Friday, September 17, 2010 DEFENSIVE TEORY.
Friday, September 17, 2010
cleared my defensive theory, today my dad drive me to SSDC save my money haha^^
im late thanks to my damn grand mother, for the sake of sending her to my uncler factory, why she wanna work for my uncler so badly why cant she work for my father?

using my camera to take picture of the leaf falling, i kind of like this view.

HAFIZ posting the dark skinned model.

aim high reach to the sky.

phone camera took a drip of water.

me acting cool here.

HAFIZ SHINO reminded me of a charactor in the anime NARUTO.

took a bus back from SSDC to HAFIZ house finally cleared the DEFENSIVE THEORY LESSON.

haha^^ that's HAFIZ sister, she's cute took picture of it HAFIZ a gangsterist boy having such inocent little sister.

after the good lunce at HAFIZ house i went to SENTOSA for work.
< >
here i come photo of the day haha^^:
the flame boy travel from north to south, landed on the ground with and impact, cutting across the beam of light, with a raging fist of the dragon crunched tight with a spirit of berserkness flowing in his nerve that charged up his internal force, where his fist got lighted up.
he been traveling island to island to gether ancient relic to take control of the acient mysteries.
a review of the ancient sea king, where he reached his hand up the sky changing the weather the way he want, pulling the light and the cloud down to the sea to form a water storm of an hurricane with a blizzard form of light that posess with a spirit force that charged up in it, penetrating everythings around that stand in his way.
a year passed a long lost warrior had been found through the centuary of prophecy, giving sign of the warrior throne through the amber flame on his fingle.
cleared my defensive theory, today my dad drive me to SSDC save my money haha^^
im late thanks to my damn grand mother, for the sake of sending her to my uncler factory, why she wanna work for my uncler so badly why cant she work for my father?

using my camera to take picture of the leaf falling, i kind of like this view.

HAFIZ posting the dark skinned model.

aim high reach to the sky.

phone camera took a drip of water.

me acting cool here.

HAFIZ SHINO reminded me of a charactor in the anime NARUTO.

took a bus back from SSDC to HAFIZ house finally cleared the DEFENSIVE THEORY LESSON.

haha^^ that's HAFIZ sister, she's cute took picture of it HAFIZ a gangsterist boy having such inocent little sister.

after the good lunce at HAFIZ house i went to SENTOSA for work.
< >
here i come photo of the day haha^^:

he been traveling island to island to gether ancient relic to take control of the acient mysteries.

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