Saturday, October 9, 2010countdown to XIN MEI B-DAY....!!
Saturday, October 9, 2010 countdown to XIN MEI B-DAY....!!
wish she will be the happiest girl on earth. everything she face i just always feel for her.
sad thing is i missed SERVICE, but gladly thankful is i get to fellowship with friends for dinner:

HAI NAN CHICKEN RICE; it's not bad quite good but not that good.
located somewhere a distance away from DOHB?Y GHAUT just next to the TAO HUAY store. from the HAI NAN CHICKEN RICE store will get to see the view of this building.
if you know this building im sure you know where is it.
where we had our dinner for today, gonna fill up my stomach before going for a drink.
today is XIN MEI B-DAY im so glad and also disappointed due to; i didn't really give much to her. hope i can help her to sercure her needs and solve her problem.
today celebration in TIMBRE next to SMU area no ideal what timbre is that.
if im not wrong is (Timbre @ The Substation)
took a photo randomly:


had a great time in TIMBRE, but im not sure do XIN MEI had a great time or not, hope she had a great time haiz..!! failed to bought a B-DAY CAKE for her.
she didnt get to make a wish.
by the way today TIMBRE band rocks, they tried their best and the admosphere flow very nicely. everyone is up keeped for the night off:
im not sure what the name for their band gonna find out soon.
< >
yesterday spend the dawn with her for the day before her B-DAY celebration, chit chat the night away:

XIN MEI help me took this photo.
wish she will be the happiest girl on earth. everything she face i just always feel for her.
sad thing is i missed SERVICE, but gladly thankful is i get to fellowship with friends for dinner:

HAI NAN CHICKEN RICE; it's not bad quite good but not that good.

if you know this building im sure you know where is it.
where we had our dinner for today, gonna fill up my stomach before going for a drink.
today is XIN MEI B-DAY im so glad and also disappointed due to; i didn't really give much to her. hope i can help her to sercure her needs and solve her problem.
today celebration in TIMBRE next to SMU area no ideal what timbre is that.
if im not wrong is (Timbre @ The Substation)
took a photo randomly:


had a great time in TIMBRE, but im not sure do XIN MEI had a great time or not, hope she had a great time haiz..!! failed to bought a B-DAY CAKE for her.
she didnt get to make a wish.
by the way today TIMBRE band rocks, they tried their best and the admosphere flow very nicely. everyone is up keeped for the night off:
im not sure what the name for their band gonna find out soon.
< >
yesterday spend the dawn with her for the day before her B-DAY celebration, chit chat the night away:

XIN MEI help me took this photo.