Saturday, January 8, 2011
Saturday, January 8, 2011
today i missed work dur to some reason, i had not be sleeping well for those past few days. i feel no recovery but degration instead.
i think i should count my day off work for a whole long whole sleep. i must get well for work and before school reopen. today i kind of rot at home. no 1 can contact me and i cant contact anyone; it's thanks to my hand phone line got cut off. i must activate it back real soon felt like a lifeless bastard.
today i occupied my day with movie from MIO TV:
i remember the previous year i watch the KANNA's BIG SUCCESS:

KANNA'S BIG SUCCESS is a great modeling theme of movie; from a ugly girl who got outcast transformed into a gorgeos lady which kept the attendtion of the surrounding.
should watch and finds out. it's still available in MIO TV under asian category, it's a japanese film; before it gone to expiry. it's a 2009 movie.
the movie that i watched today is: ju-on white ghost and black ghost.

JU-ON WHITE GHOST AND BLACK GHOST. it's a freaking idiotic movie, im glad atleast there's survivor. everyone who related in the case is dead in this movie; accept for 1 girl who survive.
at least this story line is better then the rest of all JU-ON or grudge movie always no 1 survive if im not wrong.
i like the movie it's because there's a alot of pretty girl in the movie. an hot white cute and nude kids is also in the movie.
available in MIO TV as well.
gonna see what they got for the other rest of the movie.
today i missed work dur to some reason, i had not be sleeping well for those past few days. i feel no recovery but degration instead.
i think i should count my day off work for a whole long whole sleep. i must get well for work and before school reopen. today i kind of rot at home. no 1 can contact me and i cant contact anyone; it's thanks to my hand phone line got cut off. i must activate it back real soon felt like a lifeless bastard.
today i occupied my day with movie from MIO TV:
i remember the previous year i watch the KANNA's BIG SUCCESS:

KANNA'S BIG SUCCESS is a great modeling theme of movie; from a ugly girl who got outcast transformed into a gorgeos lady which kept the attendtion of the surrounding.
should watch and finds out. it's still available in MIO TV under asian category, it's a japanese film; before it gone to expiry. it's a 2009 movie.
the movie that i watched today is: ju-on white ghost and black ghost.

JU-ON WHITE GHOST AND BLACK GHOST. it's a freaking idiotic movie, im glad atleast there's survivor. everyone who related in the case is dead in this movie; accept for 1 girl who survive.
at least this story line is better then the rest of all JU-ON or grudge movie always no 1 survive if im not wrong.
i like the movie it's because there's a alot of pretty girl in the movie. an hot white cute and nude kids is also in the movie.
available in MIO TV as well.
gonna see what they got for the other rest of the movie.
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