Thursday, June 10, 2010
Thursday, June 10, 2010
today class photo it was great:

my timer shot!!

i did this timer shot!

finally some 1 came in got a helping hand to take for us haha^^

suddently snap im not prepare that's why i wasnt smilling but just give a quick twist!!
today woke up at 4AM+ still late for school by half and hour due to waiting for HUI YANG haiyo..!!
class started at 8AM but 45 min late today missed from wad lecture say but glad it's a software thingy i can catch up ah bo..!!
took random picture in class:

oh that's the basic 3D drawing on autocad 2010 im kind of new to it but can catch up with it.

it seems no problem right??

just take picture around to show the class environment.

lol dota in class haha^^ really remind me of my nitec time.

wonder did they manage to link u pand play??
oh ya today class end at 11AM it was a 1 hour break 12PM have to gether at the car park area for the damn bus to go to JURONG area KEPPEL OFFSHORE & MARINE SHIP YARD my 1st time seeing ship contruction area really cool too lots of picture haah^^ :

in the long trip bus tampines to JURONG it's another end lol quickly snap it while just reached the place.

snap againt haha^^ will be a good memory.

in the bus blur the bus vibrate and jeck sia no choice have to get this kind of result!!

slightly clearer no choice im using an old damn camerar which i named it as sub shooter since sec 2 till now long ago camerar.

some great event out there?? haha^^

snap it when just got out the bus!!

back view of ma class mate.

crammed and blurred.!! while waitnig for lift.

cool postal they got there if i got my house decorate in this way i think gonna be cool.

up the lift from the building look out beautiful view!

a talk from the marine principle interesting a kind of firmiler systerm they got there.

the 2 barger block thought she may look good from the back never know wad showed up when the head are turned?

outside view!

that's me asked ching chye to take for me beside the postal!

oh that's my classmate not complete set it's a incomplete set not becoz of any camerar man thingy it's timer shot!!

after tea break went down to take the bus to tour around the MARINE AREA too bad it's not NAVY BASE no weapon to be seen..!!

i kind of like this angle and contrast behind ma class mate on the way in the recky bus!

look at the driver he look so fierst like some ganster movie driver sia!!

got in the bus most of the picture snap it out the bus while sitting inside!

their ship garage if im not wrong!!

there's worker working real hard in the marine area cool..!!

the down part of the environment!

wah danger zone working with ur own risk!!

look maybe the worker around know there's people recky around they may pretend to work hard like a professional haha^^

this structure remind me of the game called NAVY FIELD actually most of the structure do remind me!!

dunno it's jacker or wad forget wad it call interesting!

quite high up wonder how much material they gonna use to construct this whole place and ship see everything around are mosly metal build!!

wah the crane look like a rocket haha^^ look almost purely metal...!!

this 1 !! realyl huge it look big even in a long distance never know wad the size of it when u get closer hige amount of resource used.

suddently think of all the hole they dug remind me of a cancerous cell human is really like a cencerous cell to earth!!

really a tall crane from far u can see alot of it look like a tooth pit haha^^

remind me of some action movie scene where the mafia gether to trade drug for cash haha^^

can say it's 90% metal build...!!

look the MARINE tour guide the skin head guy he's really cool in his style and the his behaviour and the way he talk and explane things althought he look fierst but he 's not if im not wrong!! lol^^

when i look at all this ship i started to miss ARCHITECTURE!! they really used alot of piping can see how much mamount of sum they invested for this things around!!

danger height up metal structure !!

distorded picture due to the bus shake damn it but the cloud still look abit fine so actually i just upload all the picture i took in here that's why so many gone case picture!!

dunnno wad it called??

wah weight lifter thunn lifter can say that!!

this view i like where the engineer cycling it compare a ship size and the bicycler size the huge sum of different haha^^

huge piece of metal lol random head poping out haha^^ gonna hammer in??

huge structure and a huge wheel never see such big wheel before!!

huge mess around the yard hardly can clear that!!!

really tall and interesting.

wet docking bay.


look like an emergency escape boat remind me of TITANIC sia where they release it down store the refugee!!

engineer cycling is a white man sia interesting usually i stereo type banglah to be a cyclist in construction area but it's not it's white man!!

finally snap a full ship in my sub shooter my very 1st ship photo taken!!

dunn wad it call a bay??

empty yard really make my eye feel comfirtable !!!

the place around is really huge that's why all the worker will cycler around to travel for convinient wise i see alot of bicycler!!

dunn wad it's fall dunno how to explane!! look like my father machine for bending metal and clam but my father machine is way smaller this is really a gigantic version of it!

see that's a mess of bicycler that engineer use!

look whole rolle of biscycler!!

i manage to saw this nicely designed room simple and relax my eye snap it while went back to the building it's at the 10 storey alot of ship postal around really cool!!

it's really quite bright!!

that's CHING CHYE snap it in the lift bullied him tgt.

i try to secretly take but missed his head damn it my accuracy suck..!!
i think that's all for today post haha^^
today class photo it was great:

my timer shot!!

i did this timer shot!

finally some 1 came in got a helping hand to take for us haha^^

suddently snap im not prepare that's why i wasnt smilling but just give a quick twist!!
today woke up at 4AM+ still late for school by half and hour due to waiting for HUI YANG haiyo..!!
class started at 8AM but 45 min late today missed from wad lecture say but glad it's a software thingy i can catch up ah bo..!!
took random picture in class:

oh that's the basic 3D drawing on autocad 2010 im kind of new to it but can catch up with it.

it seems no problem right??

just take picture around to show the class environment.

lol dota in class haha^^ really remind me of my nitec time.

wonder did they manage to link u pand play??
oh ya today class end at 11AM it was a 1 hour break 12PM have to gether at the car park area for the damn bus to go to JURONG area KEPPEL OFFSHORE & MARINE SHIP YARD my 1st time seeing ship contruction area really cool too lots of picture haah^^ :

in the long trip bus tampines to JURONG it's another end lol quickly snap it while just reached the place.

snap againt haha^^ will be a good memory.

in the bus blur the bus vibrate and jeck sia no choice have to get this kind of result!!

slightly clearer no choice im using an old damn camerar which i named it as sub shooter since sec 2 till now long ago camerar.

some great event out there?? haha^^

snap it when just got out the bus!!

back view of ma class mate.

crammed and blurred.!! while waitnig for lift.

cool postal they got there if i got my house decorate in this way i think gonna be cool.

up the lift from the building look out beautiful view!

a talk from the marine principle interesting a kind of firmiler systerm they got there.

the 2 barger block thought she may look good from the back never know wad showed up when the head are turned?

outside view!

that's me asked ching chye to take for me beside the postal!

oh that's my classmate not complete set it's a incomplete set not becoz of any camerar man thingy it's timer shot!!

after tea break went down to take the bus to tour around the MARINE AREA too bad it's not NAVY BASE no weapon to be seen..!!

i kind of like this angle and contrast behind ma class mate on the way in the recky bus!

look at the driver he look so fierst like some ganster movie driver sia!!

got in the bus most of the picture snap it out the bus while sitting inside!

their ship garage if im not wrong!!

there's worker working real hard in the marine area cool..!!

the down part of the environment!

wah danger zone working with ur own risk!!

look maybe the worker around know there's people recky around they may pretend to work hard like a professional haha^^

this structure remind me of the game called NAVY FIELD actually most of the structure do remind me!!

dunno it's jacker or wad forget wad it call interesting!

quite high up wonder how much material they gonna use to construct this whole place and ship see everything around are mosly metal build!!

wah the crane look like a rocket haha^^ look almost purely metal...!!

this 1 !! realyl huge it look big even in a long distance never know wad the size of it when u get closer hige amount of resource used.

suddently think of all the hole they dug remind me of a cancerous cell human is really like a cencerous cell to earth!!

really a tall crane from far u can see alot of it look like a tooth pit haha^^

remind me of some action movie scene where the mafia gether to trade drug for cash haha^^

can say it's 90% metal build...!!

look the MARINE tour guide the skin head guy he's really cool in his style and the his behaviour and the way he talk and explane things althought he look fierst but he 's not if im not wrong!! lol^^

when i look at all this ship i started to miss ARCHITECTURE!! they really used alot of piping can see how much mamount of sum they invested for this things around!!

danger height up metal structure !!

distorded picture due to the bus shake damn it but the cloud still look abit fine so actually i just upload all the picture i took in here that's why so many gone case picture!!

dunnno wad it called??

wah weight lifter thunn lifter can say that!!

this view i like where the engineer cycling it compare a ship size and the bicycler size the huge sum of different haha^^

huge piece of metal lol random head poping out haha^^ gonna hammer in??

huge structure and a huge wheel never see such big wheel before!!

huge mess around the yard hardly can clear that!!!

really tall and interesting.

wet docking bay.


look like an emergency escape boat remind me of TITANIC sia where they release it down store the refugee!!

engineer cycling is a white man sia interesting usually i stereo type banglah to be a cyclist in construction area but it's not it's white man!!

finally snap a full ship in my sub shooter my very 1st ship photo taken!!

dunn wad it call a bay??

empty yard really make my eye feel comfirtable !!!

the place around is really huge that's why all the worker will cycler around to travel for convinient wise i see alot of bicycler!!

dunn wad it's fall dunno how to explane!! look like my father machine for bending metal and clam but my father machine is way smaller this is really a gigantic version of it!

see that's a mess of bicycler that engineer use!

look whole rolle of biscycler!!

i manage to saw this nicely designed room simple and relax my eye snap it while went back to the building it's at the 10 storey alot of ship postal around really cool!!

it's really quite bright!!

that's CHING CHYE snap it in the lift bullied him tgt.

i try to secretly take but missed his head damn it my accuracy suck..!!
i think that's all for today post haha^^
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