Friday, July 23, 2010
Friday, July 23, 2010
today school is 10AM to 11AM only SPORT AND WELLNESS actually i wanna go but too tired cant wake up so missed school.
hard time prepare CARD for DEXTER and JAMES for their B-DAY it's hard time becoz it's a sincere work from my heart not junk the problem here is they are financially better then me so i don't know wad to buy for them look like they got almost everything so dont have a choice but to make something EPIC that cannot be bought but though:

this is for DEXTER.

this is for james.
went to find XIN MEI to for dinner at BOTAK JONE and collect the magazine from her so can make a card for JAMES AND DEXTER.
THE birthday card i mad for DEXTER DIY type use what ever i can to make the card cant be bought else where this is called SKILL...!!
This is for JAMES a random and cool 1 sincerely made it just for his B-DAY.
OPEN up and took picture of it to display here atleast got something for me to upload in ma BLOG.
today chit chat with JABAZ on face book about the LOMOGRAPHY it looks cool but awr..! that bad i just feel like making 1 LOMOGRAPHY photo but using PHOTO SHOP:
anyhow take photo then try to make it look LOMOGRAPHY.
by the way im fucking guilthy for not following HUI YANG to the JAPANESE concert the reason is becoz i have to get things that im not done be done becoz it's the 2 guy B-DAY that's the reason i have to keep my mind focus on those stuff..!
today school is 10AM to 11AM only SPORT AND WELLNESS actually i wanna go but too tired cant wake up so missed school.
hard time prepare CARD for DEXTER and JAMES for their B-DAY it's hard time becoz it's a sincere work from my heart not junk the problem here is they are financially better then me so i don't know wad to buy for them look like they got almost everything so dont have a choice but to make something EPIC that cannot be bought but though:

this is for DEXTER.

this is for james.

today chit chat with JABAZ on face book about the LOMOGRAPHY it looks cool but awr..! that bad i just feel like making 1 LOMOGRAPHY photo but using PHOTO SHOP:

by the way im fucking guilthy for not following HUI YANG to the JAPANESE concert the reason is becoz i have to get things that im not done be done becoz it's the 2 guy B-DAY that's the reason i have to keep my mind focus on those stuff..!
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