Tuesday, August 3, 2010 LOVES STORY!
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
half an hour late for school school timing is 8AM to 5PM whole hour sad case stuggling in STATICS haiz..!
feel like playing STARCRAFT 2 but test and exam keep coming endlessly feel like drowning myself!
yesterday working took picture trying to take the picture of fire work and laser:

peacefully working no 1 bother me, loves this feeling. and now it's time to put my mind on school, not anymore on work, not a time to have peace it's really sad case doing things that im suck in and no interest in maths & static, but it's really important for a me becoz now really stuggling in MARINE OFFSHORE ENGINEERING, i wanna be an ARCHITECH but it seems impossible haiz..!!
recorded yesterday HAFIZ did the recording i barely can record phone camera 2MEGA PIXER only not good enougth to record, by the way the phone still good for me becoz XIN MEI gave it to me.
< >
BOMB A RANDOM STOREY trying to make it a romance story althought i don't know anything about romance haha^^:
TOMMY just graduated from a UNIVERSITY and he got a degree in interior designing, he moved out to a town where he can see a lot of ANTIQUE FURNITURE AND ARTS DESIGN.
he has great interest in classic designs and antique stuffs. it contains memory, he loves to imagine how would the previous owners of those antiques would look like. he also have great interest in history.
he took a train to make his way to the town that he longs to live in. when he reached the station, he brought along his luggage to meet an old man who would bring him to his appartment and will be guiding him around the town. the old man introduced himself to him " hey! TOMMY! nice to meet you i'm RICKY or you can just call me OLD MAN! haha^^ ". TOMMY replied " i prefer calling you by your name, haha! MR. RICKY...!!".
laughed the old man " hahahaha! you are such a nice kid, you are really wellcome".
he passed by the town to his appartment, he sees a lot of anitique shops around and was interested.
after taking a look around the town, he reached his appartment area and he walked up the stair. sneezing while taking a look around the place he gonna stay in, it was old and dusty.
TOMMY asked the old man RICKY: " how old is this appartment? it look really dusty and old".
the old man replied: "oh..!! this appartment here is really old, it's about more then 50 years if im not wrong? sorry boy!! you don't look fine with this appartment how about i bring you to another appartment? ".
TOMMY replied RICKY the OLD MAN: " no! i'm fine with this appartment it looks great look like there's lot of memory in this appartment i'm curious to know all about the history of this appartment haha^^ ".
the old man's emotion changed suddenly, became real sad replying: " you are an interesting man, this room contains of memory where i treasured most, at 1st i never want to rent this appartment out but i made up my mind to let go those memories and move on".
TOMMY eye sparkled with interest, feeling guilty, in the same time saying: " i'm really sorry! RICKY! you are 1 of a strong heart old man i had ever seen." feeling sympathy, "you can just share to me i'll take half of your burdern".
THE OLD MAN smiled, replying: " hahahaha....!! hardly find such a kid like you, how i wish i have a son like you".
after the chat, the old man had to go do some stuff. TOMMY carry on with his appartment, looking around it was really neat but just need to be cleaned up, he went out to buy cleaning material, he went to a nearby store to get it.
after he gathered all the items, on his way back he happened to drop by a classic FURNITURE store. he went in to take a look and he saw a beautiful pink curtain with a classic design, he purchased it and went back to his appartment.
when he reached his appartment he started cleaning up, after a whole long hour of cleaning up, the apartment looks perfect. he took out the curtain that he bought and fix it on the huge window. 'it look like he's living in the history'. after a tiring day, he took out a bottle of red wine and poured on a glass, rolling it with his hand taking a sip as a form of chilling.
he was bored, so he decided to go down for a walk. he took a long minute of walk, suddenly he heard a soft and beautiful classical music from towards appartment direction. he looked up towards his appartment wondering why is the light on, he was curious and he decided to go back up to his appartment. while walking up the stairs, he heard a symphonic classical music and started to fall in love with the song.
he grabed onto the door's handle, as he slowly push open the door, he saw the old man in his appartment. he was shock, telling the old man about the room: " haha! look i just tidy up it look really gorgeous giving a classical feel".
the old man replied: " hahaa^^ i have never seen this room being so clean for such a long time. im just curious about it and happened to come up to take a look, im really sorry for not informing you."
TOMMY replied: " hmm..! it is ok for a father to come and take a look at the appartment, by the way the classical music that you just on is so beautiful i started to fell in love with the music. where did you get it from?".
the old man became sad again after hearing TOMMY replied on the music, he answered TOMMY: " hmm..!! this music track just contains many memories, talking about it, it just makes me sad, you love it? i shall give it to you, please take good care of it it's something which i treasure a lot. i wont be able to keep it for long, you can have it".
TOMMY was surprised replying: " wow..! this town really has lots of memory, i'm just getting curious. i really wanna thank you for the music track, it looks really classic haha^^, im really sorry for asking too much".
the old man replied: " nah! it's ok son! have a good rest, i have to get going, good night son!".
TOMMY smiled saying: "good night! FATHER RICKY!!".
the old man went off, TOMMY carried on listening to the music track as he went to wash up. when he was done with the wash up, he sat on the sofa listening to the music and felt sleepy dozed of to sleep.
the next morning when he woke up, he saw a young lady with a classic looking dress dancing around. while the music is still playing, he started to see the beauty of the lady. he was curious wondering what that lady was doing in his appartment?
the lady stopped dancing looked at him and gave him a sweet smile saying: " hey! TOMMY!! this is my favourite track of music!"
TOMMY replied the lady: " i love this track of music too, it's really classic and beautiful. the dress you wear looks real classic where do you get that??. by the way it look real beautiful on you."
the lady smiled and teared with joy replying:" thanks!! you TOMMY!! this a best moment meeting a guy like you:.
TOMMY replied the lady: err..!! how do you know my name?? where i don't even know your name".
laugthed the lady replying TOMMY: " oops..!! so sorry i forget to introduce myself to you, im BELLA hehe^^ you can call me BELL or BELLA".
TOMMY smiled replyied: " awrr...! you got such a sweet name sound really classic, i prefer calling you BELLA, haha^^".
after hearing from TOMMY she was touched and hugged TOMMY. she was really thankful for that moment meeting TOMMY.
TOMMY heart started beating so fast, he slowly hold BELLA waist to touch and feel the smooth satin dress of BELLA. he whispered at her ear:" hey! isn't this abit too awkward, sorry if you feel that my heart beating too fast."
BELLA replied TOMMY: "yeah! i feel the beating of your heart in your chest."
TOMMY started feeling shy replying her:" we should go have our breakfast".
BELLA replied TOMMY suggesting: " yeah.. great!! lets go and have our breakfast".
they went out for a BREAKFAST at the town area CAFE. while having their breakfast they were having a conversation.
after their breakfast, they went to shop. TOMMY wanting to start AN INTERIOR DESIGN WORK SHOP at his appartment he want started buying lots of decorative item like wall color plaster and ETC.
BELLA shopped along with him same time helping him pick a design, TOMMY started to love her design senses.
after along hour of shopping they gethered alot of INTERIOR RENOVATING ITEM settled down feeling tired, TOMMY switch on the music track player letting the music play. they started staring at each other and laugth.
after the moment of laugther TOMMY asked BELLA: "do you know any dance like WALZ DANCE?".
BELLA replied: " yeah! what dance would you like? WALZ DANCE, TANGO DANCE, FLAMENCO DANCE , CHA CHA DANCE, JIVE DANCE or PASO DOBLE DANCE? haha^^".
TOMMY answered: " hehe^^! wow! cool! i think i have something simple a WALZ DANCE!"
BELLA replied:" alright! lets dance by the music".
TOMMY is not that good in the dance BELLA guided him along, TOMMY called to grab onto her waist it was his 1st time dancing with a girl.
after a long hour of dance, they stopped and take a rest.
BELLA laugthed at TOMMY: " haha^^ u dance so stift, as stift as a bamboo.".
TOMMY laugthed at himself replying: " awr..! that's bad, im really suck in it, by the way i gonna improve and we will have our perfect dance for a next round haha^^".
BELLA replied: " alright!".
the sky turned afternoon they went out to shop for GROCERY and had their lunch time.
after their lunch they went back home to put down the grocery and went out for a cycler, have their fun evening cycler through the river side path way seeing the SUN SET, MOON and STAR rise slowly.
they seated at the bence to take a rest looking at the beautiful view of the SUN SET, seeing the river waving with the reflection of the SUN. they will never forget this treasured moment, where TOMMY have his 1st KISS.
after the SUN SET they went back to their appartment, TOMMY asked BELLA: " where do you stay? ".
she replied: " i used to stay at this appartmen, but i moved out for very long, but now went i came back i happen to saw you".
TOMMY: "awr..! so sorry! that old man RICKY rent this room to me i didn't know it's where your appartment".
BELLA replied: "hmm..! is okay! from now on this is our appartment i feel really confirtable living with you".
TOMMY face turned abit red replying: " errz..! actually i got the same feeling too".
BELLA jumped onto TOMMY and hugged him whispering: " i will always treasure this moment and i will always remember the name TOMMY".
TOMMY hugger her back feeling the warmness of BELLA waist feeling the heat from BELLA head on his face, smelling a sweet fragrance of classic perfume on BELLA hair and he started to fell in love with BELLA.
it was late night where the MOON shinning brightly it's time for dinner TOMMY feeling hungry, BELLA hear the grambling sound of TOMMY tummy, giving a sign of TOMMY is hungry, she decide to cook for dinner, she cook sincerely with all her heart for every single moment.
when the food are ready BELLA served on the table TOMMY take a deep breath, smelling the food she cook, the fragrance flow in his nose causing him to drew.
they started tucking in the food, feeling those moment of dinner together, BELLA look at TOMMY eating she take a deep breath to feel those moment where some 1 she love eating the food she cook, it giving her a joy. it was a great moment for her, TOMMY looked up, staring at BELLA seeing her smilling sweetly, it just make him feel like smilling.
after the dinner, they went out for a night walk , a night walk through the forest, hearing noises of criket, seeing the cloud covering the moon and the cold wind blow across.
BELLA quickly grab onto TOMMY hand, they holded onto each other hand walking pass the forest suddently they hear a RAWRLING voice, TOMMY hugged BELLA trying to cover her.
the voice came from a bear, seeing a bear walking pass, they hide under a tree, TOMMY was covering BELLA through the night playing dead inorder to not get attack by the bear, BELLA feeling the warmness of TOMMY arm she will always remember this moment.
through the night to morning, they woked up by the voices of a rooster, seeing the sky turning brighter, they stood up holding on to each other hand make their way back to their appartment, to wash up. they decided to share bath, while having a warm bath, they started splashing water and have those moment of fun.
after their bath they went out for their breakfast. done with their breakfast, went to a near by printing shop, printing lots of flyer they went around the street to paste the flyer to advertise their INTERIOR DESIGN WORKSHOP.
it was morning where the had RISED, they went to a further street to explore for a better BREAKFAST, they had a real great and delicious breakfast.
after their break fast they happen to cross the road, a truck rush toward them knocked both of them down. TOMMY opened up his eye he saw the whole surrounding was dark, there's only 1 entrance he was lost, he walked out of the entrance he saw BELLA walked toward him crying hugged and kissed him deeply, with tears flowing from her eye to his chest.
BELLA had her last moment of talk with him saying: " TOMMY..!! i don't want to forget this name TOMMY, i treasure every moment with you, im really sorry for hurting you, i am alredy dead for close to 30 years ago, i don't want to rest in peace yet during the 30 year ago, i never experience any true LOVES before, experiencing true loves is my only wish i begger the death god for a chance to experience and see my true loves.
the death god gave me a chance to come back to live for 1 week to experience the true loves before i can rest in peace, im so sorry for hurting you i really LOVES you i wish i can be with you forever.
but it beyond our control, i really want to thank you deeply for experiencing this every short moment with me. THANK YOU!".
tears fell down from TOMMY eye, everything just like a dream he recall every moment he spend with BELLA, it making him tears non stop.
when BELLA turned head walked toward the death god, TOMMY run toward BELLA holding onto BELLA hand tightly, never wanna let go, he crying out a word to BELLA: " no......!! why things flow this way i really want you back, what can i do to bring you back?, what can i do to see you again?, i wanna let you know that i love you a thousand time, how can i get to see you again?, BELLA......!!! I LOVE YOU..!!" .
the DEATH GOD pulled BELLA away, TOMMY was grabing onto BELLA hand tightly, but it was totally useless they loose grip BELLA got pulled away by the DEATH GOD it's her time to rest in peace.
TOMMY was crying feeling the pain in his heart, it really hurt deep in him tears covered up his eye he started to black out slowly.
for a few seond later he woke up, he was lying on the ward of the hospital, RICKY the old man approach him handing over a diary of BELLA to him tearing, saying: " TOMMY! thank you! for spending every moment with BELLA she's my younger sister, i heard from her that the death god fullfill her wish by letting her experience a moment of true love, you are the 1 that chosen by the death god to be her true loves thank you!" .
TOMMY flip open the diary of BELLA it writtend down a jeournal of every moment they spend together, he see back every treasured moment he started crying.
< THE END > hope you read it give me some feedback on the story.
half an hour late for school school timing is 8AM to 5PM whole hour sad case stuggling in STATICS haiz..!
feel like playing STARCRAFT 2 but test and exam keep coming endlessly feel like drowning myself!
yesterday working took picture trying to take the picture of fire work and laser:

recorded yesterday HAFIZ did the recording i barely can record phone camera 2MEGA PIXER only not good enougth to record, by the way the phone still good for me becoz XIN MEI gave it to me.
< >
BOMB A RANDOM STOREY trying to make it a romance story althought i don't know anything about romance haha^^:

he has great interest in classic designs and antique stuffs. it contains memory, he loves to imagine how would the previous owners of those antiques would look like. he also have great interest in history.
he took a train to make his way to the town that he longs to live in. when he reached the station, he brought along his luggage to meet an old man who would bring him to his appartment and will be guiding him around the town. the old man introduced himself to him " hey! TOMMY! nice to meet you i'm RICKY or you can just call me OLD MAN! haha^^ ". TOMMY replied " i prefer calling you by your name, haha! MR. RICKY...!!".
laughed the old man " hahahaha! you are such a nice kid, you are really wellcome".
he passed by the town to his appartment, he sees a lot of anitique shops around and was interested.
after taking a look around the town, he reached his appartment area and he walked up the stair. sneezing while taking a look around the place he gonna stay in, it was old and dusty.
TOMMY asked the old man RICKY: " how old is this appartment? it look really dusty and old".
the old man replied: "oh..!! this appartment here is really old, it's about more then 50 years if im not wrong? sorry boy!! you don't look fine with this appartment how about i bring you to another appartment? ".
TOMMY replied RICKY the OLD MAN: " no! i'm fine with this appartment it looks great look like there's lot of memory in this appartment i'm curious to know all about the history of this appartment haha^^ ".
the old man's emotion changed suddenly, became real sad replying: " you are an interesting man, this room contains of memory where i treasured most, at 1st i never want to rent this appartment out but i made up my mind to let go those memories and move on".
TOMMY eye sparkled with interest, feeling guilty, in the same time saying: " i'm really sorry! RICKY! you are 1 of a strong heart old man i had ever seen." feeling sympathy, "you can just share to me i'll take half of your burdern".
THE OLD MAN smiled, replying: " hahahaha....!! hardly find such a kid like you, how i wish i have a son like you".
after the chat, the old man had to go do some stuff. TOMMY carry on with his appartment, looking around it was really neat but just need to be cleaned up, he went out to buy cleaning material, he went to a nearby store to get it.
after he gathered all the items, on his way back he happened to drop by a classic FURNITURE store. he went in to take a look and he saw a beautiful pink curtain with a classic design, he purchased it and went back to his appartment.
when he reached his appartment he started cleaning up, after a whole long hour of cleaning up, the apartment looks perfect. he took out the curtain that he bought and fix it on the huge window. 'it look like he's living in the history'. after a tiring day, he took out a bottle of red wine and poured on a glass, rolling it with his hand taking a sip as a form of chilling.
he was bored, so he decided to go down for a walk. he took a long minute of walk, suddenly he heard a soft and beautiful classical music from towards appartment direction. he looked up towards his appartment wondering why is the light on, he was curious and he decided to go back up to his appartment. while walking up the stairs, he heard a symphonic classical music and started to fall in love with the song.
he grabed onto the door's handle, as he slowly push open the door, he saw the old man in his appartment. he was shock, telling the old man about the room: " haha! look i just tidy up it look really gorgeous giving a classical feel".
the old man replied: " hahaa^^ i have never seen this room being so clean for such a long time. im just curious about it and happened to come up to take a look, im really sorry for not informing you."
TOMMY replied: " hmm..! it is ok for a father to come and take a look at the appartment, by the way the classical music that you just on is so beautiful i started to fell in love with the music. where did you get it from?".
the old man became sad again after hearing TOMMY replied on the music, he answered TOMMY: " hmm..!! this music track just contains many memories, talking about it, it just makes me sad, you love it? i shall give it to you, please take good care of it it's something which i treasure a lot. i wont be able to keep it for long, you can have it".
TOMMY was surprised replying: " wow..! this town really has lots of memory, i'm just getting curious. i really wanna thank you for the music track, it looks really classic haha^^, im really sorry for asking too much".
the old man replied: " nah! it's ok son! have a good rest, i have to get going, good night son!".
TOMMY smiled saying: "good night! FATHER RICKY!!".
the old man went off, TOMMY carried on listening to the music track as he went to wash up. when he was done with the wash up, he sat on the sofa listening to the music and felt sleepy dozed of to sleep.
the next morning when he woke up, he saw a young lady with a classic looking dress dancing around. while the music is still playing, he started to see the beauty of the lady. he was curious wondering what that lady was doing in his appartment?
the lady stopped dancing looked at him and gave him a sweet smile saying: " hey! TOMMY!! this is my favourite track of music!"
TOMMY replied the lady: " i love this track of music too, it's really classic and beautiful. the dress you wear looks real classic where do you get that??. by the way it look real beautiful on you."
the lady smiled and teared with joy replying:" thanks!! you TOMMY!! this a best moment meeting a guy like you:.
TOMMY replied the lady: err..!! how do you know my name?? where i don't even know your name".
laugthed the lady replying TOMMY: " oops..!! so sorry i forget to introduce myself to you, im BELLA hehe^^ you can call me BELL or BELLA".
TOMMY smiled replyied: " awrr...! you got such a sweet name sound really classic, i prefer calling you BELLA, haha^^".
after hearing from TOMMY she was touched and hugged TOMMY. she was really thankful for that moment meeting TOMMY.
TOMMY heart started beating so fast, he slowly hold BELLA waist to touch and feel the smooth satin dress of BELLA. he whispered at her ear:" hey! isn't this abit too awkward, sorry if you feel that my heart beating too fast."
BELLA replied TOMMY: "yeah! i feel the beating of your heart in your chest."
TOMMY started feeling shy replying her:" we should go have our breakfast".
BELLA replied TOMMY suggesting: " yeah.. great!! lets go and have our breakfast".
they went out for a BREAKFAST at the town area CAFE. while having their breakfast they were having a conversation.
after their breakfast, they went to shop. TOMMY wanting to start AN INTERIOR DESIGN WORK SHOP at his appartment he want started buying lots of decorative item like wall color plaster and ETC.
BELLA shopped along with him same time helping him pick a design, TOMMY started to love her design senses.
after along hour of shopping they gethered alot of INTERIOR RENOVATING ITEM settled down feeling tired, TOMMY switch on the music track player letting the music play. they started staring at each other and laugth.
after the moment of laugther TOMMY asked BELLA: "do you know any dance like WALZ DANCE?".
BELLA replied: " yeah! what dance would you like? WALZ DANCE, TANGO DANCE, FLAMENCO DANCE , CHA CHA DANCE, JIVE DANCE or PASO DOBLE DANCE? haha^^".
TOMMY answered: " hehe^^! wow! cool! i think i have something simple a WALZ DANCE!"
BELLA replied:" alright! lets dance by the music".
TOMMY is not that good in the dance BELLA guided him along, TOMMY called to grab onto her waist it was his 1st time dancing with a girl.
after a long hour of dance, they stopped and take a rest.
BELLA laugthed at TOMMY: " haha^^ u dance so stift, as stift as a bamboo.".
TOMMY laugthed at himself replying: " awr..! that's bad, im really suck in it, by the way i gonna improve and we will have our perfect dance for a next round haha^^".
BELLA replied: " alright!".
the sky turned afternoon they went out to shop for GROCERY and had their lunch time.
after their lunch they went back home to put down the grocery and went out for a cycler, have their fun evening cycler through the river side path way seeing the SUN SET, MOON and STAR rise slowly.
they seated at the bence to take a rest looking at the beautiful view of the SUN SET, seeing the river waving with the reflection of the SUN. they will never forget this treasured moment, where TOMMY have his 1st KISS.
after the SUN SET they went back to their appartment, TOMMY asked BELLA: " where do you stay? ".
she replied: " i used to stay at this appartmen, but i moved out for very long, but now went i came back i happen to saw you".
TOMMY: "awr..! so sorry! that old man RICKY rent this room to me i didn't know it's where your appartment".
BELLA replied: "hmm..! is okay! from now on this is our appartment i feel really confirtable living with you".
TOMMY face turned abit red replying: " errz..! actually i got the same feeling too".
BELLA jumped onto TOMMY and hugged him whispering: " i will always treasure this moment and i will always remember the name TOMMY".
TOMMY hugger her back feeling the warmness of BELLA waist feeling the heat from BELLA head on his face, smelling a sweet fragrance of classic perfume on BELLA hair and he started to fell in love with BELLA.
it was late night where the MOON shinning brightly it's time for dinner TOMMY feeling hungry, BELLA hear the grambling sound of TOMMY tummy, giving a sign of TOMMY is hungry, she decide to cook for dinner, she cook sincerely with all her heart for every single moment.
when the food are ready BELLA served on the table TOMMY take a deep breath, smelling the food she cook, the fragrance flow in his nose causing him to drew.
they started tucking in the food, feeling those moment of dinner together, BELLA look at TOMMY eating she take a deep breath to feel those moment where some 1 she love eating the food she cook, it giving her a joy. it was a great moment for her, TOMMY looked up, staring at BELLA seeing her smilling sweetly, it just make him feel like smilling.
after the dinner, they went out for a night walk , a night walk through the forest, hearing noises of criket, seeing the cloud covering the moon and the cold wind blow across.
BELLA quickly grab onto TOMMY hand, they holded onto each other hand walking pass the forest suddently they hear a RAWRLING voice, TOMMY hugged BELLA trying to cover her.
the voice came from a bear, seeing a bear walking pass, they hide under a tree, TOMMY was covering BELLA through the night playing dead inorder to not get attack by the bear, BELLA feeling the warmness of TOMMY arm she will always remember this moment.
through the night to morning, they woked up by the voices of a rooster, seeing the sky turning brighter, they stood up holding on to each other hand make their way back to their appartment, to wash up. they decided to share bath, while having a warm bath, they started splashing water and have those moment of fun.
after their bath they went out for their breakfast. done with their breakfast, went to a near by printing shop, printing lots of flyer they went around the street to paste the flyer to advertise their INTERIOR DESIGN WORKSHOP.
it was morning where the had RISED, they went to a further street to explore for a better BREAKFAST, they had a real great and delicious breakfast.
after their break fast they happen to cross the road, a truck rush toward them knocked both of them down. TOMMY opened up his eye he saw the whole surrounding was dark, there's only 1 entrance he was lost, he walked out of the entrance he saw BELLA walked toward him crying hugged and kissed him deeply, with tears flowing from her eye to his chest.
BELLA had her last moment of talk with him saying: " TOMMY..!! i don't want to forget this name TOMMY, i treasure every moment with you, im really sorry for hurting you, i am alredy dead for close to 30 years ago, i don't want to rest in peace yet during the 30 year ago, i never experience any true LOVES before, experiencing true loves is my only wish i begger the death god for a chance to experience and see my true loves.
the death god gave me a chance to come back to live for 1 week to experience the true loves before i can rest in peace, im so sorry for hurting you i really LOVES you i wish i can be with you forever.
but it beyond our control, i really want to thank you deeply for experiencing this every short moment with me. THANK YOU!".
tears fell down from TOMMY eye, everything just like a dream he recall every moment he spend with BELLA, it making him tears non stop.
when BELLA turned head walked toward the death god, TOMMY run toward BELLA holding onto BELLA hand tightly, never wanna let go, he crying out a word to BELLA: " no......!! why things flow this way i really want you back, what can i do to bring you back?, what can i do to see you again?, i wanna let you know that i love you a thousand time, how can i get to see you again?, BELLA......!!! I LOVE YOU..!!" .
the DEATH GOD pulled BELLA away, TOMMY was grabing onto BELLA hand tightly, but it was totally useless they loose grip BELLA got pulled away by the DEATH GOD it's her time to rest in peace.
TOMMY was crying feeling the pain in his heart, it really hurt deep in him tears covered up his eye he started to black out slowly.
for a few seond later he woke up, he was lying on the ward of the hospital, RICKY the old man approach him handing over a diary of BELLA to him tearing, saying: " TOMMY! thank you! for spending every moment with BELLA she's my younger sister, i heard from her that the death god fullfill her wish by letting her experience a moment of true love, you are the 1 that chosen by the death god to be her true loves thank you!" .
TOMMY flip open the diary of BELLA it writtend down a jeournal of every moment they spend together, he see back every treasured moment he started crying.
< THE END > hope you read it give me some feedback on the story.
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