today is ITE group family day
Sunday, November 20, 2011
today is family day, i cooked pineapple rice and my invention of mixing spaghetti noodle.
morning KIRBY come over my place to assist me, i teach him the measurement of mixing the ingredient for the spaghetti to mass produce into a number of plastic cup and wrap up.
he's my mass producer for that. my pine apple rice short of ingredients, short of prawn and ham; due to afraid some people can't eat sea food. for ham is i lazy to buy.
i should make it saltier, but something come to my mine is:"the water in singapore no 100% clean, chances of destroying the kitney is high, so i decided not to add."
simple stuff rather then came out with so many complicated ideal.
i been working on AUTODESK MAYA:
been figuring out how to make a 3d animation, i so gonna stack PARTICLE and AFTER EFFECT with MAYA 3d model animation.
im now bloody stuck there; been searching for solution online how to really create a proper 3d model instead of just a pathetic bone structure, i tried animated those "S" key function but it just couldn't multitask up all the movement.
screw that seriously.
who you some test out of effect on my own webcam video:
that's the effect which i try out.
this is another effect which i test out too on shooting air and smoke effect.
this is another test out effect; making unlimited smoke effect out of the recorded web cam video with KIRBY. just did it today.
yeah get back with the MAYA thing; AUTODESK MAYA tool and function is really complicated totally different world from ADOBE PHOTO SHOP and stuff.
my dream is to make a 3d animation by my own. i been figuring out of a method and a solution.
online solution is really unclear; most of it is people showing off their skill instead, someone just game a a solution is to go to the library to hunt for BOOKS that will give soultion and tutorial.
guest wad i lost my 3D model for MAYA; wonder where did i save it to.
i see through online heard that MONTY OUM takes months to complete just 1 scene of 3d animation. i thinking this will be a good ideal to make the month pass by quickly to reach my next TP date on JAN 12. wait for 2 months later, damn it.
i hate SSDC , i hate SINGAPORE system.
i failed my TP i seriously lost all my mood to even do any drawing. my said a word on making a drawing of the rest of the 2NE1 IT'S HURT drawing.
< >
1: write detation of lines, on PSALM 23. (15X)
2: draw 2NE1 the rest of the member.
3: get the date and detail on this month K concert which i suppose to work for to earn my money back which i lost it on my 17 NOV TP.
4: DEC SNSD concert; i have to work for: get the date when is it, which i forgotten due to putting my mine too much on that bloody TP and failed TP the 3rd time. really a blow on my head.

morning KIRBY come over my place to assist me, i teach him the measurement of mixing the ingredient for the spaghetti to mass produce into a number of plastic cup and wrap up.
he's my mass producer for that. my pine apple rice short of ingredients, short of prawn and ham; due to afraid some people can't eat sea food. for ham is i lazy to buy.
i should make it saltier, but something come to my mine is:"the water in singapore no 100% clean, chances of destroying the kitney is high, so i decided not to add."
simple stuff rather then came out with so many complicated ideal.
i been working on AUTODESK MAYA:

im now bloody stuck there; been searching for solution online how to really create a proper 3d model instead of just a pathetic bone structure, i tried animated those "S" key function but it just couldn't multitask up all the movement.
screw that seriously.
who you some test out of effect on my own webcam video:
that's the effect which i try out.
this is another effect which i test out too on shooting air and smoke effect.
this is another test out effect; making unlimited smoke effect out of the recorded web cam video with KIRBY. just did it today.
yeah get back with the MAYA thing; AUTODESK MAYA tool and function is really complicated totally different world from ADOBE PHOTO SHOP and stuff.
my dream is to make a 3d animation by my own. i been figuring out of a method and a solution.
online solution is really unclear; most of it is people showing off their skill instead, someone just game a a solution is to go to the library to hunt for BOOKS that will give soultion and tutorial.
guest wad i lost my 3D model for MAYA; wonder where did i save it to.
i see through online heard that MONTY OUM takes months to complete just 1 scene of 3d animation. i thinking this will be a good ideal to make the month pass by quickly to reach my next TP date on JAN 12. wait for 2 months later, damn it.
i hate SSDC , i hate SINGAPORE system.
i failed my TP i seriously lost all my mood to even do any drawing. my said a word on making a drawing of the rest of the 2NE1 IT'S HURT drawing.
< >
1: write detation of lines, on PSALM 23. (15X)
2: draw 2NE1 the rest of the member.
3: get the date and detail on this month K concert which i suppose to work for to earn my money back which i lost it on my 17 NOV TP.
4: DEC SNSD concert; i have to work for: get the date when is it, which i forgotten due to putting my mine too much on that bloody TP and failed TP the 3rd time. really a blow on my head.
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