catching up with all the update i missed out with in a short and sweet way.
Sunday, July 3, 2011
i started to run out of time to update my blog haiz.! im finally consider jobless seems the month before; where i didnt turn up for work. im currently lost in those process.
after all things flow up and down; unstablingly. been going through boredemn and joy; mixingly.
time flys like a blink, every sight changes real fast. people's birthday come's and go like a change of weather.
i heart is already fallen for some body. that's one thing that i loosen my pride for. from the previous update on catching up with movie till the blink of time flys.
list of movie i catched it's a must watch movie, most of it worth watching once only:
Shaun Of The Dead, DogHouse, KIKI's delivery service, Doom, The Ghost Must Be Crazy, Clash Of The Titan, District 13, I Am Number 4, Letters To God, Nausicaa Valley Of The Wind, Unstoppable, Inbception, "9", Rush Hour 3 and last movie i watch; it's now still available in cinema TRANSFORMER 3 DARK OF THE MOON.
it worth watching 2 time, soon gonna catch the 3D. just watched it last friday with friends.
show you the gadget i bought, some of the movie i watched is using my projector that i bought a weeks back, forget when exactly it is, the most reason IT show i been on the last day.

that's my HP PROJECTOR, i love what i got for gadget.

that's my portable sound system, giving a stereo to the left and right; it's rechargable through USB. it's good for watching movie and blasting music.
next is my portable HP HARD DRIVE 780GB some where there, it's a usefull device to back all my item up.
bought it from IT show, im just updating the things i miss out on sharing.
it's holiday now a weeks back i went to malaysia twice:
the 1st round:

it was awesome, dinner @ seafood. with SHI XUAN, ANQI and KAI LIANG.
the 2nd round:

shop abit super awsome dinner seafood again, never get sick of it; with TOBIAS, KELVIN LEONG, VINCENT, LEONARD & JABEZ; she's not in the photo for this.
it's an awesome night and day. also the day i got caught for buying CD from malaysia to singapore. i didn't even bring any pornography movie why they want to confiscate?
Sunday, June 26, 2011; is THAI FESTIVAL @ ROYALE THAI EMBASSY:

beautiful dancer, i like the lady smile really sweet. the dance really beautiful although it's not that fancy.
lot's of beautiful style of thai dance and traditional outfit.
last friday fellowship before the transformer 3 movie:

some celebirty open house if im not wrong. it took place at MARINA SQUARE
i did quite a number of drawing as well but most of it posted in my facebook.
yeah i think i should end of here.
i started to run out of time to update my blog haiz.! im finally consider jobless seems the month before; where i didnt turn up for work. im currently lost in those process.
after all things flow up and down; unstablingly. been going through boredemn and joy; mixingly.
time flys like a blink, every sight changes real fast. people's birthday come's and go like a change of weather.
i heart is already fallen for some body. that's one thing that i loosen my pride for. from the previous update on catching up with movie till the blink of time flys.
list of movie i catched it's a must watch movie, most of it worth watching once only:
Shaun Of The Dead, DogHouse, KIKI's delivery service, Doom, The Ghost Must Be Crazy, Clash Of The Titan, District 13, I Am Number 4, Letters To God, Nausicaa Valley Of The Wind, Unstoppable, Inbception, "9", Rush Hour 3 and last movie i watch; it's now still available in cinema TRANSFORMER 3 DARK OF THE MOON.
it worth watching 2 time, soon gonna catch the 3D. just watched it last friday with friends.
show you the gadget i bought, some of the movie i watched is using my projector that i bought a weeks back, forget when exactly it is, the most reason IT show i been on the last day.

that's my HP PROJECTOR, i love what i got for gadget.

that's my portable sound system, giving a stereo to the left and right; it's rechargable through USB. it's good for watching movie and blasting music.

bought it from IT show, im just updating the things i miss out on sharing.
it's holiday now a weeks back i went to malaysia twice:
the 1st round:

it was awesome, dinner @ seafood. with SHI XUAN, ANQI and KAI LIANG.
the 2nd round:

shop abit super awsome dinner seafood again, never get sick of it; with TOBIAS, KELVIN LEONG, VINCENT, LEONARD & JABEZ; she's not in the photo for this.
it's an awesome night and day. also the day i got caught for buying CD from malaysia to singapore. i didn't even bring any pornography movie why they want to confiscate?
Sunday, June 26, 2011; is THAI FESTIVAL @ ROYALE THAI EMBASSY:

beautiful dancer, i like the lady smile really sweet. the dance really beautiful although it's not that fancy.
lot's of beautiful style of thai dance and traditional outfit.
last friday fellowship before the transformer 3 movie:

some celebirty open house if im not wrong. it took place at MARINA SQUARE
i did quite a number of drawing as well but most of it posted in my facebook.
yeah i think i should end of here.
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