don't judge me, im not being skeptical.
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
oh ya i didn't really blog for quite some time, due to the change of system here in blogger. i felt so confuse and pissed of, just don't feel like blogging after seeing their whole template changed and theme goes fucked up.
i just have to force myself to keep my blog alive.
oh ya, been working most of the time, worked like mad when there's work, slacked like a dead body when there's nothing to do.
Wednesday, June 27, 2012 i worked at CHANGI EXHIBITION CENTRE @ CHANGI AVIATION PARK. it's a protected area. the long road toward the EXHIBITION CENTRE it's a really a temptation for me to speed, but i didn't really speed much:

what event took place there is; THE 9TRO drifting show. it's a cool shit! i feel so proud be around there.
although im just some small fries doesn't involve in any big row there, just a crew member help out in setting up the LED panel, but get to ride my bike there it's already a memorable thing.
here is my Bike, DAELIM ROADWIN R125 FI. not what i wanted, what i aim for is a VESPA, but too expansive so my aim changed to YAMAHA YZF R1, but i realize there's alot of it in SINGAPORE, so i don't know what bike will be unique in here, so my Uncle recky around the BUKIT BATOK BIKE shop he saw this bike shop which is DAELIM bike distributor. the CHOONG KOK AGENCY PTE LTD.
i take alook around see lots of cool looking bike, DAELIM is a KOREAN brand. i not into korean brand, but can't deny their bike look cool and unique, so what capture my eye is: DAELIM DAY STAR and DAELIM ROADWIN, which i have it now.
show you how DAELIM DAYSTAR look like:
look like HONDA PHANTOM, but nicer. last time my 1st bike in mine is HONDA PHANTOM. i used to wish to have a PHANTOM, so i am thinking should i take this bike. but the feeling seems to be gone.
i started to eye on a FAIRING BIKE. Bike that look sporty and striking. so i decided to go for DAELIM ROADWIN, which is the newer generation kind.
so yeah! but it's atleast something UNIQUE which not alot of people will have it around.
show you how YAMAHA YZF R15 look like, it's a 3 year ago bike:
here it is, look gorgeous isn't it. but alot of people have it. so i don't find it unique anymore.
there's someone which i dislike own it, i just don't wanna mention his name. so i change my mine. just like a girl which you like with someone else which you don't like same feeling. actually R15 got quite a thin tire to me, which kind of not really match my taste much but can consider i failed to get it before people.
so DAELIM ROADWIN the better choice for me.
now i kind of glad i got a bike now although it's not really a powerful bike like my dream bike SUZUKI HAYABUSA.
actually think about it bike really help me alot, especially worked at different place around.

here it's the picture i snap where the opening of GARDEN BY THE BAY.
that's for the JASON MRAZ concert.
bike is the good way to travel, but sad thing is SHOWTEC really stingy won't let people claim money for Petrol and like to make people do extra work and never give Over time pay. example letting 8 people do a 20 people job.
Monday, June 11, 2012 some where around this day i actually work at MARINA BARRAGE for the CO-OPERLICIOUS if im not wrong.
Setup LED panel and lots more, another though work of sun burn. turn black and skin pill, sad case. i still remember the continuous 4-5 days of sunburn. with sun block still pain. hand filled with bubble.
he's like a super star. when he appear it like giving the aura of a star, my heart it's like bitting quite fast.
i can't believe it i saw President in real life.
he was walking around with alot of escort waving his glamourous hand around. this must be a big organization of walk. which involve in President.
through the work i turned dark and red. really fierst working there.
for the money to get my bike, my heart was so broken during the pass long month. i felt like i lost that someone, which i need to fill it up with some companion which is my bike, so i willingly work this hard till i neglected the time spend with my friends around.
after the long moment of work through the 25 days of spotlight for the SHAKESPEARE in the park twelfth night and few more.

took picture with ADRIAN PANG and REBECCA SPYKERMAN. the amazing actor and actress, which really. the most outstanding is ADRIAN PANG, he really a free style actor.

that's MALVORIO and CERSARIO. she's hot isn't she? she dress as a guy she look cool and charming when she dress as a VIOLA she's like a princess. interesting character she got.
for MALVORIO he's a real friendly guy, talk to him a few time while in the FORT CANNING washroom. not like the rest too proud, he's a humble guy which will thank us for taking photo with him.
show you the fire work i took in the MARINA BARRAGE for the Co-operlicious:

that's all got the marina barrage and the shake speare in the park.
about the CORRINE MAY Sunday, July 1, 2012:
here's the staff tag for the event. BACKSTAGE!
CORRINE MAY singing rocks, she achieve it in AMERICA. to achieve in a MUSIC career best stepping stone is still fly over to other country, you had already see the big different between: SINGAPORE IDOL and AMERICA IDOL.
even ADAM LAMBERT got 2nd place for A.I, he's now like a star doing what he aim for.
you see SINGAPORE IDOL: TAUFIK BATISAH. during the grand final of the SINGAPORE IDOL. he was like singing the chorus :"I DREAM.....!!" it was like so amazing i was thinking finally singapore it's about there in the media. suddenly after afew month later, i was wondering where's that TAUFIK BATISAH? see no notice or news about him.
suddenly saw a commercial on TV i saw TAUFIK BATISAH i was like stun some how excited, thought some news about him. saw him holding a big gup advertising 7 ELEVEN.
it was like what the fuck he doing there, isn't he suppose to be singing?
you wanna fulfill your dream, seriously don't do that in Singapore. it hardly to make it, you want a safe and clean place to stay Singapore will be a good choice. other then that some where else may be better.
the nice song is:24 HOUR.


Tuesday, July 3, 2012 free time finally can spend time with friend.
went to Ride around and had a night supper with friends. good thing about bike is can travel even when the sky goes dark.
with JOSEPH LUM, JOHN LUM and Shem Ng:
travel to YISHUN DEN. the common area for biker and driver to picnic.
where modified car and bike will hang around there.
it was a great night and time. good to chill out after a long days of working like mad.
after a days later some where around: Tuesday, July 3, 2012 to Wednesday, July 11, 2012
we sticker our bike.
Joseph stiker his bike Rim:

look cool from this angle, nice color he pick. it's a light reflective sticker, feel like getting.

that's what i sticker on my bike. i wanna do LED light and Neon light, like any other country. but in this entire world the only country don't alow LED and neon light is SINGAPORE.
heavily fine people all the time. just 1 traffic it's monitored with, TRAFFIC POLICE, LTA and even normal police and cisco also will interfere in the TRAFFIC problem.
too much already, they just wanna find an opportunity to fine people.
sad life really so depressing, now i understand why depression can cause people to have a suicide thought because the feeling of getting stuck and threatened to pay fine.
got summaned for not giving way to bus, it's not i don;t want to give way, its the traffic too cramp, i just trying to keep away from those heavy vehicle around and keep left to make a left turn, ended up all of a sudden im in a give way to bus lane. suddenly a LTA guy there take photo of me, the depressing part.
if i don;t keep away i be squash, now ended up have to get summan. i realize my damn mistake never get into bus lane in all time, regarding of the timing.
hope the LTA in Singapore kind enough to give me chance, not like as if i gonna do the same mistake again. now it's the time to show weather LTA kind or not, by giving me chance or not. $130 fine i seriously can't afford it. im a forced to be a general worker, not even a high flyer.
and im going in NS AUG 3rd, which is around the corner, how am i going to be at rest.
depressing seriously, thought i can go in NS with a rested mine, now with those fine; i ended up going in NS with a suicide mine. i feel like just put the Grenade in my mouth and bloom my troubled head away.
feel like using a gun to fire out a bullet across my head to make a air for the trouble to get out of my mine.
Saturday, July 14, 2012
its the day which i been called to be background people for the filming of THAT GIRL IN PINAFORE.
im in IMODEL just like the rest of the people who being the background people. the filming took place at the old manjusri secondary school @ SIMS DRIVE. from AMK can go by CTE to PIE, PIE link to SIMS AVE.

it's a Old abandoned school, sure there's lots of memory here.

when ever i see their function place like their Hall and canteen, i imagine there's student walking around, how is it look like during the years back. the basketball court and parade square.

the staircase, during those days; there's teacher and student walk up and down for recess and stuff like that.

what we suppose to do is to put on the Uniform and pretend as a student around in the background. the filming is about in the school, now i realize what Imodel is all about. Modeling agency for background extra atmosphere haha^^
so all the Port folio photo we suppose to take is for this extra character. when i step into the school in the morning at 7.30am i was supprise, wow there's breakfast provided. i took a pack of beehoon, it was so nice of them. suddenly i see the food they separate one for the main character and artist and another is for the extra.
other then the extra they got lots Variety of food like, LOR MEE, LAK SA and ETC; while the EXTRA only got the brown packaging BEE HOON.
seriously, i think even being the SAI KANG backstage warrior for SHOWTEC got better food. never mine i have to think positive haha. maybe some of the EXTRA is VEGETARIAN, afraid they might not eat meat so they get all vegetarian beehoon.
there's one Glamourous china looking girl i saw that, if im not wrong she;s the main character for the filming. she look mysterious, i was wonder who's that, why i didn't see her before even in TV, maybe i don;t really watch CHANNEL 8 or something. she look like an ANGEL all i know that.
so im just curious to find out who she is through the internet. it's JULIE TAN, she's a famous actress; that's what stated in the internet about her. i can;t believe i become the back ground people for he film haha. i don;t know should i be honored or what.

i heard her speaking of CHINESE and ENGLISH, both are so fluently proper. heard from the rest of the extra's that she can sing very well, i still don't know how she sing yet. gonna go find out to hear.
i think from this photo, by clicking it you can see roughly zoom in to see how she look like in this filming process, through the screen.
i don't think im allow to take photo while they are filming so this the best i can do.

and that's my bike, something that help me to travel down to this place conveniently. located at the parade square. sorry that car behind my bike spoild the photo, so i need to zoom a little more to get rid of the car from my photo.
ah ha..! im just kidding.
i asked around, there;s this guy which i not exactly know him, heard that he in Imodel for 3 years, now only he got his 1st job lo bang and as a back ground people. im thinking isn't it like pathetic. most people around spend S$1K+ for the portfolio and that's what they got? lucky i didn't spend much on it. heard from the rest, after we work for them, the 1st $500 they will keep and the next following pay than we can have it.
some of them said, after they collected their 1st $500 they will move on and not giving us anymore job or cast. i thinking to my self it kind of true, that's the best way for them to earn money. now we are like the 1 at lost, i trying not to listen to those people, but now what exactly shown to me is like close to the subject they talk about.
now only way is to take it positively; can make different kind of friends in that line.
i think serve the army still the best think to do, wait for war time when others attack us. i think i will save those bullet and wait for chance to kill those who pisses me off in my life.

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