Friday, November 19, 2010
Friday, November 19, 2010
hmm..! today kind of pissed off; thought gonna go for interview for a cook job, but thanks to KIRBY give me a communication error. ; by giving me lousy info and i tried calling him no resdpond like as if he was dead.
make my trip to JURONG for nothing; my day gonna be so bad thanks at least i had spend time hanging out with friend. thanks FERLICIAL LEE for meeting me me out.
lunce and DURIAN cake with her; it was all great.
after the hang and the bust from KIRBY went over to SENTOSA to find ma 1st choice of class mate which is HAFIZ the same time collect things from him.
after the whole day of endless trip; met with a friend of my ADIT which is my BEDOK time GIG friend, miss those day with him in BEDOK ITE.
what i draw right below it's ma kind of mood:

not an A, B or C, perhaps not D or a E aswell; An A for an ass, B for a bastard, C for a cheater and also not a DICK or an EXPLOT im not gonna explote but it's an F.
an F___ed up mood, wanna give an F___ up his face.
up to you to fill in the blank, see what you gonna fill it in?
after all ADIT give me an interesting JOB loop hole(LOBANG) for a selling of PIANO job.

gonna email in ma resume real soon.
HEY..! guest what? BAVANI invited me over to her house for a late DEEPAVALI im so excited missed her MARTERN BRYANI and CHARTNI. it's my craving for now haha^^
im so glad that she still take me as her friend; she's such a sincere girl.
so by the way tommorrow it's my PRACTICAL 6 for ma 2B license; got wished by HAFIZ and ADIT so far. now waiting for someone who is even more pretious to wish me; oh it's you lord father in heaven hallowed be your name your kingdom come your will be done, please let ma PRAC 6 be a smooth 1, comit all this into your hand; in your name i pray A-MEN!
< >
comic for today, kind of a random 1:

THIS IS ANTHONY he wanting to collect money from AH HOCK so badly; due to AH HOCK O-ing him money.

This is AH HOCK who happen to bluff ANTHONY that he wasn't at home, he lied about having something on outside and not free to pay ANTHONY back the money.

ANTHONY was so angry about the money AH HOCK O him; he started ringing AH HOCK up saying;"hello! AH HOCK ah..! how long go want O me the money i fucking chee bai need the money and you waste my time, you think what funny huh o people money don't want pay? i out side your house now open your door leh!"

AH HOCK replied to ANTHONY call;" i really not at home how many time you want me to tell you, you know what the meaning of not at home? incase you still don't understand i should speak in CHEE BAI language; to see weather you still don't under stand or not? #@$#@!#!#!@..!. understand or not?"
ANTHONY got so fedup:

he don't believe that AH HOCK was out, he started using a screw driver to drive open the window of AH HOCK house; in order for him to peep in.
perhaps her damaged the window instead.

the broken sound of a window came across AH HOCK; AH HOCK heard it.
and he started step out of his house to see who the culprid breaking his window:

AH HOCK saw ANTHONY at his coridoor he shouted at ANTHONY;"OI..!! you @#$%@#$ you know how much my window or not? i O you a few $$ only you break my window!, even if you sell all your sex toy it still can't even cover the sum for my window you bloody CB!
you know what it this mean or not? , you know what is house breaking or not??. want to go court settle about my window and the chee bai money i O you or not?"
ANTHONY got so scared and he started apologize for the breaking of AH HOCK window;" ok pai seh! i pay you back for the window"
it was an opportunity for AH HOCK;" you spoild my window + you chase me like i O you ur family like that, i think you must pay double the window price and the money i O you if not i report police say you try to hosue breaking."
in the end ANTHONY O AH HOCK money instead:

ANTHONY pay some as a down payment instead 1st.
that's my comic; it base on a true story who i don't want to mention who did it:

what happen exactly during that time, cant give the real name.
next is my comic drawing warm up so long never do comic form before i start drawing a comic i warm up on a lame type 1st:

lazy talk about it!
hmm..! today kind of pissed off; thought gonna go for interview for a cook job, but thanks to KIRBY give me a communication error. ; by giving me lousy info and i tried calling him no resdpond like as if he was dead.
make my trip to JURONG for nothing; my day gonna be so bad thanks at least i had spend time hanging out with friend. thanks FERLICIAL LEE for meeting me me out.
lunce and DURIAN cake with her; it was all great.
after the hang and the bust from KIRBY went over to SENTOSA to find ma 1st choice of class mate which is HAFIZ the same time collect things from him.
after the whole day of endless trip; met with a friend of my ADIT which is my BEDOK time GIG friend, miss those day with him in BEDOK ITE.
what i draw right below it's ma kind of mood:

not an A, B or C, perhaps not D or a E aswell; An A for an ass, B for a bastard, C for a cheater and also not a DICK or an EXPLOT im not gonna explote but it's an F.
an F___ed up mood, wanna give an F___ up his face.
up to you to fill in the blank, see what you gonna fill it in?
after all ADIT give me an interesting JOB loop hole(LOBANG) for a selling of PIANO job.

gonna email in ma resume real soon.
HEY..! guest what? BAVANI invited me over to her house for a late DEEPAVALI im so excited missed her MARTERN BRYANI and CHARTNI. it's my craving for now haha^^
im so glad that she still take me as her friend; she's such a sincere girl.
so by the way tommorrow it's my PRACTICAL 6 for ma 2B license; got wished by HAFIZ and ADIT so far. now waiting for someone who is even more pretious to wish me; oh it's you lord father in heaven hallowed be your name your kingdom come your will be done, please let ma PRAC 6 be a smooth 1, comit all this into your hand; in your name i pray A-MEN!
< >
comic for today, kind of a random 1:

THIS IS ANTHONY he wanting to collect money from AH HOCK so badly; due to AH HOCK O-ing him money.

This is AH HOCK who happen to bluff ANTHONY that he wasn't at home, he lied about having something on outside and not free to pay ANTHONY back the money.

ANTHONY was so angry about the money AH HOCK O him; he started ringing AH HOCK up saying;"hello! AH HOCK ah..! how long go want O me the money i fucking chee bai need the money and you waste my time, you think what funny huh o people money don't want pay? i out side your house now open your door leh!"

AH HOCK replied to ANTHONY call;" i really not at home how many time you want me to tell you, you know what the meaning of not at home? incase you still don't understand i should speak in CHEE BAI language; to see weather you still don't under stand or not? #@$#@!#!#!@..!. understand or not?"
ANTHONY got so fedup:

he don't believe that AH HOCK was out, he started using a screw driver to drive open the window of AH HOCK house; in order for him to peep in.
perhaps her damaged the window instead.

the broken sound of a window came across AH HOCK; AH HOCK heard it.
and he started step out of his house to see who the culprid breaking his window:

AH HOCK saw ANTHONY at his coridoor he shouted at ANTHONY;"OI..!! you @#$%@#$ you know how much my window or not? i O you a few $$ only you break my window!, even if you sell all your sex toy it still can't even cover the sum for my window you bloody CB!
you know what it this mean or not? , you know what is house breaking or not??. want to go court settle about my window and the chee bai money i O you or not?"
ANTHONY got so scared and he started apologize for the breaking of AH HOCK window;" ok pai seh! i pay you back for the window"
it was an opportunity for AH HOCK;" you spoild my window + you chase me like i O you ur family like that, i think you must pay double the window price and the money i O you if not i report police say you try to hosue breaking."
in the end ANTHONY O AH HOCK money instead:

ANTHONY pay some as a down payment instead 1st.
that's my comic; it base on a true story who i don't want to mention who did it:

what happen exactly during that time, cant give the real name.
next is my comic drawing warm up so long never do comic form before i start drawing a comic i warm up on a lame type 1st:

lazy talk about it!
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