update on camp and stuff.
Thursday, March 29, 2012
hmm...! 2 more day is my trip to THAILAND. my heart started to bit real fast, hope things turn out fine. the problem here is i not sure weather the money i prepare enough or not.
oh ya by the way about the camp. it's great time spend:
this the video we took for the camp. the camp is some how over; now this video is sharable.
oh ya been watching the DRAMA SPARTACUS. great drama season to catch, although its terribly uncensored; but nice shoe. depend on the attitude we have to watch. for me i forward to skip the uncensored part.
this coming saturday thailand trip is with SHI XUAN and her friend CARIN. actually i don't plan to go for the trip. it's because dangerous for 2 girl to step into THAILAND like that. at 1st i was hoping they will find some one else to follow; so i can save money. but things turn out to be; they didnt turn manage to find anyone. so sad case i have to spend money on this trip.
something hint me to escort them in THAILAND for safety sake.
im just doing my duty as a brother.
this is the picture i took during the camp.
quite a good camp. im out of the ITE group already, now heading to some where which i belong to, everyone will move on to different level of their life.
i have to get mentally prepared for the time to come.
oh ya back to the THAILAND trip. i hope enough money for the vehicle and petrol. God please bless me with more money; if you want that 2 girl travel to be safe and sound.
also pray for this trip to be a enjoyable 1.
show you another picture i took during camp. what's done by everyone:
different group will color different square of mah jong paper.
end of the camp day piece will be combined to form into this; to show everyone effort in this piece.
oh ya the day after the camp; which is on monday: 26 or march.
the night that we watch the movie: HUNGER GAME. at cause way point with MING XIANG, KELVIN LEONG and LIANA.
after the movie we went down to SEMBAWANG area fishing spot. long journey we took.
i brought my fishing rod and fishing item along. things seems to turn out pathetic.
i was so angry during the fishing. i cast the rod and hardly caught any fish.
most of the time have to spend on clearing those mass like my item got ruined by the people around me.
later on MING XIANG wanna borrow my fishing rod; i lend it to him. i don't know what he do that tangled up my rod.
i won't be able to fish with my fishing rod, there's no choice. i just took a string to unroll tie it with some floating item and weight which sink my hook down.
using my old pathetic method to fish. glad i manage to caught 2 fish with that method.
what i learn is never go fishing with a people which will give alot of burden. ya who was there for the fishing is: MING XIANG, LIANA, KAI LIANG, LEONARD and KELVIN LEONG.
they are happily watching YOUTUBE video on my lab top lol.
next round i go i gonna prepare item which can catch crab.
hmm...! 2 more day is my trip to THAILAND. my heart started to bit real fast, hope things turn out fine. the problem here is i not sure weather the money i prepare enough or not.
oh ya by the way about the camp. it's great time spend:
this the video we took for the camp. the camp is some how over; now this video is sharable.
oh ya been watching the DRAMA SPARTACUS. great drama season to catch, although its terribly uncensored; but nice shoe. depend on the attitude we have to watch. for me i forward to skip the uncensored part.
this coming saturday thailand trip is with SHI XUAN and her friend CARIN. actually i don't plan to go for the trip. it's because dangerous for 2 girl to step into THAILAND like that. at 1st i was hoping they will find some one else to follow; so i can save money. but things turn out to be; they didnt turn manage to find anyone. so sad case i have to spend money on this trip.
something hint me to escort them in THAILAND for safety sake.
im just doing my duty as a brother.

quite a good camp. im out of the ITE group already, now heading to some where which i belong to, everyone will move on to different level of their life.
i have to get mentally prepared for the time to come.
oh ya back to the THAILAND trip. i hope enough money for the vehicle and petrol. God please bless me with more money; if you want that 2 girl travel to be safe and sound.
also pray for this trip to be a enjoyable 1.
show you another picture i took during camp. what's done by everyone:

end of the camp day piece will be combined to form into this; to show everyone effort in this piece.
oh ya the day after the camp; which is on monday: 26 or march.

after the movie we went down to SEMBAWANG area fishing spot. long journey we took.
i brought my fishing rod and fishing item along. things seems to turn out pathetic.
i was so angry during the fishing. i cast the rod and hardly caught any fish.
most of the time have to spend on clearing those mass like my item got ruined by the people around me.
later on MING XIANG wanna borrow my fishing rod; i lend it to him. i don't know what he do that tangled up my rod.
i won't be able to fish with my fishing rod, there's no choice. i just took a string to unroll tie it with some floating item and weight which sink my hook down.
using my old pathetic method to fish. glad i manage to caught 2 fish with that method.
what i learn is never go fishing with a people which will give alot of burden. ya who was there for the fishing is: MING XIANG, LIANA, KAI LIANG, LEONARD and KELVIN LEONG.
they are happily watching YOUTUBE video on my lab top lol.
next round i go i gonna prepare item which can catch crab.
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