Friday, August 6, 2010
Friday, August 6, 2010
haiz today over slept didnt turn up for school today is FLAG RAISING actually i wanna go but was too tired sad case missed the flag raising, never sing national anthem for so long missed national anthem, haiz.!!
today should be working for YOG 1 but shift cancelled damn it my $100 gone sad case really disappointed left with august 7, 11, 12, 14, 24 & 26, left with $600 i need the money real badly.
called HUI YANG for Y.O.G thing must go smoothly the money must come smoothly if not really gonna be damn sad case.
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random story for today( BEST that stand ):
time passed where new generation like flesh blood taking over each day, life style will never stay fine as always. time changed people do changed, rule and regulation do change, behaviour of man kind are different.
where the birth of corrupted kid, cases like an 11 year old kid become violence against the others, things go beyond control.
after a year passed more and more bad news happening where the law and politics been taken over by the new generation people, things wash out to a great curruption where selling human as slavery is legallize as a form of boosting finance.
there's a man who form a REBELLION a society that gonna bring peace to the corrupted world he only pick the best out of the poppulation, his name is RAX.
one selected day, where the country send slave over to build a wonders at a desert, RAX get information of it he started take action, fly over by V-22 HELICOPTER PLANE with a group of his REBELLION lifting a bunker along the way, landing at a location where the slaves are.
take a quick fire eliminating all the master of the slave, quickly he captured all the slave, bring them in the bunker locking them up.
a day passed where he started a game called the STANDING MAN OF THE REBELLION, where he gethered the captured slaves briefing them on the game that they gonna get through.
the game is a free rule where the slaves make their choice to form into a different group of team, after forming their team they will be saperated in a different location, their job is to fight against the other team of slaves the team that survive will join the REBELLION.
RAX captured slaves, all the bad student with bad record, prisoner and street gangsters.
to make them fight and survive as a form of picking the best soldier out of it.
a month passed where the REBELLION solder are send to a street, catching street guys and girls, there's 4 person managed to run it was 3 guy and a girl.
the rebellion soldier chasing after those running away kid, the 4 kid manage to find a place to hide the whole street is petroled by the REBELLION, they was sneaking trying to make their way out of the street it was useless, the REBELLION send report of a running away kids. reinforcement had been send to the street special soldier with HEAT VISION to make sign of those kids.
the misson was complete all street kids are captured those kids had been send to the REBELLION prison for a few day, they had to be well fed for the selection of best REBELLION soldier.
a day passed all the captured kids are injected by a TRACKING DEVICE, there's no way they can run or hide, the tracking device is injected in them, they are made to play the game, they are released to a city, hotel are provided for them, they where have to be devided into different team, they are given a time limit by 2 week they gonna kill the other team to survive, objective is atleast 2 team that survive will consider passing the test will be qualified to join the REBELLION soldier.
Through the process of the REBELLION game, there's blood spilling all over the game zone, where student killing each other for the sake of surviving through the game. it regardless of MALE or FEMALE, they have to fight, in order to prove them self strong enough to be qualified to join the REBELLION soldier.
< now im freaking damn lost track in the story distracted by my bro shit man!>
haiz today over slept didnt turn up for school today is FLAG RAISING actually i wanna go but was too tired sad case missed the flag raising, never sing national anthem for so long missed national anthem, haiz.!!
today should be working for YOG 1 but shift cancelled damn it my $100 gone sad case really disappointed left with august 7, 11, 12, 14, 24 & 26, left with $600 i need the money real badly.
called HUI YANG for Y.O.G thing must go smoothly the money must come smoothly if not really gonna be damn sad case.
< >
random story for today( BEST that stand ):

where the birth of corrupted kid, cases like an 11 year old kid become violence against the others, things go beyond control.
after a year passed more and more bad news happening where the law and politics been taken over by the new generation people, things wash out to a great curruption where selling human as slavery is legallize as a form of boosting finance.
there's a man who form a REBELLION a society that gonna bring peace to the corrupted world he only pick the best out of the poppulation, his name is RAX.
one selected day, where the country send slave over to build a wonders at a desert, RAX get information of it he started take action, fly over by V-22 HELICOPTER PLANE with a group of his REBELLION lifting a bunker along the way, landing at a location where the slaves are.
take a quick fire eliminating all the master of the slave, quickly he captured all the slave, bring them in the bunker locking them up.
a day passed where he started a game called the STANDING MAN OF THE REBELLION, where he gethered the captured slaves briefing them on the game that they gonna get through.
the game is a free rule where the slaves make their choice to form into a different group of team, after forming their team they will be saperated in a different location, their job is to fight against the other team of slaves the team that survive will join the REBELLION.
RAX captured slaves, all the bad student with bad record, prisoner and street gangsters.
to make them fight and survive as a form of picking the best soldier out of it.
a month passed where the REBELLION solder are send to a street, catching street guys and girls, there's 4 person managed to run it was 3 guy and a girl.
the rebellion soldier chasing after those running away kid, the 4 kid manage to find a place to hide the whole street is petroled by the REBELLION, they was sneaking trying to make their way out of the street it was useless, the REBELLION send report of a running away kids. reinforcement had been send to the street special soldier with HEAT VISION to make sign of those kids.
the misson was complete all street kids are captured those kids had been send to the REBELLION prison for a few day, they had to be well fed for the selection of best REBELLION soldier.
a day passed all the captured kids are injected by a TRACKING DEVICE, there's no way they can run or hide, the tracking device is injected in them, they are made to play the game, they are released to a city, hotel are provided for them, they where have to be devided into different team, they are given a time limit by 2 week they gonna kill the other team to survive, objective is atleast 2 team that survive will consider passing the test will be qualified to join the REBELLION soldier.
Through the process of the REBELLION game, there's blood spilling all over the game zone, where student killing each other for the sake of surviving through the game. it regardless of MALE or FEMALE, they have to fight, in order to prove them self strong enough to be qualified to join the REBELLION soldier.
< now im freaking damn lost track in the story distracted by my bro shit man!>
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