Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
wooh...! tommorrow no school it's HARI RAYA HAJI..!! wish everyone a HAPPY HARI RAYA HAJI!
today im late for school missed the 1st lesson, but did attend ENGINEERING SCIENCE and ENTREPRENEUR class.
photo to upload:

that's a PANORAMIC view of my school computer lab which is my class @ TAMPINES ITE.
here come YOON HUI YANG copy work only huh:
we been doing the network diagram; listing down the; ES, EF, LS, LF and SLACK.
ES = early start, EF = early finsih, LS = late start and LF = late finish.
finally i manage to get it can't believe AH BOON teaching very good. he may seems a bad boy but he can explane things very clearly.
never judge the book by it cover.
i been decorating my room, i wanna have a good sleep:

i decorate my CEILING with lots of picture and some of my drawing.
same for my wall area. i sleeping facing up the ceiling can keep me entertained, make sleeping fun.
i paste my CG member photo on the wall also, looking at the AKATSUKI DI photo; give me memory of last time. missed those days.
wooh...! tommorrow no school it's HARI RAYA HAJI..!! wish everyone a HAPPY HARI RAYA HAJI!
today im late for school missed the 1st lesson, but did attend ENGINEERING SCIENCE and ENTREPRENEUR class.
photo to upload:

that's a PANORAMIC view of my school computer lab which is my class @ TAMPINES ITE.
here come YOON HUI YANG copy work only huh:

ES = early start, EF = early finsih, LS = late start and LF = late finish.
finally i manage to get it can't believe AH BOON teaching very good. he may seems a bad boy but he can explane things very clearly.
never judge the book by it cover.
i been decorating my room, i wanna have a good sleep:

i decorate my CEILING with lots of picture and some of my drawing.
same for my wall area. i sleeping facing up the ceiling can keep me entertained, make sleeping fun.
i paste my CG member photo on the wall also, looking at the AKATSUKI DI photo; give me memory of last time. missed those days.
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