the unchanged heart.
Monday, November 7, 2011
today went to SENTOSA to have fun, not that fun anyway. kind of suck there, bad memory came to haunt me; i used to work there for S.O.S and event setup guy for various event.
the $2 BUS is no longer available from HARBOUR FRONT to SENTOSA, now the tram is bloody crammed with people. i don't know why singapore always want to make place become so cram, event the MRT and bus already always cram. the road it self already so cram too.
now they so gonna make the SENTOSA tram to be even more cram by removing their $2 bus services. screw those shit man.
today something just keep hinting me which i cannot avoid; i try to run away from those awkwardness by staying away to build SAND CASTLE. i build a freaking long wall of sand and castle around got washed away by the sea due to a sudden high tide rushed up the shore. i was staying cool trying not to get so pissed off; i carry on persisting, by rebuilding it further away from the area where the sea will sudden flush it away.
i build it with all my heart to the extend where i didn't even mix around with my friend. the sea stretched with a stronger flush of water to wash my sand castle away, i was freaking pissed off patheticly. i start looking up to the sky asking with my heart:"what the shit is this, why flush my sand castle away for the 2nd time?" something come to my mind asking me to go apologize and confest my self to that particular person. im thinking in my mind cannot be, it will really be so embarrassing and even much more awkward. i insist in doing that, i will end up becoming like a fool.
so with pride rushing up my brain, i carry on move even further away from the sea to build my sand castle to keep away from those stuff. suddenly the noise of the sea splashing up with wraith which i can feel the anger; i was shock for that moment after constructed my 3rd sand castle larger. the bloody water rushed up to reach my sand castle; everything gone just like that. seriously in my face, i felt really more like a fool; feeling like burrying my head in the sand.
i decided to go swimm and give up building the sand castle, i still insist of facing; so i decided to stay on the water to keep a distance away; the life guard speak through the mega phone giving warning about all the life guard off duty. i just ignore what ever they said i can swim any way why would i need them?
after the floating on the sea; the wave of the sea keep flushing my head down the water, it usually not like that; last time i remember i float on the water for 5 hour that continuous shit did not happen.
i decided to go on shore to join the rest of my friend, suddenly realize JOEL and NIGEL wanting to go wash up; so i take it as an opportunity to stay away from that particular person. but the ipod touch 3 casing is in my bag i suppose to pass it to that particular person, but i dare not.
i think i better stop by here, too much things to share. better not type too much.
something come into my sight that particular person don't need that ipod touch 3 casing, she got something better; so it's a never mind thinging.
what can i do with that casing?: that's what im thinking now.
im really disappointed and confuse some how, my those shit keep coming into my mind. something hinting me to go do something about this stuff. in the same time i afraid that particular person will ended up ignore me or even kill me for that; ended up become more awkward.
haiz! in the end of the day i just did not do anything about it; instead trying to put an act.
i have to really get back in doing drawing, it's a best way to keep away from those thinking. my heart its really constantly never get sick of that particular person; alot of advice given to me:"what you like, go and pursue it! stop wasting time and delaying".
those feelings and liking just never change. it didn't get that constant before, to the extend where i wish my memory can be reset so i won't keep getting confuse over those stuff.
after the SENTOSA and dinner; i went to catch a movie with the rest:
shot of a crappy show; nothing nice about this movie.
overall SINGAPORE horror movie did improve, better the incredible tales and some other singapore horror film.
no choice because it's JING TING birthday so have to be there to celebrate and spend the time. people birthday is something big, if no on celebrate her BIRTHDAY or even be there for her birthday; she will be really sad.
i understand how it feels like that's why my mentality give me those sign. my 21st birthday is not a big 1 idle. 21st birthday it suppose to be a grant 1; now im envy people who have their 21st birthday in a grant way. my this year 21st birthday im working at SUPER JUNIOR concert; thank goodness theres some people supprise me with small cake which im really quite touch.
there's no one else accept for that small group of people, how pathetic it is.
so i must be there for people birthday.
< >

i started to get addicted to this MV and the song it hurt by 2NE1, this is really the coolest outfit i ever see by a K-pop or even K band. those style really catch my eye, although i don't understand what ever they sing, but the music goes very sweetly.
i should get a wall papper of this MV.
i so gonna draw that blue hair girl with that black umbrella, so gorgeous.

the $2 BUS is no longer available from HARBOUR FRONT to SENTOSA, now the tram is bloody crammed with people. i don't know why singapore always want to make place become so cram, event the MRT and bus already always cram. the road it self already so cram too.
now they so gonna make the SENTOSA tram to be even more cram by removing their $2 bus services. screw those shit man.
today something just keep hinting me which i cannot avoid; i try to run away from those awkwardness by staying away to build SAND CASTLE. i build a freaking long wall of sand and castle around got washed away by the sea due to a sudden high tide rushed up the shore. i was staying cool trying not to get so pissed off; i carry on persisting, by rebuilding it further away from the area where the sea will sudden flush it away.
i build it with all my heart to the extend where i didn't even mix around with my friend. the sea stretched with a stronger flush of water to wash my sand castle away, i was freaking pissed off patheticly. i start looking up to the sky asking with my heart:"what the shit is this, why flush my sand castle away for the 2nd time?" something come to my mind asking me to go apologize and confest my self to that particular person. im thinking in my mind cannot be, it will really be so embarrassing and even much more awkward. i insist in doing that, i will end up becoming like a fool.
so with pride rushing up my brain, i carry on move even further away from the sea to build my sand castle to keep away from those stuff. suddenly the noise of the sea splashing up with wraith which i can feel the anger; i was shock for that moment after constructed my 3rd sand castle larger. the bloody water rushed up to reach my sand castle; everything gone just like that. seriously in my face, i felt really more like a fool; feeling like burrying my head in the sand.
i decided to go swimm and give up building the sand castle, i still insist of facing; so i decided to stay on the water to keep a distance away; the life guard speak through the mega phone giving warning about all the life guard off duty. i just ignore what ever they said i can swim any way why would i need them?
after the floating on the sea; the wave of the sea keep flushing my head down the water, it usually not like that; last time i remember i float on the water for 5 hour that continuous shit did not happen.
i decided to go on shore to join the rest of my friend, suddenly realize JOEL and NIGEL wanting to go wash up; so i take it as an opportunity to stay away from that particular person. but the ipod touch 3 casing is in my bag i suppose to pass it to that particular person, but i dare not.
i think i better stop by here, too much things to share. better not type too much.
something come into my sight that particular person don't need that ipod touch 3 casing, she got something better; so it's a never mind thinging.
what can i do with that casing?: that's what im thinking now.
im really disappointed and confuse some how, my those shit keep coming into my mind. something hinting me to go do something about this stuff. in the same time i afraid that particular person will ended up ignore me or even kill me for that; ended up become more awkward.
haiz! in the end of the day i just did not do anything about it; instead trying to put an act.
i have to really get back in doing drawing, it's a best way to keep away from those thinking. my heart its really constantly never get sick of that particular person; alot of advice given to me:"what you like, go and pursue it! stop wasting time and delaying".
those feelings and liking just never change. it didn't get that constant before, to the extend where i wish my memory can be reset so i won't keep getting confuse over those stuff.
after the SENTOSA and dinner; i went to catch a movie with the rest:

overall SINGAPORE horror movie did improve, better the incredible tales and some other singapore horror film.
no choice because it's JING TING birthday so have to be there to celebrate and spend the time. people birthday is something big, if no on celebrate her BIRTHDAY or even be there for her birthday; she will be really sad.
i understand how it feels like that's why my mentality give me those sign. my 21st birthday is not a big 1 idle. 21st birthday it suppose to be a grant 1; now im envy people who have their 21st birthday in a grant way. my this year 21st birthday im working at SUPER JUNIOR concert; thank goodness theres some people supprise me with small cake which im really quite touch.
there's no one else accept for that small group of people, how pathetic it is.
so i must be there for people birthday.
< >

i started to get addicted to this MV and the song it hurt by 2NE1, this is really the coolest outfit i ever see by a K-pop or even K band. those style really catch my eye, although i don't understand what ever they sing, but the music goes very sweetly.
i should get a wall papper of this MV.
i so gonna draw that blue hair girl with that black umbrella, so gorgeous.
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