Saturday, September 4, 2010
Saturday, September 4, 2010

today went for service, im early today that's really good, went to pomo with JOSEPH LUM after service to the VEGETARIAN RESTAURANT called "LOVING HUT" a place where they encourage VAGAN.
actually i cant deny the fact that becoming a vegentarian is a best choice, im so encouraged to be a vegetarian. but due to meat flooded every where that's something i cant reject or resist from it.
by the way LOVING HUT serve a good food, the food they serve there it's superb i love it.

been searching places to places and even through ebay; found no stock for my LG BL40 CHOCOLATE TOUCH..!! after so long of searching i found it left with only 1 i manage to reserve it this coming friday collecting date..!!

sing along..!! i got! i got! chocolate touch..!! cant wait for the day to come..!!

woo...!! those hot stuff commercial it inspired to get 1 haha^^
so cute...!! love chocolate mv by SNSD if im not wrong!
< >
i been trying to give an explanation of a broken heart although i didnt exactly went through a broken heart before, hope that god will really gave me an ability to understand without going through it haha^^
emotional virus that causes by love.

a day to go through, problem to be solve daily, things happen with a struck through the eye to the heart causing a daze; changing emotions to sorrowfull. through the dwelling of desertment, too much emotional shame escalatement filling up tightly in the heart, tightly filled to the erupting stage.
every stop of step taken, the overload of desertment rush though the mind like a hurricane haunting the mine and the heart. sourly it will be felt in the heart, flowing through the nerve like a current numbing the mood to proceed for the next step.
while through the process of numbness; time are faded off with a waste like a clock of sand passing through a tube.
through the amount of lost time, the surrounding had moved on to the next step, more lost it gonna be. through the desertment it causes disability to a person, it's like a curse that blind onto a person, disabled him or her from proceeding on to the next step, in the same time it filled a person heart with a lost and a combo of shame hidden in it.
the curse will open up door of a person heart where negativity rush in like a tsunami to possess the heart like a demon possess it.
through the possession of negativity it drain off positive spirit of a person heart causing him or her to loose hope in life.
there's always a hope there, those curses will blind you from seeing it, cleans your heart and mind. purified it by sharing it to god or your close friend; it will be forgotten away.
clearly consious you'll become, it require your discipline.
what causes those curse is when you fell in love with someone to the extend where you will willing to gave up almost everything for him or her without knowing the full picture of it and relationship error come in like a virus corrupting the DATA BASE like a crash of systerm. where things flow blindly like a reprogrammed systerm it will get worsen and worsen.
that's why we need to clean our heart pure and surender it like a reformating of a systerm.
another path to solve is also an effective move but same time it's risky; by getting rid of the 3rd party who interfere in your systerm like a an ANTI-VIRUS!
< as a writter for this whole text im willing to listen from you just call me and i will see if i can help, share to me and i will keep i a secret. >

actually i cant deny the fact that becoming a vegentarian is a best choice, im so encouraged to be a vegetarian. but due to meat flooded every where that's something i cant reject or resist from it.
by the way LOVING HUT serve a good food, the food they serve there it's superb i love it.

been searching places to places and even through ebay; found no stock for my LG BL40 CHOCOLATE TOUCH..!! after so long of searching i found it left with only 1 i manage to reserve it this coming friday collecting date..!!

sing along..!! i got! i got! chocolate touch..!! cant wait for the day to come..!!

woo...!! those hot stuff commercial it inspired to get 1 haha^^
so cute...!! love chocolate mv by SNSD if im not wrong!
< >
i been trying to give an explanation of a broken heart although i didnt exactly went through a broken heart before, hope that god will really gave me an ability to understand without going through it haha^^
emotional virus that causes by love.

a day to go through, problem to be solve daily, things happen with a struck through the eye to the heart causing a daze; changing emotions to sorrowfull. through the dwelling of desertment, too much emotional shame escalatement filling up tightly in the heart, tightly filled to the erupting stage.
every stop of step taken, the overload of desertment rush though the mind like a hurricane haunting the mine and the heart. sourly it will be felt in the heart, flowing through the nerve like a current numbing the mood to proceed for the next step.
while through the process of numbness; time are faded off with a waste like a clock of sand passing through a tube.
through the amount of lost time, the surrounding had moved on to the next step, more lost it gonna be. through the desertment it causes disability to a person, it's like a curse that blind onto a person, disabled him or her from proceeding on to the next step, in the same time it filled a person heart with a lost and a combo of shame hidden in it.
the curse will open up door of a person heart where negativity rush in like a tsunami to possess the heart like a demon possess it.
through the possession of negativity it drain off positive spirit of a person heart causing him or her to loose hope in life.
there's always a hope there, those curses will blind you from seeing it, cleans your heart and mind. purified it by sharing it to god or your close friend; it will be forgotten away.
clearly consious you'll become, it require your discipline.
what causes those curse is when you fell in love with someone to the extend where you will willing to gave up almost everything for him or her without knowing the full picture of it and relationship error come in like a virus corrupting the DATA BASE like a crash of systerm. where things flow blindly like a reprogrammed systerm it will get worsen and worsen.
that's why we need to clean our heart pure and surender it like a reformating of a systerm.
another path to solve is also an effective move but same time it's risky; by getting rid of the 3rd party who interfere in your systerm like a an ANTI-VIRUS!
< as a writter for this whole text im willing to listen from you just call me and i will see if i can help, share to me and i will keep i a secret. >
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