Friday, September 10, 2010
Friday, September 10, 2010
should be resting oh going out, end up getting called down for work, reached SOS at 4PM, missed a BIRTHDAY BBQ from a friend of my.

end work at 10PM, was kind of bored suddently recieve an incoming call from XIN MEI asking me wanna go watch movie, so i decided to go.
meet her at DHOBY GHAUT area, went to CATHAY bought a 12PM TICKET for RESIDENT EVIL AFTER LIFE; 3D. quite a nice show, but not much ZOMBIE to see, not violent enougth; which is a dissapointment.
over all their story line is great, lot of interesting charactor from the GAME called; RESIDENT EVIL 4 & 5. cool fight scene and style.
effect was great. i think the ticket worth purchasing it.
for the 3D glass that used for the 3D movie, it's really horrible when watching horror movie, the horror trailler is enougth to scare.
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Interesting changes; from a topic about a girl wanting to lost weight, turned into a racist argument:

should be resting oh going out, end up getting called down for work, reached SOS at 4PM, missed a BIRTHDAY BBQ from a friend of my.

end work at 10PM, was kind of bored suddently recieve an incoming call from XIN MEI asking me wanna go watch movie, so i decided to go.
meet her at DHOBY GHAUT area, went to CATHAY bought a 12PM TICKET for RESIDENT EVIL AFTER LIFE; 3D. quite a nice show, but not much ZOMBIE to see, not violent enougth; which is a dissapointment.

effect was great. i think the ticket worth purchasing it.
for the 3D glass that used for the 3D movie, it's really horrible when watching horror movie, the horror trailler is enougth to scare.
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Interesting changes; from a topic about a girl wanting to lost weight, turned into a racist argument:
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