sunday, april 25, 2010 &&& monday, april 26, 2010
monday, april 27, 2010
today start school at 10AM end at 12PM+ that's very good maths i still got long way to be good in it haiz..!!
sad sad i must catch up and smash everyone up i must rise and rule the whole class make everyone knee down to me and call me the GOD OF MATHS no la no la lol^^

MATHS STRESSED me i feel like playing RUSSIAN ROULETTE..!!
ya today raining runned to BUS STOP with HUI YANG and QING CHIYE to take bus 22 damn it got those bunce of bloody shit driver any how park their car at the BUS STOP like they are the king of the road.
look like exssive dougth the TRAFFIC POLICE fear them took picture of it i wanna complane and sabo them becoz they block the road the bus cant come in:

good thing i got my MINI SHARP SHOOTER with me i SHARP SHOOT the car including the NUMBER PLATE.

look if not how my SHARP SHOOTER ISLAND CAMERAR do the job.

if not close enougth see this how responsible they are parking at the bus stop to block the bus.

the BUS STOP location actually i also no ideal how to explane where exactly it is.

took bus 22 to JUBILEE to eat at the 2nd storey food intro by HUI YANG western food not bad.
then later on go to HUI YANG house to to prepare slack and go LIBRARY study.
today i wore this PRECIOUS shoe to school testing the shoe it's very good^^ like it for sure.
sunday, april 25, 2010
Grand father DEATH ENIVERSARY..!!
wake up early in the morning prepare help out.
till around after noon then rushed to CLARKE QUAY to find my uncler for my future LAB TOP it must be LG and powerful!
and also my mom called me to send a sim card over to her.
so i skipped relative dinner for that worst sacrifice for ask me to pick a LAB TOP and my RELATIVES i will pick LAB TOP ofcoz.
the problem here is im not close to my RELATIVE thats why i got compared with them seens i was a kid my PARENT BROUGHT me up this way so it flow this way!!
after everything i rushed down to ANG MO KIO to find my good friends XIN MEI did call me haha so means she still not forgotten me.
i missed the BASKETBALL game very bad! very bad! but didnt miss the dinner with them.

JAMES AND ME i look retard haha^^

the MIDDLE MAN YAO MING oh ya during the dinner he the 1 who share alot of story good to have him around alot of interesting true story he share crippy some how.

JAMES , XIN LING and CELEST the 3 sister haha^^

it's so retard. oh look at XIN MEI she look like wondering SPIRIT caught in photo.



bad shot.!!

ME freaking failed cool post haiz should have retake till nice sia.

XIN MEI and ME i think i runed the photo!!

my UDON with BEEF


UDON BEEF againt

wah cool looking SHOE XIN MEI give me i must treasure it ofcoz becoz gave by XIN MEI that's why every thing she gave me i will like it for sure even a beatting from her it doesnt matter i will still like it haha^^
today start school at 10AM end at 12PM+ that's very good maths i still got long way to be good in it haiz..!!
sad sad i must catch up and smash everyone up i must rise and rule the whole class make everyone knee down to me and call me the GOD OF MATHS no la no la lol^^

MATHS STRESSED me i feel like playing RUSSIAN ROULETTE..!!
ya today raining runned to BUS STOP with HUI YANG and QING CHIYE to take bus 22 damn it got those bunce of bloody shit driver any how park their car at the BUS STOP like they are the king of the road.
look like exssive dougth the TRAFFIC POLICE fear them took picture of it i wanna complane and sabo them becoz they block the road the bus cant come in:

good thing i got my MINI SHARP SHOOTER with me i SHARP SHOOT the car including the NUMBER PLATE.

look if not how my SHARP SHOOTER ISLAND CAMERAR do the job.

if not close enougth see this how responsible they are parking at the bus stop to block the bus.

the BUS STOP location actually i also no ideal how to explane where exactly it is.

took bus 22 to JUBILEE to eat at the 2nd storey food intro by HUI YANG western food not bad.
then later on go to HUI YANG house to to prepare slack and go LIBRARY study.
today i wore this PRECIOUS shoe to school testing the shoe it's very good^^ like it for sure.
sunday, april 25, 2010
Grand father DEATH ENIVERSARY..!!
wake up early in the morning prepare help out.
till around after noon then rushed to CLARKE QUAY to find my uncler for my future LAB TOP it must be LG and powerful!
and also my mom called me to send a sim card over to her.
so i skipped relative dinner for that worst sacrifice for ask me to pick a LAB TOP and my RELATIVES i will pick LAB TOP ofcoz.
the problem here is im not close to my RELATIVE thats why i got compared with them seens i was a kid my PARENT BROUGHT me up this way so it flow this way!!
after everything i rushed down to ANG MO KIO to find my good friends XIN MEI did call me haha so means she still not forgotten me.
i missed the BASKETBALL game very bad! very bad! but didnt miss the dinner with them.

JAMES AND ME i look retard haha^^

the MIDDLE MAN YAO MING oh ya during the dinner he the 1 who share alot of story good to have him around alot of interesting true story he share crippy some how.

JAMES , XIN LING and CELEST the 3 sister haha^^

it's so retard. oh look at XIN MEI she look like wondering SPIRIT caught in photo.



bad shot.!!

ME freaking failed cool post haiz should have retake till nice sia.

XIN MEI and ME i think i runed the photo!!

my UDON with BEEF


UDON BEEF againt

wah cool looking SHOE XIN MEI give me i must treasure it ofcoz becoz gave by XIN MEI that's why every thing she gave me i will like it for sure even a beatting from her it doesnt matter i will still like it haha^^
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