Sunday, August 15, 2010 take a break from work become bored, good time to write a story.
Sunday, August 15, 2010
hmm..! taking a break just nice today is sunday sabeth day time to rest, after so long of working for yog. yesterday was real opening ceremony.
today kind of bored been filling my schedule with work, suddently got nothing to do not use to it.
opening ceremony over now i can upload the picture for the 5 rehersal days:

the only memory i got here.
hope tommorrow will get called down for work if not gonna be damn boring, doing nothing is the worst thing to do.
< >
but doing something stupid is worst:
MICHAEL was so pissed off in life he feels like comitting suicide, but he don't have the guards to do it, one day he called TIM up to do him a favour, he willing to pay TIM a sum of money for doing him a favour.
he arrange a meeting spot which is up the roof of a high rise building, which is a sky crapper. TIM meet him up there he explane to TIM what to do.
"HEY! TIM im so sorry i thinking of comitting suicide but i dare not do it, i'm afraid of death, can you do me a favour by throwing me down from this SKY CRAPPER?"
TIM replied : " errm..! ok but the problem here is you are scared. what if you end up struggling and insist of letting me throw you down? "
MICHALE answer his question: " ok! TIM! if i happen to struggler you can just throw me down by force, even if im to scared to be thrown just ignore what ever i say and just throw me down"
TIM agree with it and started take action. without a word TIM grab MICHAEL and pushed him to the edge of the SKY CRAPPER gonna throw MICHAEL down any time.
MICHAEL was struggleling asking TIM to wait, but TIM just ignore what ever MICHAEL said, MICHAEL started to grab onto the hand rail insist of getting thrown down.
TIM pick a metal bar up from the floor to hit MICHAEL. MICHAEL fell on the ground telling TIM that he take back his words, he don't want to die. but TIM just ignore MICHAEL and throw him down.
MICHAEL was screaming like a mad guy felling down the SKY CRAPPER.
gaint an inspiration to do somw writting:

a hot tempered man should practice basic anger management, no matter how angry a man is his brain are still working.
we always got the right to make a discision, when we are angry we can do something real practical by just looking up the light bulb, let the light glare in our eye, relax our muscler. this is actually a basic form of MEDITATION', taking a deep breath in the same time close your eye relax your mind, empty it by not thinking about the problem.
when we feel calmed down, it will be the time to open up our mine to think of solution to solve the problem, there's always a way to solve a problem even it's impossible god will make it possible.
there's many type of people which we will tend to throw our temper at, without knowing it, for example it may be our MOM. as human being how we treated our mom now is how we gonna tread our love ones in future.
practice meditation, keep our mine calm think of a positive things that happen before. for example think of what your mom had did before to keep you safe.
it said very clearly in the 10 COMMANDMENT EXODUS 20:12 Honor your father and your mother, so that you may live long in the land the LORD your God is giving you.
meditate on it thinking why we are commanded to honor our parents, just remember this we are a slaves , but GOD take us as his child everything he commanded as is for our own good.
hmm..! taking a break just nice today is sunday sabeth day time to rest, after so long of working for yog. yesterday was real opening ceremony.
today kind of bored been filling my schedule with work, suddently got nothing to do not use to it.
opening ceremony over now i can upload the picture for the 5 rehersal days:

the only memory i got here.
hope tommorrow will get called down for work if not gonna be damn boring, doing nothing is the worst thing to do.
< >
but doing something stupid is worst:

he arrange a meeting spot which is up the roof of a high rise building, which is a sky crapper. TIM meet him up there he explane to TIM what to do.
"HEY! TIM im so sorry i thinking of comitting suicide but i dare not do it, i'm afraid of death, can you do me a favour by throwing me down from this SKY CRAPPER?"
TIM replied : " errm..! ok but the problem here is you are scared. what if you end up struggling and insist of letting me throw you down? "
MICHALE answer his question: " ok! TIM! if i happen to struggler you can just throw me down by force, even if im to scared to be thrown just ignore what ever i say and just throw me down"
TIM agree with it and started take action. without a word TIM grab MICHAEL and pushed him to the edge of the SKY CRAPPER gonna throw MICHAEL down any time.
MICHAEL was struggleling asking TIM to wait, but TIM just ignore what ever MICHAEL said, MICHAEL started to grab onto the hand rail insist of getting thrown down.
TIM pick a metal bar up from the floor to hit MICHAEL. MICHAEL fell on the ground telling TIM that he take back his words, he don't want to die. but TIM just ignore MICHAEL and throw him down.
MICHAEL was screaming like a mad guy felling down the SKY CRAPPER.
gaint an inspiration to do somw writting:

a hot tempered man should practice basic anger management, no matter how angry a man is his brain are still working.
we always got the right to make a discision, when we are angry we can do something real practical by just looking up the light bulb, let the light glare in our eye, relax our muscler. this is actually a basic form of MEDITATION', taking a deep breath in the same time close your eye relax your mind, empty it by not thinking about the problem.
when we feel calmed down, it will be the time to open up our mine to think of solution to solve the problem, there's always a way to solve a problem even it's impossible god will make it possible.
there's many type of people which we will tend to throw our temper at, without knowing it, for example it may be our MOM. as human being how we treated our mom now is how we gonna tread our love ones in future.
practice meditation, keep our mine calm think of a positive things that happen before. for example think of what your mom had did before to keep you safe.
it said very clearly in the 10 COMMANDMENT EXODUS 20:12 Honor your father and your mother, so that you may live long in the land the LORD your God is giving you.
meditate on it thinking why we are commanded to honor our parents, just remember this we are a slaves , but GOD take us as his child everything he commanded as is for our own good.
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