today is another day, my heart is filled with weary and burden because of my TP date is close.
Thursday, November 10, 2011
today lg, kind of a broken plan, my discernment tell me that someone in the group does something unright; which put up a situation which broke things up. it's more then 1 person in the group did something not right; can be in school or some where. im not the judge by the way; so i cannot name it out. it include me as well.
today reached school at 8.45AM the HAND BALL COMPETITION begin on time where i just reach, my class got 1st. i don't have to do anything much; i just have to get in the game and act like as if im in the game, simply pass the ball and try give a shot but miss, never mind someone will push it in.
and the result come in a way where my class got 1st. today it's such a day which i not sure it's a good thing or a bad thing. confuse, lecture not around. after the competition over; went back to class on the com instead of study or do project; whole class GTA SAN ANDREAS. through the process of fun; wasn't concious enough to realize something is not right.
today class suppose to end at 5PM, but it ended at 3PM instead, competition end at 12PM; head down to class to play GTA until 3pm, rush back home to change up and went to GYM with my bro.
i wanna see the different, i gonna compare my last time photo and my future photo to see weather gymming will make any different or not.
i so gonna pump up my size.
today i train back and BI SAP. i suddenly remember about today competition i went to my school GYM to do some bench press as a form of warming up for the game; to boost my morel for the game.
i did 3 set of flat bench. actually i not suppose to do bench press, because 2 day ago i had already trained on bench press; it suppose to rest.
no choice it is because i need morel for the game.
the good things about building muscle; it work like a armor protecting your organ and also increase strength by abit. with bigger muscle there's greater force you can give to a person face by just punching straight to the face.
with that amount of strength it can break through bone and cushion the impact that other gave you. muscle got punch it can simply recover, when a bone break it have to go through operation for fixing back the bone. that's the benefit.
our heart is located at our chest, when our muscle is not there the heart is exposed right before the rib cage bone; bench press help to increase and harden up the chest muscle to cover up the rib cage bone and heart.
so people try to give blow right on the heart; the heart will beable to resist the damage.
there's lot of advantage, there's people telling me too muscular very ugly; but i rather go for practical then just the look.
no point being so hot or good looking but ended up being vulnerable.
saying it with a crook way, which not everyone will like to read this:
a friend of my which i don't want to mention name; he had sex with his girl friend ended up his girl friend said something really insulting saying: his dick is not big enough. can't help it i started laughing out with tears; not because of that guy have a small dick, but instead on how foolish he is; been treated like a dildo.
i share it to my bro; he started laughing not because of that guy have a small dick. but it's because that girl live a life for a COCK(dick) can't help it, i cant stop laughing! i such a damn sinner! another possibility is said is: that girl got her hole loosen by plenty of dick and pipe. that's sound damn crook! its not a good word to be use but can't help it, it just so humorous.
i decided to advice him say, the bigger your dick is, the more vulnerable it will be. just swing the leg randomly the dick will got kicked. big stuff is easier to be aim, while small stuff harder to be hit. u can try use a marker to draw a big dick and a small dick on the wall; try aim it with a rubber band.
this word sound crappy i know haha^^
for girl if im not wrong they wish to have bigger boobs right? oh hell yeah..! girl with bigger boobs definitely guys love it, hot stuff. but what come to my mind is a girl who wish to have a bigger boobs is seriously dumb ass. why would you wanna have a thing which will cause a guy to lust at.
walking sex toy? big boobs is vulnerable too; not just physically but sexually as well. so clumsy as well.
never be a lust magnet, it will do no good to you and also no good to the other party by causing them to lust. come on those girl who have big boobs every where she go there's all shot of guy will pay attention to; the 1st thing which the guy will glance the eye to is the boobs. they are not paying attention at who you are and what you are but instead the boobs on your chest.
to my point of view is when a person who are hot will attract lots of friend; but the friend around will spend more of their attention on the hotness instead of the character and behaviour.
by the way i recieve a call from HUIYANG about the SNSD concert. die die i must be in the work. i wanna see SNSD live.
i so gonna be the guy who put a spot light on them haha^^
today lg, kind of a broken plan, my discernment tell me that someone in the group does something unright; which put up a situation which broke things up. it's more then 1 person in the group did something not right; can be in school or some where. im not the judge by the way; so i cannot name it out. it include me as well.
today reached school at 8.45AM the HAND BALL COMPETITION begin on time where i just reach, my class got 1st. i don't have to do anything much; i just have to get in the game and act like as if im in the game, simply pass the ball and try give a shot but miss, never mind someone will push it in.
and the result come in a way where my class got 1st. today it's such a day which i not sure it's a good thing or a bad thing. confuse, lecture not around. after the competition over; went back to class on the com instead of study or do project; whole class GTA SAN ANDREAS. through the process of fun; wasn't concious enough to realize something is not right.
today class suppose to end at 5PM, but it ended at 3PM instead, competition end at 12PM; head down to class to play GTA until 3pm, rush back home to change up and went to GYM with my bro.

i so gonna pump up my size.
today i train back and BI SAP. i suddenly remember about today competition i went to my school GYM to do some bench press as a form of warming up for the game; to boost my morel for the game.
i did 3 set of flat bench. actually i not suppose to do bench press, because 2 day ago i had already trained on bench press; it suppose to rest.
no choice it is because i need morel for the game.
the good things about building muscle; it work like a armor protecting your organ and also increase strength by abit. with bigger muscle there's greater force you can give to a person face by just punching straight to the face.
with that amount of strength it can break through bone and cushion the impact that other gave you. muscle got punch it can simply recover, when a bone break it have to go through operation for fixing back the bone. that's the benefit.
our heart is located at our chest, when our muscle is not there the heart is exposed right before the rib cage bone; bench press help to increase and harden up the chest muscle to cover up the rib cage bone and heart.
so people try to give blow right on the heart; the heart will beable to resist the damage.
there's lot of advantage, there's people telling me too muscular very ugly; but i rather go for practical then just the look.
no point being so hot or good looking but ended up being vulnerable.
saying it with a crook way, which not everyone will like to read this:
a friend of my which i don't want to mention name; he had sex with his girl friend ended up his girl friend said something really insulting saying: his dick is not big enough. can't help it i started laughing out with tears; not because of that guy have a small dick, but instead on how foolish he is; been treated like a dildo.
i share it to my bro; he started laughing not because of that guy have a small dick. but it's because that girl live a life for a COCK(dick) can't help it, i cant stop laughing! i such a damn sinner! another possibility is said is: that girl got her hole loosen by plenty of dick and pipe. that's sound damn crook! its not a good word to be use but can't help it, it just so humorous.
i decided to advice him say, the bigger your dick is, the more vulnerable it will be. just swing the leg randomly the dick will got kicked. big stuff is easier to be aim, while small stuff harder to be hit. u can try use a marker to draw a big dick and a small dick on the wall; try aim it with a rubber band.
this word sound crappy i know haha^^
for girl if im not wrong they wish to have bigger boobs right? oh hell yeah..! girl with bigger boobs definitely guys love it, hot stuff. but what come to my mind is a girl who wish to have a bigger boobs is seriously dumb ass. why would you wanna have a thing which will cause a guy to lust at.
walking sex toy? big boobs is vulnerable too; not just physically but sexually as well. so clumsy as well.
never be a lust magnet, it will do no good to you and also no good to the other party by causing them to lust. come on those girl who have big boobs every where she go there's all shot of guy will pay attention to; the 1st thing which the guy will glance the eye to is the boobs. they are not paying attention at who you are and what you are but instead the boobs on your chest.
to my point of view is when a person who are hot will attract lots of friend; but the friend around will spend more of their attention on the hotness instead of the character and behaviour.
by the way i recieve a call from HUIYANG about the SNSD concert. die die i must be in the work. i wanna see SNSD live.
i so gonna be the guy who put a spot light on them haha^^
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