Wendesday, June 9, 2010
Wendesday, June 9, 2010
hmm..!! decided not to go school got my eye bruised hate it when people keep asking why my eye like that?
at home kind of bored my dad also bored his CAR break down send for servicing he stuck at home bored like me glad he cook curry helped him in POTATO and mixture!
didn't really pay much attention to my TOMATO plant gonna catchup with it:

awr..!! it grow quite big i remember the time i duck hole on the soil then droped planty of TOMATO seed but most of it died some grow into this..!! damn i should have take extra care for my plant where are all the TOMATO that it surpose to produce??

look closely no sign of TOMATO damn it it kind of remind me of my life that i didnt produce fruits i didnt take enougth care for the people i surpose to not everyone will step into the kingdom of heaven just like a planty TOMATO SEED some did grow into a vine some just rot and died.
hmm wad really bored at home i still didnt get my SHIP YARD form how am i gonna attent the SHIP YARD visitation tommorrow really pissed of and i got very freaking god damn low hope in having a lab top sad case thanks to the FINANCIAL problem really fuck my life like wad a friend of my say.
hmm my EZ CARD photo look liek crap i today just DIY edit it the way i like:

look look kind of odd right but never mind.
actually today im abit pissed of due to no LAB TOP something cannot be taken as joke word and things that i don't like i can just take it as joke and remain fine but no LAB TOP is the things that really pissed me off that's wad i mean by fuck my life:
throwing card to stop my borderm and fedup-ness should get more card to throw man the loud noise from the card banging the board really make me feel good.
hmm..!! decided not to go school got my eye bruised hate it when people keep asking why my eye like that?
at home kind of bored my dad also bored his CAR break down send for servicing he stuck at home bored like me glad he cook curry helped him in POTATO and mixture!
didn't really pay much attention to my TOMATO plant gonna catchup with it:
awr..!! it grow quite big i remember the time i duck hole on the soil then droped planty of TOMATO seed but most of it died some grow into this..!! damn i should have take extra care for my plant where are all the TOMATO that it surpose to produce??
look closely no sign of TOMATO damn it it kind of remind me of my life that i didnt produce fruits i didnt take enougth care for the people i surpose to not everyone will step into the kingdom of heaven just like a planty TOMATO SEED some did grow into a vine some just rot and died.
hmm wad really bored at home i still didnt get my SHIP YARD form how am i gonna attent the SHIP YARD visitation tommorrow really pissed of and i got very freaking god damn low hope in having a lab top sad case thanks to the FINANCIAL problem really fuck my life like wad a friend of my say.
hmm my EZ CARD photo look liek crap i today just DIY edit it the way i like:

look look kind of odd right but never mind.
actually today im abit pissed of due to no LAB TOP something cannot be taken as joke word and things that i don't like i can just take it as joke and remain fine but no LAB TOP is the things that really pissed me off that's wad i mean by fuck my life:
throwing card to stop my borderm and fedup-ness should get more card to throw man the loud noise from the card banging the board really make me feel good.
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