me from those unknown stuff. when his hand grab onto my it make me felt real light, where running is like flying to me.
he brought me to a sea where a boat is located, he bring me to the boat and sail a distance away from the ground. his boat look interesting, there's a room in the boat where book shelf and furniture is around. he seated on the rocking chair of his boat with his eye closed. he didn't say a word at all, im wondering who is he?
with his eye closed meditating make him look much more mysterious; i look around seeing weird looking tools around making me wonder is he some kind of a wizard or something?
with a sudden, a word from him came out:"are you hurt or injured?" i replied:"im fine thanks!" he started introducing him self. he's MAKO from MOUNT BREATHLAND; where wizard and mage lives. he was lost from his dimension to this unknown dimension; through the travel in the sea, he was blinded by the sudden mist of the sea and lad him to his unknown dimension.
i started sharing to him how i get here. realized we both are from a different world lost in this dimension.
MAKO find no clue in getting back. he look real interesting where no race of human can descript him, wonder what race he's.
so he started to figure out how does he been lad here? through his meditation he see sign of reason that he's here, it's not an accident; there's something screwed up with the universe; where all the different planet from far away orbit different orbit collide with error, the gate of different world will build a network of entry to all different world. chaos of war among different world will happen, they are send here to solve and disconnect the the entry.
i was shock after hearing that message, so wonder how can it be solved; i wanna go home. i can't stay here for the rest of my life, i miss my friend and my mom, i felt real sad and confuse. misery is what i felt; it create a falling of tears out of my eye.
MAKO persuade me with a word:"that's not gonna solve a thing" we have to work things out. i wonder how are we gonna solve this?
this place is dangerous, it filled with monster. i couldn't even tell that im lad here.
all i remember is i roam around the rainforest with a friends of my and now they are not even around. wonder are they lad here too?
wait! hold on a minute; wonder am i lad here by a FOX? with astonishment he replied:"that fox? how does it look like? does it have a symbol on it fall head?"
i just couldn't exactly remember about that, a similar symbol of tattoo on MAKO arms? i think it's definitely the fox MAKO refer to what else can it be. why can't it be a tiger or a rain deer; why must it be a fox?
that fox is belong to MAKO as a pet, it was lad to the dimension where i belong to. that FOX is the key for me to be lad back home and idle TOM or BELLA is lad to MOUNT BREATHLAND where MAKO lives. that's really confusing, the mud demon does not belong here the mud demon should be lad back to it own dimension for everything to be solve.
im wonder how can the mud demon be lad back? there's countless of it.
MAKO said:" we shouldn't do nothing about it, we will end up staying here for the rest of our life. we should get back to find out what exactly it's".
so MAKO decided to explore for a solution to send the mud demon back to it dimension, through the whole process they actually realized the weakness of the mud demon.
MAKO pointed out all the weakness of the MUD DEMON; asking me for request of ideal on how to set a trap that lad the MUD DEMON back to it dimension.
so my ideal is to lure the mud demon to an area where it will be surrounded by water; it just require lots of effort to setup those trap. so we decided to hunt for wood to create a container of bearer which can store up water.
so we decided to look for a location where tree are near to the sea; where escape root to the boat is convenient. MAKO got a wizard ability to cause a beam of slashes like a blade without any sharp object; it can cut through all kinds of material.
found a particular spot, MAKO start using his ability to cast a fury of slash wave across the forest where tree's fell on the ground, i started dragging he tree to 1 corner carving it into a precast piece to form into an storing object for water.
MAKO was wondering where's the portal that will lad the MUD DEMON back to it dimension?. so it caused me to puzzle about it and MAKO raised up his hand and cast the wind to form up a shoe for him, the wizardry aura caused a wave of wind rushed across my neck; where disturben of sand is bothering my eye.
MAKO take a stair of step up the air; where he air walk up the air with his wind shoe. im seriously amaze by those mysterious ability he got when he run up the air he was flying without a wind. im totally speechless wondering am i dreaming; do those things really exist?
MAKO looked down towards me with his eye twinkling to me, with a rush of wind rush up his hair with a charm that caught my eye i felt really impress by his impulsiveness.
he shout out a word with his gentle fine voice saying:"stay at the boat, im heading up the air to scout for a mark where the MUD demon left behind". his concern is like a pure hero; we talk for less than a day and he got a natural intention of protecting me. things come into my mind asking me to stay focus and concentrate on getting what suppose to be done instead of dwelling in such feelings.
so i decided fill up all the wooden container with sea water and stack up into a wall, before he got back.
MAKO made his way around to look for hint and clue on where the 1st mark which left by the MUD DEMON, trace after the MUD STAIN that left by the MUD DEMON, i storing up sample into his glass container; to make a comparison to every substance that left behind by the MUD DEMON.
he hopping air to air like a wind jumper, he saw a long path of stain that lad to the area; where the MUD DEMON 1st step into this dimension. he saw a twisted mark on the ground which formed into a figure of a glory hole.
im done stacking up a wooden container of water into a wall. after a long hour had passed by; i get back to the boat to wait for MAKO return. i started to felt really sick and tired of waited i dozed of to sleep. through the sleep some shot of a random dream came by showing me sign of MAKO return with half of his body went missing, where blood and mud stain covering up his face where i chouldn't even recognize by his face. with fear and worry that drive me panic, quickly i ran toward him and give him what ever i can that will aid him, i quickly dig up my bag for my 1st aid box to clean his wounded body up with alcohol and cotton.
he was screaming terrifyingly with pain, with an unexpected grief that caughted up my mind; sorrow possessed up my soul which trigger my tears to flow down of my eye. after a drip of tears hit the ground; MAKO on a sudden stone with his eye opening up firmly, i nudged him but he isn't moving. i grip on to his hand; feeling the coldness and stained wet hand which show sign of he's dead.
im totally infested with a sudden depressing situation which make me felt real helpless; my soul caused me to disbelieve that he's dead. i give him a continuous nudge and feel the heart bit on his chest giving a negative hint. a sudden choke on his neck which trigger his throat muscle to move with a squeecking noice; he vomited out mud. i was totally shock by this moment of hopelessness; seeing the mud forming up into a figure of a MUD DEMON.
fear tremble me to woke up with shock from the nab, i was stunned for awhile thinking is it just a dream or a sign?
i felt really worry quickly i run out to the shore, suddenly felt a wind that blow toward my face with chilled up my sweat; giving me sign of MAKO returns show him came back with a fine looking smile on his face which gave me a relief. i was really thankful and so glad that he's doing fine; he look just as happy with a same twink on his eye which brighten up my day from the terrible night mare.
i couldn't resist it all i feel like is to hug him. with his unexplainable facial expression; it caused a blush on his face which toned up his face with redish. im some how felt awkward and sorry for giving such unthinkable reaction.
he placed his arm on my back waist, which cheer me up with his chilling long sleeves. love his fine material of cloth.
(i think i should stop by here, im tired of typing; continue some other time)
< >
that's the rest of the snapshot.

out of 4, 1 is the best.
hm..! today woke up in peace; without any worry of late for school because there's no school for today and tomorrow deepavali dey...!
but kind of bored today; woke up at 3PM+ burn off my morning just like that. nevermind still did spend my time properly went to eat dinner at ANG MO KIO ASTON with CHING CHYE and HUI YANG. had my midium rare SIRLOIN.
i did a drawing, i trying to place emotion in this drawing but it look real stupid instead haha feel like laughing.
there's a story line in it:

im SARAH AGE 18 living in KICK WOOD STREET, living with my mom; in my house whole, there's only the both of us.
if you wonder where's my dad; he gone some where since i was 3. don't have to feel sorry for me i don't feel a thing; because it was a real long ago incident which i wasn't mature enough to feel any concious. so i didn't really feel sad or mad about it.
im known as a MISS INVISIBLE in school; there's only 2 person who got a special glass to see me. which is my best friend BELLA and TOM; they where my best friends, we are from the same class for years. they are such a nice friend i ever got on planet earth.
this is just a description to introduce myself.
One fine morning im woken up by the glare of the sun light shining through my room window toward my face. woken up by a brightness which trigger a nudge of pain on my head. opened up my eye stoned for a second looking into the clock: OH NO! it's alredy 9AM im so dead; today is my school trip to the RAINFOREST, isn't im super excited for it?, yet i'm still woke up late, im so screwed up.
quickly i rush and pack up my stuff, have a quick wash up and change. rushing out of my house without a eye on my breakfast. with fear of missing the bus; quickly i pick up the bicycle and cycle as fast as i can. glad the school is near ahead; quickly i paddle on the bicycle to accelerate up the speed.
finally im there, with confusion and lost wonder where do the class gather?. quickly i place my hand in my pocket to search for my phone; realize i left my phone at home, im screwed up seriously. only solution left is search around for them.
See no firmilier faces around; quickly look around to get a hint of where their location. i just couldn't find it; with frustration and piss i lost my control on manner. feeling real awkward everyone around is looking at my red angry face; how awkward.
suddenly saw BELLA and TOM; they are like a guardian angel who there for me. they tilted their head towards my direction; with a most glamorous smile coming from their face. it's really a relief, i shouting over with excitement;"arh..! you guys are really my saviour".
their faces started to change look at my with a crunch expression, i don't have to ask why?; oops! they must be thinking that im crazy.
BELLA started spoken to me:" hey SARAH! i suggest you should sell away your phone, i just couldn't reach you through that" and with agreement TOM said to me:"SARAH! we thought you're dead".
im glad of their concern; i ex-plane what exactly happen. so quickly we rush down to the bus to make our trip to the rainforest things.
passing by lots of beautiful scenery.
after a hour of bus, we landed on a area where the ferry located. seeing the QUEUE at the ferry yard; making me feel so excited. smelling the sea and the breeze; so refreshing. hear voices of seagulls screaming; makes my day.
hearing explanation from the teacher; boring is all about it.
can't wait to take the ferry, soon will get to explore the rainforest. before entering to the ferry, TOM nudged me saying:"what a boring place thought it will be fun, all the while i been excited for nothing? lets go get some snack and drink"
im agree some word from him, quickly we rush to the shop to store our bag with foods and drink. im wonder will there be any things to eat at the rainforest beside; maggots and bugs. i won't be able to eat those stuff anyway, so storing up food from the shop will be the best choice.
glad BELLA brought along a huge bag.
took the ferry across the sea, feeling the wind and the air that far away from any road; making me felt assure that there's no exhaust air around here. taken a deep breath and feel the clean air.
finally reached the rainforest FERRY YARD after a long trip of ferry. the sky turning dark; wonder where will we settle down?. we're guide by the scout; to tour around the scout camp where we settle down.
hearing the talk from the chief scout, TOM whisper at my ear with a gossip saying :"that chief scout got a fat tummy wonder how can he scout around with that?". im thinking TOM wasn't even listening to the talk, it understandable.
the talk is so long and boring to the extend where im about to doze off anytime. BELLA requested among us:"hey! why not we go out for a stroll instead of staying around this boring scout camp? we ask for an excuse to the wash room". it's really a good ideal to me.
we decided to head to the wash room. what an interesting water tap they got; it got a long handle bar, wonder how does it work? try push up the handle bar nothing came out and i try pulling it down, same goes nothing is happening.
im wondering how to dispend water from this damn weird tap, suddenly BELLA came after her use of the cubicle she also wondering the same thing as me. we have to try figure it out how does the water gonna dispend out?
BELLA continuously shake the handle bar of the water tap; it flow out with water finally. so that's how the scout water tap works. we started laughing over the water tap.
BELLA went out of the lady wash room to find TOM. left with me im looking at the mirror, refreshing myself by splashing water to my face thinking: im now already at the RAINFOREST, wonder what gonna be next? hope things will turn out fun and exciting.
suddenly hear a voice of exhaustion, wonder where does it come from; i looked around seeing no one. that's really creepy; i rush out of the wash room with fear. was shocked by BELLA, asking me what happen?. "never mind"; i replied.
TOM saying:"lets go" we secretly left the scout camp to take a look around the rainforest. it was a blue night looking up the sky it filled with plentiful of stars.
a word from BELLA:"beautiful.....!" it caught my eye and heart. it's really amazing the moon light up the plant with a glow blue breeze which amaze me through my eye to heart. what im thinking now is nothing but a beautiful late evening scenery.
i decided to walk further down; saw a rock laying on a field of grass, there's a fox seated right on top the rock. wonder how exactly does it look like; i took a closer step toward the fox wanting to ask TOM and BELLA to look. but they wasn't around. i should take the chance to look at the fox before it ran off.
the fox looked up the sky; making me wonder what does it look at?. i look up the same direction as the fox see the moon lighting down with a orbs of air dancing around; bring a spark onto my eye. it's just so beautiful, the same voices of a exhaustion came across my ear, i was shock looked toward the fox; it ran off i decided to follow the fox wonder where does it ran to.
the exhausted voice bothering me, it's really creepy. so i decided not to chase after that fox, it's pointless any way. i should go back to find BELLA and TOM; see no sign of them.
i shouted out their name to call them:"BELLA.....! TOM.......! where are you? i saw a fox just now...!". no 1 seems to reply, im thinking how can they leave me alone here; i decided to head back to the scout camp.
wonder where's the scout camp, im seems to be lost in such place. i felt really scared with cold sweat flowing down my neck, felt really panic. quickly ran around to look for the scout camp. see no one around, im really lost.
the sky turned dark, it's no longer evening; it's a complete night. i shouldn't be hanging around here, it's real dangerous. could have just stay near the scout camp instead of ran of some where, now im lost and there's no 1 out there to respond to me.
suddenly felt the ground shaking like im gonna sink down any time; it's horrifying. quickly i ran away blindly with fear to avoid danger. there's countless of mud rising up from the ground lifting up the plant. it formed into a figure of a weird looking creature with red eye roaring out a voice of a distorted celo. it give me a wave of fear; where my feet started trembling.
nothing i can do but just ran, there's countless of figure forming up a mess number of mud army. i just couldn't escape from it; it keep chasing after me the the extend where im gonna run out of breath any time.
through the continuous run i started to feel real exhausted, felt like there's no hope for me to escape left. suddenly a hand came by and grab onto my hand real tight and swing me up the tree to make an escape from tree to tree. it was a fine looking guy came by to rescue me, i look at his eye; it give a mysterious feature that melt my heart. wonder is he TARZEN? no he's not even a naket guy; he's definitely not TARZEN.
he appear so sudden like a hero rescuing me from those unknown stuff. when his hand grab onto my it make me felt real light, where running is like flying to me.
he brought me to a sea where a boat is located, he bring me to the boat and sail a distance away from the ground. his boat look interesting, there's a room in the boat where book shelf and furniture is around. he seated on the rocking chair of his boat with his eye closed. he didn't say a word at all, im wondering who is he?
with his eye closed meditating make him look much more mysterious; i look around seeing weird looking tools around making me wonder is he some kind of a wizard or something?
with a sudden, a word from him came out:"are you hurt or injured?" i replied:"im fine thanks!" he started introducing him self. he's MAKO from MOUNT BREATHLAND; where wizard and mage lives. he was lost from his dimension to this unknown dimension; through the travel in the sea, he was blinded by the sudden mist of the sea and lad him to his unknown dimension.
i started sharing to him how i get here. realized we both are from a different world lost in this dimension.
MAKO find no clue in getting back. he look real interesting where no race of human can descript him, wonder what race he's.
so he started to figure out how does he been lad here? through his meditation he see sign of reason that he's here, it's not an accident; there's something screwed up with the universe; where all the different planet from far away orbit different orbit collide with error, the gate of different world will build a network of entry to all different world. chaos of war among different world will happen, they are send here to solve and disconnect the the entry.
i was shock after hearing that message, so wonder how can it be solved; i wanna go home. i can't stay here for the rest of my life, i miss my friend and my mom, i felt real sad and confuse. misery is what i felt; it create a falling of tears out of my eye.
MAKO persuade me with a word:"that's not gonna solve a thing" we have to work things out. i wonder how are we gonna solve this?
this place is dangerous, it filled with monster. i couldn't even tell that im lad here.
all i remember is i roam around the rainforest with a friends of my and now they are not even around. wonder are they lad here too?
wait! hold on a minute; wonder am i lad here by a FOX? with astonishment he replied:"that fox? how does it look like? does it have a symbol on it fall head?"
i just couldn't exactly remember about that, a similar symbol of tattoo on MAKO arms? i think it's definitely the fox MAKO refer to what else can it be. why can't it be a tiger or a rain deer; why must it be a fox?
that fox is belong to MAKO as a pet, it was lad to the dimension where i belong to. that FOX is the key for me to be lad back home and idle TOM or BELLA is lad to MOUNT BREATHLAND where MAKO lives. that's really confusing, the mud demon does not belong here the mud demon should be lad back to it own dimension for everything to be solve.
im wonder how can the mud demon be lad back? there's countless of it.
MAKO said:" we shouldn't do nothing about it, we will end up staying here for the rest of our life. we should get back to find out what exactly it's".
so MAKO decided to explore for a solution to send the mud demon back to it dimension, through the whole process they actually realized the weakness of the mud demon.
MAKO pointed out all the weakness of the MUD DEMON; asking me for request of ideal on how to set a trap that lad the MUD DEMON back to it dimension.
so my ideal is to lure the mud demon to an area where it will be surrounded by water; it just require lots of effort to setup those trap. so we decided to hunt for wood to create a container of bearer which can store up water.
so we decided to look for a location where tree are near to the sea; where escape root to the boat is convenient. MAKO got a wizard ability to cause a beam of slashes like a blade without any sharp object; it can cut through all kinds of material.
found a particular spot, MAKO start using his ability to cast a fury of slash wave across the forest where tree's fell on the ground, i started dragging he tree to 1 corner carving it into a precast piece to form into an storing object for water.
MAKO was wondering where's the portal that will lad the MUD DEMON back to it dimension?. so it caused me to puzzle about it and MAKO raised up his hand and cast the wind to form up a shoe for him, the wizardry aura caused a wave of wind rushed across my neck; where disturben of sand is bothering my eye.
MAKO take a stair of step up the air; where he air walk up the air with his wind shoe. im seriously amaze by those mysterious ability he got when he run up the air he was flying without a wind. im totally speechless wondering am i dreaming; do those things really exist?
MAKO looked down towards me with his eye twinkling to me, with a rush of wind rush up his hair with a charm that caught my eye i felt really impress by his impulsiveness.
he shout out a word with his gentle fine voice saying:"stay at the boat, im heading up the air to scout for a mark where the MUD demon left behind". his concern is like a pure hero; we talk for less than a day and he got a natural intention of protecting me. things come into my mind asking me to stay focus and concentrate on getting what suppose to be done instead of dwelling in such feelings.
so i decided fill up all the wooden container with sea water and stack up into a wall, before he got back.
MAKO made his way around to look for hint and clue on where the 1st mark which left by the MUD DEMON, trace after the MUD STAIN that left by the MUD DEMON, i storing up sample into his glass container; to make a comparison to every substance that left behind by the MUD DEMON.
he hopping air to air like a wind jumper, he saw a long path of stain that lad to the area; where the MUD DEMON 1st step into this dimension. he saw a twisted mark on the ground which formed into a figure of a glory hole.
im done stacking up a wooden container of water into a wall. after a long hour had passed by; i get back to the boat to wait for MAKO return. i started to felt really sick and tired of waited i dozed of to sleep. through the sleep some shot of a random dream came by showing me sign of MAKO return with half of his body went missing, where blood and mud stain covering up his face where i chouldn't even recognize by his face. with fear and worry that drive me panic, quickly i ran toward him and give him what ever i can that will aid him, i quickly dig up my bag for my 1st aid box to clean his wounded body up with alcohol and cotton.
he was screaming terrifyingly with pain, with an unexpected grief that caughted up my mind; sorrow possessed up my soul which trigger my tears to flow down of my eye. after a drip of tears hit the ground; MAKO on a sudden stone with his eye opening up firmly, i nudged him but he isn't moving. i grip on to his hand; feeling the coldness and stained wet hand which show sign of he's dead.
im totally infested with a sudden depressing situation which make me felt real helpless; my soul caused me to disbelieve that he's dead. i give him a continuous nudge and feel the heart bit on his chest giving a negative hint. a sudden choke on his neck which trigger his throat muscle to move with a squeecking noice; he vomited out mud. i was totally shock by this moment of hopelessness; seeing the mud forming up into a figure of a MUD DEMON.
fear tremble me to woke up with shock from the nab, i was stunned for awhile thinking is it just a dream or a sign?
i felt really worry quickly i run out to the shore, suddenly felt a wind that blow toward my face with chilled up my sweat; giving me sign of MAKO returns show him came back with a fine looking smile on his face which gave me a relief. i was really thankful and so glad that he's doing fine; he look just as happy with a same twink on his eye which brighten up my day from the terrible night mare.
i couldn't resist it all i feel like is to hug him. with his unexplainable facial expression; it caused a blush on his face which toned up his face with redish. im some how felt awkward and sorry for giving such unthinkable reaction.
he placed his arm on my back waist, which cheer me up with his chilling long sleeves. love his fine material of cloth.
(i think i should stop by here, im tired of typing; continue some other time)
< >
that's the rest of the snapshot.

out of 4, 1 is the best.
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