Saturday, August 28, 2010
Saturday, August 28, 2010
just an experience soon i will get to go out to road by myself!

GIANT KITE! took it at somewhere DHOBY GHAUT it's huge and cool!!
after SERVICE hanged out with JOSEPH LUM & JOSHUA LIM. dinner at PASTA MANIA then went to play ARCADE.


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my story! actually it is from my imagination and bad dream.

i seated down on the chair, for a moment the chair dissapeared, feeling the gravity pulled me down; to the extend where i was too shock to realize how i got pulled and where did i went past?.
few second of darkness i feel myself landed on a middle of a road, landed on the ground by my butt feeling the hurt through my spine to my neck. I looked around seeing a deserted street, i felt so lost wondering where am i?. i avoid standing on the road to the walking path, walking across shop to shop to check out where am i.
after so long of a distance walk it make me feels so frustrated with anger, still got no ideal where am i, seeing no one around; it make me so pissed of to the extend, i picked up a trash bin from the ground and swing it and smashed against a glass panel of a shop, seeing glass shattered on the ground. still there's no one around to give a damn of what is happening.
i walked into the shop through the broken glass panel, it was dark in the store which i hardly see a thing. i strated taking out my lighter to spark up a flame to make sight of where the switch is?, avoiding mess to find it. switched on the light, i see lots of painted potrait of peoples from the history.
it was really interesting, looking around all the picture of the artist from the history, looking into the picture it really sparked my eye seeing those people carried a title called artist. the painter of those potrait is definitly an artist as well.
after spending those long minute of admiring those potraits of legend, it just bring me no where; realized it that it won't lead me anywhere, it is just a waste of time admiring what others had done. i started to do something about it; i tried shouting for help kicking things around to look for attendtion, but the place is too deserted to the extend where no ones around.
i got real mad in where i am; i started using my lighter to burn up those potrait around, dragging along those wooden furniture to be burned along. i created lots of smoke out of it through the burning of the shop. the fire got bigger feeling the heat traveled across my face giving me a sign of danger; i started dashing out of the burned store. a moment later the shop exploted causing a shock wave acrossed my back broken piece of glass fly to ward my direction. i got so panic; i stooded down on the ground covering my head to avoid danger.
no sound of explosion left, i looked back seeing the shop burning like a sulfur. i got up and look at my hand thinking what have i done?. seeing a cut on my hand; rubbing my hand against my shirt to clean my blood off. i started to sense that something standing at 10 O'CLOCK; i looked at that direction i saw someone standing staring at me: it was a guy dressed up with black. i started shouting over asking him for help; he ran away, it make me feel so pissed off. i started chasing after him.
he ran too fast, that i hardly catchup with him, i keep sprinting to catchup with him never wanna lost sight of him. he was turning direction climbing around so quickly trying to hide aways. i give my best to climb around to catchup with him but he was too fast, i got so exhausted i loose sight of him; he jsut got aways. i got angry feeling the heat flowing in my head with blood rushing up my nerve, crunching my fist i feel so hopeless punching againts the wall, got my knuckle bruished feeling real sad and dissapointed; that tears flow down from my eye dripped on the ground.
i kneeled down on the ground thinking what to do looking at my tears that wet the ground. "is that all i can do? kneeling down on the ground crying, staring at my tears? is that all i can do??" i started to get up picking up a clothe from the ground tearing it and rap up my bruished knuckle.
i started thinking about finding solution that i can do to catchup with him. i break into every building that appear in my sight, tearing every curtain and scattered around to form a mess. i look around for car breaking in to take out the petrol and spilling it around every building i see. pouring flammable substance around and burn down every building i see, to make sure no hidding place left for that black runner.
after burning down the street, i still see no sign of that black runner; that is the thing that make me real mad about it. i gether trash bin around filled in with rubbish mixing it with plastic item burned it and let it release poisonous gas around to see weather can that black runner hide?
the poisonous air got so bad to the extend where i'm affected as well, i pulled up my shirt covering my nose and mouth while running away from burned plastic gas.
after a distance of run i saw a bicycle, i picked it up wanting to use it, but the tire is flat, it was problemmatic i got so fedup i tear the tire off by using lighter to burn it slowly and tear it off. i cycle the bike without tire, cycling around looking for glass bottle. i been gethering lots of glass bottle, placed it at one cornal filling it up with petrol, starving news paper or clothe to make a monotof.
gethered all the monotof burning it and throw to create burning sulfur around the street. few hour of burning down buildings, a glass bottle fly toward my head feeling the crack of the glass bottle, hearing loud noise seeing things around become blur, feeling my hand and leg numbed, feels like asif the gravity become stronger caused me to kneel down on the ground feeling a pain on my head like a knife piercing through my brain. i rubbed my head with my hand, it was wet with blood feeling real scared and angry.
with my blur vision i look toward the direction where the glass bottle fly from, seeing a black guy figure walking toward my direction holding a base ball bet, fear started to possess me, i started thinking "what is he going to do with me?".
there's seems so hopeless i shouted over for help, explanning why i burn down the street?. but he seems so silent walking closer and closer toward me with the damn base ball bet.
< end here >
just an experience soon i will get to go out to road by myself!

GIANT KITE! took it at somewhere DHOBY GHAUT it's huge and cool!!
after SERVICE hanged out with JOSEPH LUM & JOSHUA LIM. dinner at PASTA MANIA then went to play ARCADE.


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my story! actually it is from my imagination and bad dream.

i seated down on the chair, for a moment the chair dissapeared, feeling the gravity pulled me down; to the extend where i was too shock to realize how i got pulled and where did i went past?.
few second of darkness i feel myself landed on a middle of a road, landed on the ground by my butt feeling the hurt through my spine to my neck. I looked around seeing a deserted street, i felt so lost wondering where am i?. i avoid standing on the road to the walking path, walking across shop to shop to check out where am i.
after so long of a distance walk it make me feels so frustrated with anger, still got no ideal where am i, seeing no one around; it make me so pissed of to the extend, i picked up a trash bin from the ground and swing it and smashed against a glass panel of a shop, seeing glass shattered on the ground. still there's no one around to give a damn of what is happening.
i walked into the shop through the broken glass panel, it was dark in the store which i hardly see a thing. i strated taking out my lighter to spark up a flame to make sight of where the switch is?, avoiding mess to find it. switched on the light, i see lots of painted potrait of peoples from the history.
it was really interesting, looking around all the picture of the artist from the history, looking into the picture it really sparked my eye seeing those people carried a title called artist. the painter of those potrait is definitly an artist as well.
after spending those long minute of admiring those potraits of legend, it just bring me no where; realized it that it won't lead me anywhere, it is just a waste of time admiring what others had done. i started to do something about it; i tried shouting for help kicking things around to look for attendtion, but the place is too deserted to the extend where no ones around.
i got real mad in where i am; i started using my lighter to burn up those potrait around, dragging along those wooden furniture to be burned along. i created lots of smoke out of it through the burning of the shop. the fire got bigger feeling the heat traveled across my face giving me a sign of danger; i started dashing out of the burned store. a moment later the shop exploted causing a shock wave acrossed my back broken piece of glass fly to ward my direction. i got so panic; i stooded down on the ground covering my head to avoid danger.
no sound of explosion left, i looked back seeing the shop burning like a sulfur. i got up and look at my hand thinking what have i done?. seeing a cut on my hand; rubbing my hand against my shirt to clean my blood off. i started to sense that something standing at 10 O'CLOCK; i looked at that direction i saw someone standing staring at me: it was a guy dressed up with black. i started shouting over asking him for help; he ran away, it make me feel so pissed off. i started chasing after him.
he ran too fast, that i hardly catchup with him, i keep sprinting to catchup with him never wanna lost sight of him. he was turning direction climbing around so quickly trying to hide aways. i give my best to climb around to catchup with him but he was too fast, i got so exhausted i loose sight of him; he jsut got aways. i got angry feeling the heat flowing in my head with blood rushing up my nerve, crunching my fist i feel so hopeless punching againts the wall, got my knuckle bruished feeling real sad and dissapointed; that tears flow down from my eye dripped on the ground.
i kneeled down on the ground thinking what to do looking at my tears that wet the ground. "is that all i can do? kneeling down on the ground crying, staring at my tears? is that all i can do??" i started to get up picking up a clothe from the ground tearing it and rap up my bruished knuckle.
i started thinking about finding solution that i can do to catchup with him. i break into every building that appear in my sight, tearing every curtain and scattered around to form a mess. i look around for car breaking in to take out the petrol and spilling it around every building i see. pouring flammable substance around and burn down every building i see, to make sure no hidding place left for that black runner.
after burning down the street, i still see no sign of that black runner; that is the thing that make me real mad about it. i gether trash bin around filled in with rubbish mixing it with plastic item burned it and let it release poisonous gas around to see weather can that black runner hide?
the poisonous air got so bad to the extend where i'm affected as well, i pulled up my shirt covering my nose and mouth while running away from burned plastic gas.
after a distance of run i saw a bicycle, i picked it up wanting to use it, but the tire is flat, it was problemmatic i got so fedup i tear the tire off by using lighter to burn it slowly and tear it off. i cycle the bike without tire, cycling around looking for glass bottle. i been gethering lots of glass bottle, placed it at one cornal filling it up with petrol, starving news paper or clothe to make a monotof.
gethered all the monotof burning it and throw to create burning sulfur around the street. few hour of burning down buildings, a glass bottle fly toward my head feeling the crack of the glass bottle, hearing loud noise seeing things around become blur, feeling my hand and leg numbed, feels like asif the gravity become stronger caused me to kneel down on the ground feeling a pain on my head like a knife piercing through my brain. i rubbed my head with my hand, it was wet with blood feeling real scared and angry.
with my blur vision i look toward the direction where the glass bottle fly from, seeing a black guy figure walking toward my direction holding a base ball bet, fear started to possess me, i started thinking "what is he going to do with me?".
there's seems so hopeless i shouted over for help, explanning why i burn down the street?. but he seems so silent walking closer and closer toward me with the damn base ball bet.
< end here >
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