LG day awesome!
Thursday, May 26, 2011

over slept from school sad case, today got a role as a worship guitar guy for lg. every lg day is an awesome day. treasure every moment of my ite lg.
today song is;"one thing and my heart is yours"
teaching passage for today is:
Title: prayer that works.
TEXT: 2 chroniclers 20;5-12.
*prayer is the like a asking of favor.
1:we need to remember who god is (v6)
there's always time we face things, not the way we want it to happen.
*we as sinner tend to blame god. for we need to check with our life why this happen. there's always a reason.
*god wont give all this problem for no reason.
*god the one risen from a dead and conquer death, so we should not be little god.
*we need to to know how big god is. god is always bigger then those problem.
*our god is infinite . always know that god is always there .
* his presence is bigger then everything. always remember the power of god.
*in this era compare to last time the way god appear.
* our era we dun see god that often. is base on our faith level. god will appear to us weather we believe or not.
*we cannot flow aimlessly. now the miracler level become so low because we have technology.
*healling the blind is an example. now the miracle don't happen as oftend like before.
*it's not about god dun help, it's base on weather are we wise not.
* in the bible god even stop the earth from it turns.
* we want miracle we should depend fully on him with faith.
* when god created us is not a mistake, we are all exist on earth from god plan.
*we are being breath out by god.
*we human is god bees creation. we are know as ISO instead of AI.
*not by instinct*
*there's a table where filled free will, he don't force.
* god have the power to 1 breath and convert the world, but he don't want to make us convert by force; he wan faith.
*romans 8;15
* we must alway remember who we are, fear is something that can destroy us, we need to learn how to conquer out fear.
*everyone of us have fear, fear come in lots of way.
* we need to cast out our fear. courage have to come in.
*JOSHUA 1:6.
* our god is a personal god, between we and him, no 1 can take away our relationship with god. it's only our choice the things can make the decision.
* we own our own choice.
2: recall the promise of god (V7-9)
*the message is here through the words of christ.
*there's over thousand of god promises, if we claim 7 out of the 1000 promises out life will change and be a light.
:it's weather we wan to claim it or not.
*trouble come we have to claim the word from god.
*we need to remember 1 verse a week and meditate on it.
*pwerful prayer is faith filled prayer.
* when we pray to god we always think we should use a chime words.
*it's not about the chimness is our heart. never misunderstood taking pride is a form of worship.
* we need to take god as our friend. god is everything.
*we can never be god, god is very power, being god is a impossible thing to us.
*everything we do he look, god is the maker.
phillipian 4:13:
*when we are tired there's the time we can depend on god.
*we have to rely on god, god face our needs.
*when we still have enough energy.
*number 6:24-26.
those are the few list of god can do to us. he can do unlimitedly more then that.
*human mine we can phantom how god power in our mine. he way beyond our imagination.
*1 cotinthian 15:58
*we may know we did a lot of things for god, but realize nothing show back, our motive for something in return is greeds.
*never be greedy, we don't deserve any blessing because death is wad we deserve, so we have to be grateful i god grace.
*we have to focus on the thing in heaven, not what in the world.
3: relay or request to god (10-12)finale*
*there's lot of people pray to god and end up don't know what they want, when we ask food for everything god can give, but we have to be spersific.
* we have o pray until something happen. god will answer us in 3 way: strait away, later or NO.
*we will see our desire. he really want to bless us. we have to be amaze.
* we must go through testing. different people learn from a different way.
*some in a hard way, some in a easy way.
*when is the last time we pray, we may be in church, prayer meet , lg and gathering. but when is the personal time we sit still and pray?
*james 5:13.
by the way before going lg im actually playing web came with SHI XUAN, she bought a new web cam.
taken snap of it:

like this picture any way. accept for that damn photo at the corner that shin dong photo really bothering me.
< >
it's late tommorrow gonna carry on with those story i suppose to post, and drawing no time for today.
due to too late.

over slept from school sad case, today got a role as a worship guitar guy for lg. every lg day is an awesome day. treasure every moment of my ite lg.
today song is;"one thing and my heart is yours"
teaching passage for today is:
Title: prayer that works.
TEXT: 2 chroniclers 20;5-12.
*prayer is the like a asking of favor.
1:we need to remember who god is (v6)
there's always time we face things, not the way we want it to happen.
*we as sinner tend to blame god. for we need to check with our life why this happen. there's always a reason.
*god wont give all this problem for no reason.
*god the one risen from a dead and conquer death, so we should not be little god.
*we need to to know how big god is. god is always bigger then those problem.
*our god is infinite . always know that god is always there .
* his presence is bigger then everything. always remember the power of god.
*in this era compare to last time the way god appear.
* our era we dun see god that often. is base on our faith level. god will appear to us weather we believe or not.
*we cannot flow aimlessly. now the miracler level become so low because we have technology.
*healling the blind is an example. now the miracle don't happen as oftend like before.
*it's not about god dun help, it's base on weather are we wise not.
* in the bible god even stop the earth from it turns.
* we want miracle we should depend fully on him with faith.
* when god created us is not a mistake, we are all exist on earth from god plan.
*we are being breath out by god.
*we human is god bees creation. we are know as ISO instead of AI.
*not by instinct*
*there's a table where filled free will, he don't force.
* god have the power to 1 breath and convert the world, but he don't want to make us convert by force; he wan faith.
*romans 8;15
* we must alway remember who we are, fear is something that can destroy us, we need to learn how to conquer out fear.
*everyone of us have fear, fear come in lots of way.
* we need to cast out our fear. courage have to come in.
*JOSHUA 1:6.
* our god is a personal god, between we and him, no 1 can take away our relationship with god. it's only our choice the things can make the decision.
* we own our own choice.
2: recall the promise of god (V7-9)
*the message is here through the words of christ.
*there's over thousand of god promises, if we claim 7 out of the 1000 promises out life will change and be a light.
:it's weather we wan to claim it or not.
*trouble come we have to claim the word from god.
*we need to remember 1 verse a week and meditate on it.
*pwerful prayer is faith filled prayer.
* when we pray to god we always think we should use a chime words.
*it's not about the chimness is our heart. never misunderstood taking pride is a form of worship.
* we need to take god as our friend. god is everything.
*we can never be god, god is very power, being god is a impossible thing to us.
*everything we do he look, god is the maker.
phillipian 4:13:
*when we are tired there's the time we can depend on god.
*we have to rely on god, god face our needs.
*when we still have enough energy.
*number 6:24-26.
those are the few list of god can do to us. he can do unlimitedly more then that.
*human mine we can phantom how god power in our mine. he way beyond our imagination.
*1 cotinthian 15:58
*we may know we did a lot of things for god, but realize nothing show back, our motive for something in return is greeds.
*never be greedy, we don't deserve any blessing because death is wad we deserve, so we have to be grateful i god grace.
*we have to focus on the thing in heaven, not what in the world.
3: relay or request to god (10-12)finale*
*there's lot of people pray to god and end up don't know what they want, when we ask food for everything god can give, but we have to be spersific.
* we have o pray until something happen. god will answer us in 3 way: strait away, later or NO.
*we will see our desire. he really want to bless us. we have to be amaze.
* we must go through testing. different people learn from a different way.
*some in a hard way, some in a easy way.
*when is the last time we pray, we may be in church, prayer meet , lg and gathering. but when is the personal time we sit still and pray?
*james 5:13.
by the way before going lg im actually playing web came with SHI XUAN, she bought a new web cam.
taken snap of it:

like this picture any way. accept for that damn photo at the corner that shin dong photo really bothering me.
< >
it's late tommorrow gonna carry on with those story i suppose to post, and drawing no time for today.
due to too late.
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