Saturday, May 15, 2010
Saturday, May 15, 2010
today woke up at CLARKE QUAY bath change slack abit then go meet CHING CHYE and CHUN PANG then go service together aiyo MELVIN late today service start at 5:45PM he reach around 7PM + nothing i can say because i also a regular late comer.
i can only HI-FI with him lol.
ya i still in a process of using my SIGN LANGUAGE so many thing to learn for this year i can list down MATHS, STATICS, SIGN LANGUAGE, DRAWING and DISCIPLING!!
today quite boring sia thank god MELVIN, CHING CHYE and CHUN PANG did come atleast there's a reason for me to at work if not everything gonna be even boring.
after service hang out till late dinner fellowshiping some go play LAN i totally got nothing to keep my self entertaint.
rougthly did took photo of my drawing on footscape papper yesterday night before sleep at CLARKE QUAY actually i should be studying damn gone case:

it was FURTHER the man who hold on to the POWER to open the PORTAL to another DIEMENTION to bring the OUT WORLD DEMONIC CREATURE to earth he was the son of the captain of the FLYING SHIP he was missing for too long the father was looking for him for years the PIRATE gonna find for him as a part of the QUEST to exchange for the RUNE OF THE CLOUD CITY to find the lost crew member back.
the PIRATE travel all the way to the CLOUD CITY ( FORBIDDEN EAST HILL ).
the PIRATE gonna fought the OUT WORLD PORTAL HOLDER with all they have for their CREW MEMBER back..!!


the PIRATE was dodging around and firing with their skill.

the OUT WORLD PORTAL HOLDER was seems fine the PIRATE gonna find the weak point.

just take picture of it!!
today woke up at CLARKE QUAY bath change slack abit then go meet CHING CHYE and CHUN PANG then go service together aiyo MELVIN late today service start at 5:45PM he reach around 7PM + nothing i can say because i also a regular late comer.
i can only HI-FI with him lol.
ya i still in a process of using my SIGN LANGUAGE so many thing to learn for this year i can list down MATHS, STATICS, SIGN LANGUAGE, DRAWING and DISCIPLING!!
today quite boring sia thank god MELVIN, CHING CHYE and CHUN PANG did come atleast there's a reason for me to at work if not everything gonna be even boring.
after service hang out till late dinner fellowshiping some go play LAN i totally got nothing to keep my self entertaint.
rougthly did took photo of my drawing on footscape papper yesterday night before sleep at CLARKE QUAY actually i should be studying damn gone case:

it was FURTHER the man who hold on to the POWER to open the PORTAL to another DIEMENTION to bring the OUT WORLD DEMONIC CREATURE to earth he was the son of the captain of the FLYING SHIP he was missing for too long the father was looking for him for years the PIRATE gonna find for him as a part of the QUEST to exchange for the RUNE OF THE CLOUD CITY to find the lost crew member back.
the PIRATE travel all the way to the CLOUD CITY ( FORBIDDEN EAST HILL ).
the PIRATE gonna fought the OUT WORLD PORTAL HOLDER with all they have for their CREW MEMBER back..!!


the PIRATE was dodging around and firing with their skill.

the OUT WORLD PORTAL HOLDER was seems fine the PIRATE gonna find the weak point.

just take picture of it!!