Wednesday, November 10, 2010
today school asusual missed the 1st lesson; which is SPORT and WELLNESS.
sad case i miss that lesson i didnt be attending that for quite sometime aredy i want to go sport and well ness.
after school damn rotten luck got caught by JEAN TOH which is my school CID if im not wrong; cought littering of ciggerete. sad case she took down my NAME and IC hope she will let me off. she asked me to dye back my hair to black and meet her again so she will let me off.
i had been begging her for mercy sia; scared she tell my class advisor and parent; i don't want to get scolding or summam, that's the worst thing can ever happen.
definitly go broke, i don't think i can afault to pay the fine; that's how a person will feel, i will give 1 example; people who on dept with a LOAN SHARK or BANKRUPT and can't beable to afault to pay will definitly commit suicide.
that's exactly how i feels like.
i went to bought HENNA which is some INDIAN HAIR DYE PRODUCT:

EAGLE'S EXPORT QUALITY; BLACK HENNA. no ideal what the fuck is this product; but it's damn cheap 1 pack which i holding is cost S$1.40 only.
intro by my classmate HAFIZ.

Went to TAMPINES MALL area BURGER KING to havbe lunce with HAFIZ, XIN XIONG and LE CHUAN.
not so bad bought a cheap value meal for S$4.90.
after the lunce went to a nearer block under to slack and chit chat planning where to go. talk alot crap and nonsence.
i felt so depress and hopeless after getting cought by JEAN TOH i definitly not the only 1 feeling so crap, if im not wrong XIN XIONG also.
so after the long chat and nonsence we had planned to go EAST COAST, BEDOK RESERVOIR, CHANGI VILLAGE, AIR PORT, K-BOX, PASIR RIS BEACH, PULAO UBIN, RED HOUSE or OLD CHANGI HOSPITAL, but OLD CHANGI HOSPITAL got no meaning left it totally blocked up and the rest is too late for it; so we decide to go PASIR RIS BEACH to hang out.
went over to PASIR RIS BEACH to relax and slack. been chit chatting and share lots of story and interesting topic for the whole hour till 10PM+ decided to go home take MRT and BUS; glad there's same bus going home.
random photo:

picture taken at PASIR RIS AREA BEACH.