today it's 12 nov 2008
today it's 12 nov 2008
today i reach school 10.30 am no magi lai class see other class having event till so interesting they are really hard core sia.
see my group pple all cannot make it like them im so pissed of for being such lousy leader i must do some thing that move the world 1 day!!
ya today i reach too early no 1 around only zul i dare not go talk to him his behaviour really make me loose face like to make all kind's of un-nasesary noice irritating it's just showing how uncivilize he it's but i did try help him and expliane thing to him up to him to learn or not.
the whole morning burn of on the roof of my school i been hanging around my school roof top slacking moment of lone ranger to rest my self took some photo planning top edit and post.
i did 1 of it can show u:

me reading bible at my school roof top no body muahaha^^
animate it make it move so feel more alive^^
today play Dota in school i finish my auto cad work so i can slack i also did complete the survey can slack aredy today i feel so heart broken im told to shut up by some 1 why am i feel so heart broke i dunno why am i that weak??
that's cannot be wad strong with that damn feeling kind of wierd never have that type of shit before aiyo!!
after school my phone rang it's kenneth teaching day haha about charactoristic next week will be my turn to be teacher haha^^
i go plaza singapura i go to my favourite hang out area YAMAHA haha i go play piano today i played canon, amazing grace, some korean song that i hear before, awsome god and some other song that i forget the title.
i also played the guitar at the YAMAHA express all my feeling just feel so sad for this day dunno why maybe just becoz of some 1 tell me to shut up that;s so wierd am i mentally ill?? cannot be wad.
i go home try to make my self happier but keep got that damn sad feeling play photo shop

i make this it just make me feel like laugthing at my stupidity haha that from my sec 3 photo few year back aredy i cut and edit on photo shop make it move wan my memory to be alive againt haha try always^^
today i reach school 10.30 am no magi lai class see other class having event till so interesting they are really hard core sia.
see my group pple all cannot make it like them im so pissed of for being such lousy leader i must do some thing that move the world 1 day!!
ya today i reach too early no 1 around only zul i dare not go talk to him his behaviour really make me loose face like to make all kind's of un-nasesary noice irritating it's just showing how uncivilize he it's but i did try help him and expliane thing to him up to him to learn or not.
the whole morning burn of on the roof of my school i been hanging around my school roof top slacking moment of lone ranger to rest my self took some photo planning top edit and post.
i did 1 of it can show u:

me reading bible at my school roof top no body muahaha^^
animate it make it move so feel more alive^^
today play Dota in school i finish my auto cad work so i can slack i also did complete the survey can slack aredy today i feel so heart broken im told to shut up by some 1 why am i feel so heart broke i dunno why am i that weak??
that's cannot be wad strong with that damn feeling kind of wierd never have that type of shit before aiyo!!
after school my phone rang it's kenneth teaching day haha about charactoristic next week will be my turn to be teacher haha^^
i go plaza singapura i go to my favourite hang out area YAMAHA haha i go play piano today i played canon, amazing grace, some korean song that i hear before, awsome god and some other song that i forget the title.
i also played the guitar at the YAMAHA express all my feeling just feel so sad for this day dunno why maybe just becoz of some 1 tell me to shut up that;s so wierd am i mentally ill?? cannot be wad.
i go home try to make my self happier but keep got that damn sad feeling play photo shop

i make this it just make me feel like laugthing at my stupidity haha that from my sec 3 photo few year back aredy i cut and edit on photo shop make it move wan my memory to be alive againt haha try always^^