TOBIAS invited me to his school NYP for LG; ended up stuck.
Thursday, August 11, 2011
i just did a drawing on my guitar box, i don't have the money to buy guitar bag; anyone wanna donate me?
yeah! my box looks so cheap; that;s the reason why i decorate it:

i just random decorate something that match the box design, so a word GUNDAM come into my mine; it's my childhood favorite. i like GUNDAM W, the most reason which is some how also a years back; im into GUNDAM SEED and GUNDAM SEED DESTINY. i love their music and arts.
latest if im not wrong GUNDAM 00; i kind of sick and tired of chasing.
im a fan of gundam; used to collect their figuring when i was a child time. but i did not treasure it throw it around. now i don't get to see it again.
think about gundam; it remind me of a samurai. yeah some how a topic from yesterday with my bro came by my mind; telling me about LUCAS ART: STARWARS!!.

i realize LUCAS ART keep making STARWARS. the concept and artistic environments they displayed in the movies and games is really awesome, with such mysterious and stunning imagination LUCAS ART got.
1 thing about STARWARS is they already there for years. i suggest LUCAS ART should start creating something new, it's time to move on to making new stuff. they got all the gift and graphic. they should work toward new movies that will impact the audience.
1 example LORD OF THE RING already stop there; where no one mention much about it. people is moving on to new movie likes; AVATAR, TRANSFORMER, MARVEL FILM and lots other new graphic movie.
although marvel is from the history comic; but because it doesn't use to have good graphic before; so now they project it out in a good graphic and linked up story line where keeping the fan on.
everyone of them already occupied their ideal. so im a fan of LUCAS ART as well; wanting LUCAS ART to come out with something amazing and new, where; LUCAS ART can go back up.
by the way today i had a complicated night; TOBIAS message me about LG. he asked me to meet him 6.30pm at NYP. im late by half an hour; reached there 7pm. so ended up some morron lock the bloody door. ended up we stuck.
who was there is TOBIAS, JERON, JAZZLENE, VALERIE, JAMIE TAN and me. ended up wasted all our bloody time for go home. to the extend where some of them have to take a cab back home.
the problem is; JAZZLENE said she saw some body with a white uniform came to lock the door. the problem is all the room around is not lock, only for the room we're in is locked.
someone must be the one who sabotaching, all the room light are off and they never lock. only for the room we in; light on.
if we are not suppose to be there; they could have chase us away from NYP, but they did not they just lock us in instead. the one who hold on to the particular key should be accountable for that.
we called up the security; but they said they don't have the key. they need to look for the management to get the MASTER KEY. so making us pend there for so long, some of my friend is urgent to go to the toilet. that's really frustrating and pissing people off.
suddenly all of the sudden a man came by manage to unlock the door; scolded us said we trantpassing, we will be caught for that. and bring us to the bottom level security room. asking us to write a statement. before we write the statement;"why are we there and did we get locked up": he never mention how he get the key or unlock the door.
after everyone of us done writing and handed up the statement; he told us said he use the auditorium key to unlock the tutorial room door which; we stucked in. im wondering why the AUDITORIUM key? why not the toilet key?
that's really suspicious. among them definitely 1 or 2 is the culprit that locked us in. thing seems to be like they make up story to clear the problem. they said we are lucky that they use the auditorium key to unlock the tutorial room that we get locked up in. i don't think so.
there's so many key they got; out of the entire key to guest; why must be that auditorium key?
i don;t think they even inform the management clearly.
< >
my heart is cheered up, thanks alot my treasure. something much more valuable then any diamond or jewls. i don't know what word can describe something greater then treasure; god? NO!!: not that extreme valuable! god is still the god no matter what. if i disagree with it hell i go haha^^.

SINGTEL phone bill always trying to kill me. singapore telecom that's why. foreigner who wanna PR to singapore; didn;t know how they gonna suffer; financial issue.
there's lot of homeless and wonderer singaporean which i spotted every where, im the citizen of singapore which roam around the street spotted lots of them.
that time i remember i took a bus; 67 from TECK WHYE to TAMPINES it takes 2 hour to reach my school from TECK WHYE; there's lots of random street i passed by; see lot of people lying on the street. especially under the MRT track which; that's the only shelter they got.
i don't know why like that. im some how quite disappointed. i felt really sad for them; im trying to clear of my emotion by telling myself; they homeless because they are punished for gambling, on dept, hurting their family, break his wife hearts and abuse his love one.
suddenly i look into the web seeing for HDB price in singapore; also makes me wonder another possibility; the housing and vehicle in singapore is really too above the amount. too expensive. tell me how to afford?
even 3 room flat can already kill people, cost so high. even if manage to go through those suffering to buy a flat, still have to suffer; lack of space.
by the way i still wonder why singapore wanna clear of the TRAIN TRACK in CHUA CHU KANG AREA; i know it used to be belong to malaysia. but not for now, the train track is some where really nice and a good scenery people can take photo at. it's really artistic taking photo at the train track.
show you 1 example photo from google search of train track:

see look so beautiful taking photo with the train track isn't it. although something terrible may be happen when the train run by:

if they don't want the train, at least just off the train service can park 1 train by to be a display for people to take photo of. if they remove the train track where else people can take photo with a train track?; don't tell me SMRT TRACK?
spare the train track, that's a great attraction to singaporean. because singapore don't have any other vintage train track.
and the vegetation there is awesome, i tried the KANG KONG that pluck from that area it's way more fresh and juicier then the KANG KONG i bought from the market. the melon there also amazing vegetable. that's 1 way to survive when we got no money.
i think it good for the homeless people. if they remove everything how?? even if you kill and clear all the homeless people; you may feel much more peachful and fresh for now. but that's only last for awhile. your soul will be in hell for that, even if you believe in re-carnation, u will rebirth as a pest which is worst then them.
but sorry there's no such things as re-carnation, because the world not gonna last any longer, no 1 is gonna die and reborn. they only can reborn VIA earth to HEAVEN or HELL.
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