Thursday, July 29, 2010
Thursday, July 29, 2010
today i woke up late, end up being late for class, class start at 8AM end at 12PM im 1 hour late haiz..!
after school went to student hub to play CAROM with ma class till 3PM+, suddently an incoming call from a friend of my HAFIZ gonna meet him at TAMPINES MALL to make a copy of my IC for the work.
settled everything took MRT with him to HABOUR FRONT we'll be going to SENTOSA THE SONG OF THE SEA for work.

travel from HABOUR FRONT to SENTOSA by bus, reached there quite early, got a long hour to wait for the supervisor to reach the place. just sick and tired of waitting took a tram with HAFIZ to recky around for a sight seeing. we took 2 tram to take alook at PALAWAN BEACH & SILOSO BEACH till the supervisor reach the SONG OF THE SEA.
slack around taking alook at random things around.

took random picture around place my camera phone in the boundary to snap a shot of the SONG OF THE SEA it was not open yet.

justn ice when the tram reach back the area of SONG OF THE SEA the supervisor came, signed a form for the job, straight on the spot start trainning amazing thing is training will still get the pay so that mean they aredy start counting my pay did CLOCK IN & OUT.
thank god for he is good. the job is more into LIGHTING & SOUND deal with alot of things FIRE WORK, WATER WORK, LASER BEAM, PROJECTING VIDEO ON WATER and SOUND.
today is my 1st day i only deal with light for the performer moving the light to follow every step the performer move.
actually today is my 1ST time seeing THE SONG OF THE SEA the voice of the man and the LADY of the sea sing a song, it really melt my heart it's so beautiful sound like a suprano song, but i don't think it sang by the man it's just a voiced over, overall things there are great.
i really feel a wierd feeling that really hard to explane during working there. tommorrow have to pass time a photo copy of my BANK BOOK gonna keep a reminder for it, it's a must if not i wont beable to get pay so peacfully. do pray for me that tommorrow things will go great for me.
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today is the day i write my story on THE CLONE CHILD
today i woke up late, end up being late for class, class start at 8AM end at 12PM im 1 hour late haiz..!
after school went to student hub to play CAROM with ma class till 3PM+, suddently an incoming call from a friend of my HAFIZ gonna meet him at TAMPINES MALL to make a copy of my IC for the work.
settled everything took MRT with him to HABOUR FRONT we'll be going to SENTOSA THE SONG OF THE SEA for work.

slack around taking alook at random things around.

thank god for he is good. the job is more into LIGHTING & SOUND deal with alot of things FIRE WORK, WATER WORK, LASER BEAM, PROJECTING VIDEO ON WATER and SOUND.
today is my 1st day i only deal with light for the performer moving the light to follow every step the performer move.
actually today is my 1ST time seeing THE SONG OF THE SEA the voice of the man and the LADY of the sea sing a song, it really melt my heart it's so beautiful sound like a suprano song, but i don't think it sang by the man it's just a voiced over, overall things there are great.
i really feel a wierd feeling that really hard to explane during working there. tommorrow have to pass time a photo copy of my BANK BOOK gonna keep a reminder for it, it's a must if not i wont beable to get pay so peacfully. do pray for me that tommorrow things will go great for me.
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today is the day i write my story on THE CLONE CHILD
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