Wednesday, February 26, 2014
Wednesday, February 26, 2014
today called to take off, each section must have 3 volunteer to clear off.
im one of the guy.
didn't update my blog for the pass few weeks. gonna upload things for the now and back there.
pass few book out and this book out i had been getting my computer fix, just got it back from the repair shop and today just got reformatted by my bro thanks to him any way:
i also been playing The Command and Conquer 3 Kane Wrath on my desktop, played with my bro; multiplayer.
not a bad game, quite fun.
building and commanding trooper and vehicle to war and die for victory is like a excitement and fun thing. but definitely not good to be the trooper and vehicle, its a damn fucked up feeling.
the ground is damn dirty and troublesome, no one will wanna get there. but got no choice, thats life.
what ever it is im still can't stop thinking about the upcoming out field which is Rotation 5A and A-Tec stage 2, which make me so damn worry about; i feel like im on anxiety or depression.
hope time will pass for me to ORD and all those chore to be over.
R5 heard it gonna be 4 days 3 night and ATec stage 2 gonna be 5 days 4 nights, i wonder how am i gonna survive such a long shit days in the field. getting stunk by insect and rot by the dirt.
been seeing news on the Singapore rainless weeks caused some river to dry up and some toad to dry up. complain of grass turning brown, but wonder why the forest training ground, insects and mosquito never get dry up or destroyed. i been to Australia it go a damn wonderful dry and hot weather which got no mosquito or insect that will bite or sting.
screw Singapore Humidity. damn irritating it will cause people to sweat, stink and sticky. the ILBV(Integrated Load Bearing Vest) is definitely not design for the humid weather it will cause heat exhaustion and stamina affection.
ILBV if were to use on a tropical area will cause a person to can't think properly or morel goes down, it can be use in US, AUSTRALIA or some other dry continents but not on a tropical area.
by the why i took picture of the game i played
took pics of it:

that's the today gameplay snap, i used NOD again(my Favourite).

that's the pass few week and monday round of game. monday i allow to book out to apply for my diploma in Poly.
can't wait to be student again, been a soldier for shitty year and months.
sick, bored and tired of it.
left with 96 days to ORD if im not wrong.
by the way i had been working in getting those painting and drawing done, i don't feel like doing it because it got spoild by people, some busybody idiot interfere in my drawing and painting, by using too thick marker which spoild my line texture and did a failed painting on it, i been trying to cover up and touch up to over lap the damn screwedness.
manage to paint over and did some covering up. but still not that good as what it suppose to be.
snap picture of it, actually im quite angry inside but the picture is a smiling face just for the a good manners sake:
i been painting the vehicle, the trees, the landscape, the birds and the giant family tree.
not an easy task to do, but it some how build up my interest to be a painter, but although im damn suck at it, but its just fun to do painting and art work.
i wish i can be like those expert artist and painter out there, it seems impossible. love painting and love drawing doesn't mean a professional or a good at it.
the rest of the picx took:

last Monday which is on the 24 Feb 2014; there's a water exercise like river crossing water drill and some other getting wet activity. quite fun but got sun burn at Seleta Camp. didn't take any photo, if were to allow taking of photo in the camp i would took it but its not allowed to.
today called to take off, each section must have 3 volunteer to clear off.
im one of the guy.
didn't update my blog for the pass few weeks. gonna upload things for the now and back there.
pass few book out and this book out i had been getting my computer fix, just got it back from the repair shop and today just got reformatted by my bro thanks to him any way:
i also been playing The Command and Conquer 3 Kane Wrath on my desktop, played with my bro; multiplayer.
not a bad game, quite fun.
building and commanding trooper and vehicle to war and die for victory is like a excitement and fun thing. but definitely not good to be the trooper and vehicle, its a damn fucked up feeling.
the ground is damn dirty and troublesome, no one will wanna get there. but got no choice, thats life.
what ever it is im still can't stop thinking about the upcoming out field which is Rotation 5A and A-Tec stage 2, which make me so damn worry about; i feel like im on anxiety or depression.
hope time will pass for me to ORD and all those chore to be over.
R5 heard it gonna be 4 days 3 night and ATec stage 2 gonna be 5 days 4 nights, i wonder how am i gonna survive such a long shit days in the field. getting stunk by insect and rot by the dirt.
been seeing news on the Singapore rainless weeks caused some river to dry up and some toad to dry up. complain of grass turning brown, but wonder why the forest training ground, insects and mosquito never get dry up or destroyed. i been to Australia it go a damn wonderful dry and hot weather which got no mosquito or insect that will bite or sting.
screw Singapore Humidity. damn irritating it will cause people to sweat, stink and sticky. the ILBV(Integrated Load Bearing Vest) is definitely not design for the humid weather it will cause heat exhaustion and stamina affection.
ILBV if were to use on a tropical area will cause a person to can't think properly or morel goes down, it can be use in US, AUSTRALIA or some other dry continents but not on a tropical area.
by the why i took picture of the game i played
took pics of it:

that's the today gameplay snap, i used NOD again(my Favourite).

that's the pass few week and monday round of game. monday i allow to book out to apply for my diploma in Poly.
can't wait to be student again, been a soldier for shitty year and months.
sick, bored and tired of it.
left with 96 days to ORD if im not wrong.
by the way i had been working in getting those painting and drawing done, i don't feel like doing it because it got spoild by people, some busybody idiot interfere in my drawing and painting, by using too thick marker which spoild my line texture and did a failed painting on it, i been trying to cover up and touch up to over lap the damn screwedness.
manage to paint over and did some covering up. but still not that good as what it suppose to be.
snap picture of it, actually im quite angry inside but the picture is a smiling face just for the a good manners sake:
i been painting the vehicle, the trees, the landscape, the birds and the giant family tree.
not an easy task to do, but it some how build up my interest to be a painter, but although im damn suck at it, but its just fun to do painting and art work.
i wish i can be like those expert artist and painter out there, it seems impossible. love painting and love drawing doesn't mean a professional or a good at it.
the rest of the picx took:

last Monday which is on the 24 Feb 2014; there's a water exercise like river crossing water drill and some other getting wet activity. quite fun but got sun burn at Seleta Camp. didn't take any photo, if were to allow taking of photo in the camp i would took it but its not allowed to.
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