fine sunday, 1 more day to exam gone case!
Sunday, September 4, 2011

went to the further ave 4 PRATA store; their prata is superb and their curry is amazing. my dad told me the fish curry remind him of 40+ year ago; where singapore is still a KAMPONG time, he bought a bowl curry and a bowl of rice for 50CENT: to share with his sister;during that point of time it's really normal to be poor. that's what they share; how privilege we are now hmm..!
it's really legendary prata. original HINDU prata shop always got a long queue; i think it's because it;s simply on their originality.
after that break fast head down to LAVENDER GOLDEN MILE to shop with my mom and uncler, after that head down to SUNTEC for IT fair, didn't buy much things. only upgrade my phone line to SONY ERICSON EXPERA PLAY for my mother sister; gonna go THAILAND and pass it to her.
show you how it look like; EXPERA PLAY WHITE:

bought printer ink and photo paper for the printer.
i gonna print cards for people birthday.
by the way on m,y way back; coincidenly saw JERON. he's making his way down to CHUA CHU KANG ITE to study, just nice it's near my mom place; so i head back home have a quick change and head down to CCK ITE to study with him; for tommorrow exam.
that's all for today.
< >
still short of something hmmm....!!
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