woke out from the hours of death to cast myselve in work.
Sunday, May 22, 2011
today i cast my life in work, thank god no injury for today.
today i got no time to do any drawing, 1st thing to do is woke up rush and change up to head of to work. how lifeless i am, hope the day of continuously working don't come so fast yet.
i still remember how i live my life before, let me explane what exactly happen back there. i work 7 day a week without going service or even LG. those day i still remember my phone got no INBOX of text message at all, late night 11PM i reached home to log into my FACEBOOK there's no notification. thinking who should i talk to?
living a life that cast in work, wake up in the morning 8AM 1st thing to do is to wash up and head to work and work the whole morning and noon away till night 10.30pm ,reached back home 11.30pm serve net there's no inbox as well.
i look out of the window seeing car passing by with a rush of sound zoom! across there's no reply or word from anyone.
that goes on like a routine which, i went to look into the mirror seeing my own reflection; all i see is a idiotic looking guy with a messed up hair, with his eye bag turning dark every each day. skin goes paler where i look more and more sick.
that goes on for long till my hand is filled with burn spot, look into the net looking at people photo seeing how happy they look with no spot of ugliness in them making me envy . while me turning uglier and uglier each day.
with a rush of a hurricane of thought coming into my mine blooming a negativity that caused infestation across my heart till i got no where to express it out it just stuck tightly in myself no ventilation for it to flow out.
that's all for the sharing of misery haha^^.
< >
story for today written by me, it's from my heart.
A damned sheep:

The sheep who ended up dead laying on the sea.
how exactly happen is it went through lots of misery treat due to it screwed up luck, his name is BECK who born exactly where the SOLAR ECCLIPSE took place with a sight of earth.
now i here by gonna play a row of being the sheep and gonna feel it how exactly it's in order to experience it with the process.
hey! my BECK here, i look up the sky it is a late evening where the moon and star is visible , im walking alone on a width land of grass which i see no others around only hearing a sound of a creep ringing of a cricket. i am just feeling aimless trying to look for some where to belong.
every minute of glance i look up the sky it just turning darker and darker, it's really scary i have to look for a place to go i cant afford to get my self wasted in this kind of damned place. but far ahead there's a light that project up to the night sky which giving me a sight of warmness of glare, wonder what's up there?. look like i shale go check it out is there any where i should belong.
strolling through the field of tree to head to the direction of the glare, a sound that came by it's a voice of breath from some unknown being. it really freak me out, sweat dripped down from my head to my hoof. im getting wet by my own sweat rubbed my head onto my fur wool to gain some concentration. what damn deserted forest i have to go through, it's not exactly deserted. there's some other danger being around the corner which give no sign of direction where it is.
I better not get distracted gonna head down to my destination at once, suddenly a sound of foot step crinched by with fear radiated through the air onto me; it caused me get so caution with fear, i think i better not get spotted gonna find away to head there silently.
i take every step silently for now on; stealth my self through the stroll. a sudden shock of hit stoned down my head, with pisses of pain trigger my blood boiling nerve, wanting to shout it out, but i should attract the attendtion of danger i quickly starve my head onto the ground rubbing my damn head on the grass till the pain goes away. look carefully on the ground to spot what the irritating pest that landed on my head; it's actually a god damn pest coconut.
it was a phew! luckily i manage to remain silent through the pain in the ass, stealth ing through toward the destination, wonder why do my head feeling itchy; hope it's not bleeding. used my hoof to rub on my head felt like a mess of things crawling around my head to my hoof. look carefully it's lots of ant around, look like its the ant from the ground where i starve my head in, it really freak me off really a blood boiling up my nerve with another pain in the ass. i started to curse and swear what a god damn maggot ant. quickly i role around the ground trying to get rid of the ant, but it's just helpless.
I start to stood still and think of solution with a irritation, suddenly a mass of noise came by sounding like a wolf. with fear i quickly dash toward my destination to look for help. while running looking a ahead seeing hope of light, there a fired up of fire wood, but there's a group of wild dogs chasing after me it really piss me off, i have to carry on running toward the fire to get rid of those ant.
finally here is where the fire quickly i jump and role my self onto the flame to burn the damn ant and the itch off, suddenly the wild dog rushed in with a bark, it is a deep shit of danger taking place here. i was totally feeling hopeless with my fur on fire; rolling on the ground, patheticly i try to get rid of the flame in the same time surrounded by hunter, i cant believe i clash into the hunter camp fire it was totally deep shit. suddenly a wild dog rushed in along to raid the hunter camp.
sudden sound of the gun fire bang across the atmosphere, One wild dog got shot blood spilling out from the dog head, and splashed onto the ground. my heart stopped it drum for three bit. it was really so sudden, how shock it is.
through the chaotic firing a bite took place around the camp i quickly sneak off from the place. while sneaking off the a shock of bullet rush through the air and hit the near by stone; it missed me. with fright i quickly run off.
running through the forest to a empty field i found a near by river thirsty i become, i shale take a drink on the river, it's really refreshing. after drinking the water i look into the reflection of the water where the moon light reflected onto the river; i saw my self i became a black sheep due to the flame that burns during the chaotic camp fire.
my fur is burned and my hoof is stained with dog blood, how black i had become. im now a black sheep, tears felt down from my eye with misery i felt a sleep.
A sound of a rooster voice came by:" KRU! KRU! KRU.....!!!". i got alarm by the rooster voice, here i am woken up; it is a fresh bright morning. suddenly felt really dry in my throat; luckily the river is just right beside me, there's water for gup it down.
it really so refreshing; unfortunately a fish rushed up to give me a shock and it bite my nose, it is really a pain that rushed up my head. I started cursing and swearing over my rotten luck. pissed of by the fish bite, look down to river seeing the fish swimming away.
seeing a wavering water seems down stilly i saw my own reflection and realize my nose is out of shape by the damn fish and got reminded that im a black sheep.
with sorrow i stroll aimlessly, thinking of the rooster voice make me wonder where does it come from. i look around across the river there's a hut near ahead. look like i have to look for a bridge to head down to the hut, maybe i can find where i belong there.
after the long minute of journey to the hut, suddenly saw a garage of den door opened up sawing lots of other sheep rushing out of the hut, seeing alot of clean and white wooly sheep running by, i saw lots of same species of me making me see home.
excitingly i run toward the hut can see lots of sheep panic ly running away from me, i look like i gonna harm them all. suddenly i got reminded that im now a black sheep . feel really sad suddenly saw a man with a staff came by, which is a shepherd of the sheep came by making me see hope. suddenly the man swing his staff to hit me on my head, sadly i felt on the ground with blood flow out of my head. the shepherd trying to chase me a way to prevent me from scaring his sheep.
with misery i ran of to get the hell out of this place, i found no home in the eye of that shepherd. aimlessly i stroll my way.
strolling down the hood saw a old man with lot of amulet hanging around his neck, with a staff. he look really mysterious, a suddenly raise of his staff, he rubbed the injury of my head with the staff, the injury mark gone and he started carrying me up.
with his long bierd wiping my face he bringing me to a place where lots of charm and amulet hanging around the wall with author of candle.
through the day staying in his place im well fed with grass, barley and water. he's a OBEAH, he hang a gold talisman on my neck and rubbed my head. he kissed my forehead where i feel really love by the witchly man.
suddenly he intro a friend to me, which is a statue of man with two coconut knife. i am so touch by the OBEAH, im thinking in my mine:" i finally found where i belong".
one fine night later i saw him chanting on the statue, i am peeping to see what's that man doing?
suddenly he turned his head and smile at me, it give me a mysterious feeling. i quickly run toward the shelter that he provide me. for an hour later he came by to comb my fur; it make me feel even more love by him. i a look at the thing he holding, it's a paint brush; it make me wonder what's up with the paint brush.
I write alot of unknown figure around me with red paint, it make me even more curious this time round. i look out of the window toward the moon, thinking about those trouble i went through before and finally after getting through those obstacle im safe here. sudden felt a little hungry, The OBEAH placed the plate of barley onto the ground and he poured honey onto the barley and fed me with those wonderful flavour of barley.
with a crunch of a assorted barley with and flow of honey down my tongue sucking in the juiciness of the honey and barley . it's really a consuming of heavenly flavour. after those meal he carry me to the bed he provide to have a good night sleep.
till the next morning i woke up hearing a sound of an instrument played by the man, he really give me a refreshing morning. the breakfast, lunch and dinner that he provide is thoughtlessly great.
after the dinner he went into the room into an author he rubbed his palm on the author table and even chant it for 1 whole hour. after the chant he looked at me with a weird expression, he walked to ward me life me up by my neck choking me with the talisman, while lifting me up; i begin struggling to breath, feeling the choke on my neck.
while struggling through those un present feeling, his voice is chanting a prayer of words and he brought me into a room where i see lots of killing tool around including human head. i got tight up, with pain i try to shout for help, but couldn't do so due to my neck getting choke by the talisman.
i saw him holding onto a cutter i felt really scared and disappointed. he use the cutter to cut my hoof off, with a pain of my hoof blood spraying out to the extend where i collapse on the ground, rolling helplessly.
He used a dagger to slice off my flesh and pull off with my fur slowly, where i hopelessly tearsing off with blood. he lifted me up and hang me on a hook whipping me with a bulb wire. painfully my blood splash around the floor. with misery i stare at the OBEAH face with blood dripping of my head.
Isn't he love me?
i am miserbly thinking of all the time with him and the love from him and now he treated me this way. it's really sudden.
with all the memory in my mine, looking at his face thinking why? suddenly he raise a crawl to dug off my eye, the pain that gauge through my eye, to my nerve and to my brain.
with a hear breaking misery and pain.
getting mistooken as black sheep.
< THE END thank you for reading >
i tried my best to give an explanation of how does the sheep feel, hope you can experience it by reading it haha^^. comment about it.
today i cast my life in work, thank god no injury for today.
today i got no time to do any drawing, 1st thing to do is woke up rush and change up to head of to work. how lifeless i am, hope the day of continuously working don't come so fast yet.
i still remember how i live my life before, let me explane what exactly happen back there. i work 7 day a week without going service or even LG. those day i still remember my phone got no INBOX of text message at all, late night 11PM i reached home to log into my FACEBOOK there's no notification. thinking who should i talk to?
living a life that cast in work, wake up in the morning 8AM 1st thing to do is to wash up and head to work and work the whole morning and noon away till night 10.30pm ,reached back home 11.30pm serve net there's no inbox as well.
i look out of the window seeing car passing by with a rush of sound zoom! across there's no reply or word from anyone.
that goes on like a routine which, i went to look into the mirror seeing my own reflection; all i see is a idiotic looking guy with a messed up hair, with his eye bag turning dark every each day. skin goes paler where i look more and more sick.
that goes on for long till my hand is filled with burn spot, look into the net looking at people photo seeing how happy they look with no spot of ugliness in them making me envy . while me turning uglier and uglier each day.
with a rush of a hurricane of thought coming into my mine blooming a negativity that caused infestation across my heart till i got no where to express it out it just stuck tightly in myself no ventilation for it to flow out.
that's all for the sharing of misery haha^^.
< >
story for today written by me, it's from my heart.
A damned sheep:

The sheep who ended up dead laying on the sea.
how exactly happen is it went through lots of misery treat due to it screwed up luck, his name is BECK who born exactly where the SOLAR ECCLIPSE took place with a sight of earth.
now i here by gonna play a row of being the sheep and gonna feel it how exactly it's in order to experience it with the process.
hey! my BECK here, i look up the sky it is a late evening where the moon and star is visible , im walking alone on a width land of grass which i see no others around only hearing a sound of a creep ringing of a cricket. i am just feeling aimless trying to look for some where to belong.
every minute of glance i look up the sky it just turning darker and darker, it's really scary i have to look for a place to go i cant afford to get my self wasted in this kind of damned place. but far ahead there's a light that project up to the night sky which giving me a sight of warmness of glare, wonder what's up there?. look like i shale go check it out is there any where i should belong.
strolling through the field of tree to head to the direction of the glare, a sound that came by it's a voice of breath from some unknown being. it really freak me out, sweat dripped down from my head to my hoof. im getting wet by my own sweat rubbed my head onto my fur wool to gain some concentration. what damn deserted forest i have to go through, it's not exactly deserted. there's some other danger being around the corner which give no sign of direction where it is.
I better not get distracted gonna head down to my destination at once, suddenly a sound of foot step crinched by with fear radiated through the air onto me; it caused me get so caution with fear, i think i better not get spotted gonna find away to head there silently.
i take every step silently for now on; stealth my self through the stroll. a sudden shock of hit stoned down my head, with pisses of pain trigger my blood boiling nerve, wanting to shout it out, but i should attract the attendtion of danger i quickly starve my head onto the ground rubbing my damn head on the grass till the pain goes away. look carefully on the ground to spot what the irritating pest that landed on my head; it's actually a god damn pest coconut.
it was a phew! luckily i manage to remain silent through the pain in the ass, stealth ing through toward the destination, wonder why do my head feeling itchy; hope it's not bleeding. used my hoof to rub on my head felt like a mess of things crawling around my head to my hoof. look carefully it's lots of ant around, look like its the ant from the ground where i starve my head in, it really freak me off really a blood boiling up my nerve with another pain in the ass. i started to curse and swear what a god damn maggot ant. quickly i role around the ground trying to get rid of the ant, but it's just helpless.
I start to stood still and think of solution with a irritation, suddenly a mass of noise came by sounding like a wolf. with fear i quickly dash toward my destination to look for help. while running looking a ahead seeing hope of light, there a fired up of fire wood, but there's a group of wild dogs chasing after me it really piss me off, i have to carry on running toward the fire to get rid of those ant.
finally here is where the fire quickly i jump and role my self onto the flame to burn the damn ant and the itch off, suddenly the wild dog rushed in with a bark, it is a deep shit of danger taking place here. i was totally feeling hopeless with my fur on fire; rolling on the ground, patheticly i try to get rid of the flame in the same time surrounded by hunter, i cant believe i clash into the hunter camp fire it was totally deep shit. suddenly a wild dog rushed in along to raid the hunter camp.
sudden sound of the gun fire bang across the atmosphere, One wild dog got shot blood spilling out from the dog head, and splashed onto the ground. my heart stopped it drum for three bit. it was really so sudden, how shock it is.
through the chaotic firing a bite took place around the camp i quickly sneak off from the place. while sneaking off the a shock of bullet rush through the air and hit the near by stone; it missed me. with fright i quickly run off.
running through the forest to a empty field i found a near by river thirsty i become, i shale take a drink on the river, it's really refreshing. after drinking the water i look into the reflection of the water where the moon light reflected onto the river; i saw my self i became a black sheep due to the flame that burns during the chaotic camp fire.
my fur is burned and my hoof is stained with dog blood, how black i had become. im now a black sheep, tears felt down from my eye with misery i felt a sleep.
A sound of a rooster voice came by:" KRU! KRU! KRU.....!!!". i got alarm by the rooster voice, here i am woken up; it is a fresh bright morning. suddenly felt really dry in my throat; luckily the river is just right beside me, there's water for gup it down.
it really so refreshing; unfortunately a fish rushed up to give me a shock and it bite my nose, it is really a pain that rushed up my head. I started cursing and swearing over my rotten luck. pissed of by the fish bite, look down to river seeing the fish swimming away.
seeing a wavering water seems down stilly i saw my own reflection and realize my nose is out of shape by the damn fish and got reminded that im a black sheep.
with sorrow i stroll aimlessly, thinking of the rooster voice make me wonder where does it come from. i look around across the river there's a hut near ahead. look like i have to look for a bridge to head down to the hut, maybe i can find where i belong there.
after the long minute of journey to the hut, suddenly saw a garage of den door opened up sawing lots of other sheep rushing out of the hut, seeing alot of clean and white wooly sheep running by, i saw lots of same species of me making me see home.
excitingly i run toward the hut can see lots of sheep panic ly running away from me, i look like i gonna harm them all. suddenly i got reminded that im now a black sheep . feel really sad suddenly saw a man with a staff came by, which is a shepherd of the sheep came by making me see hope. suddenly the man swing his staff to hit me on my head, sadly i felt on the ground with blood flow out of my head. the shepherd trying to chase me a way to prevent me from scaring his sheep.
with misery i ran of to get the hell out of this place, i found no home in the eye of that shepherd. aimlessly i stroll my way.
strolling down the hood saw a old man with lot of amulet hanging around his neck, with a staff. he look really mysterious, a suddenly raise of his staff, he rubbed the injury of my head with the staff, the injury mark gone and he started carrying me up.
with his long bierd wiping my face he bringing me to a place where lots of charm and amulet hanging around the wall with author of candle.
through the day staying in his place im well fed with grass, barley and water. he's a OBEAH, he hang a gold talisman on my neck and rubbed my head. he kissed my forehead where i feel really love by the witchly man.
suddenly he intro a friend to me, which is a statue of man with two coconut knife. i am so touch by the OBEAH, im thinking in my mine:" i finally found where i belong".
one fine night later i saw him chanting on the statue, i am peeping to see what's that man doing?
suddenly he turned his head and smile at me, it give me a mysterious feeling. i quickly run toward the shelter that he provide me. for an hour later he came by to comb my fur; it make me feel even more love by him. i a look at the thing he holding, it's a paint brush; it make me wonder what's up with the paint brush.
I write alot of unknown figure around me with red paint, it make me even more curious this time round. i look out of the window toward the moon, thinking about those trouble i went through before and finally after getting through those obstacle im safe here. sudden felt a little hungry, The OBEAH placed the plate of barley onto the ground and he poured honey onto the barley and fed me with those wonderful flavour of barley.
with a crunch of a assorted barley with and flow of honey down my tongue sucking in the juiciness of the honey and barley . it's really a consuming of heavenly flavour. after those meal he carry me to the bed he provide to have a good night sleep.
till the next morning i woke up hearing a sound of an instrument played by the man, he really give me a refreshing morning. the breakfast, lunch and dinner that he provide is thoughtlessly great.
after the dinner he went into the room into an author he rubbed his palm on the author table and even chant it for 1 whole hour. after the chant he looked at me with a weird expression, he walked to ward me life me up by my neck choking me with the talisman, while lifting me up; i begin struggling to breath, feeling the choke on my neck.
while struggling through those un present feeling, his voice is chanting a prayer of words and he brought me into a room where i see lots of killing tool around including human head. i got tight up, with pain i try to shout for help, but couldn't do so due to my neck getting choke by the talisman.
i saw him holding onto a cutter i felt really scared and disappointed. he use the cutter to cut my hoof off, with a pain of my hoof blood spraying out to the extend where i collapse on the ground, rolling helplessly.
He used a dagger to slice off my flesh and pull off with my fur slowly, where i hopelessly tearsing off with blood. he lifted me up and hang me on a hook whipping me with a bulb wire. painfully my blood splash around the floor. with misery i stare at the OBEAH face with blood dripping of my head.
Isn't he love me?
i am miserbly thinking of all the time with him and the love from him and now he treated me this way. it's really sudden.
with all the memory in my mine, looking at his face thinking why? suddenly he raise a crawl to dug off my eye, the pain that gauge through my eye, to my nerve and to my brain.
with a hear breaking misery and pain.
getting mistooken as black sheep.
< THE END thank you for reading >
i tried my best to give an explanation of how does the sheep feel, hope you can experience it by reading it haha^^. comment about it.
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