Friday, March 1, 2013 finally can have a quite early book out on Friday.
Friday, March 1, 2013
finally can feel the Friday bright sky and air. booked out of camp, past few weeks and month been getting my Week end burned due to stupid planning Brave Coy had. by the way im posted to Amour in Keat Hong Camp, there's 5 different company: A(ARCHER), B(BRAVE), C(COUGAR), SUPPORT COY(STALLION) and HQ(HERCULES). im in B COY, which is BRAVE.
that's the core image for BRAVE company. i felt really unfortunate to be there haiz..!
they bluff us said Brave its a welfare company, to me it don't seems to be. bullshit word coming from them.
SAF took a passport size photo for me for my India VISA.
thats quite long ago, which my hair still very short.
i think i gonna show you my BMT group photo:
thats PLATOON 5, my BMT its under 40 SAR (SINGAPORE AMOUR REGIMENT), after POP still in same place, same company and under the same in charge. sian!! about MONO intake.
after so long of shit to go through.
Pop for BMT on some where OCTOBER which i cannot remember which day:
won't forget those days, memorable moment, through the 6 days 5 nights of Dogly field camp.
and those slavely moment of 24 KM ROUTE MARC, from Sembawang Water Front to Keat Hong Camp, passed by those LIM CHU KANG LANE and cemetery.
after the POP PARADE its a most memorable Block Leave, 1 week off the moment of freedom make me felt really good.
after the Pop parade its the moment where everyone waiting to see their vocation, where they posted to, for us 10 Mono Amour no need think so much, we wont get posted any where, but AFV Driver or AI Trooper.
there's still some people who got posted out, those status personnel like those injured their leg or hand. those behave weird and cry baby. they are smart people, who make their way out of those shit place which i happen to stuck in now.
after the BMT Phase its a 2 Months of Trait Course Phase, we have to go Through weapon mastery and Infantry Phase to proceed to Amour phase.
after 2 month of Trait course its another POP parade which we dawn the Black Beret, a long hours of parade of amour fighting spirit and heavy vehicle and trooper perform battle movement.
show you some picture of my Trait course POP:
thats the picture that snapped by the photo grapher, we are just not alot to bring camera phone to camp. other camp already put on a green zone to it.
the memorable moment of getting through those shit trait course moment. damn irritating those period of time.
show you the moment where i got my vocation as Runner:

those moment where i 1st time put on a black Beret. felt like a great relief from those training phase.
but after quite some time, i realize im no different from a recruit because we are Man not specialist or Officer. we are badly treated due to our non spec or officer status. we are not given any rank but just been called a man, which have to obey like a dog doing unnecessary thing. when ever the commander got a bad mood or family problem which doesn't relate to us; we are doomed.
after through those parade still not the end yet, got alot more field training and firing to go through, alot of dirt, pest and rain to go through. forest bashing and forest defend.
i still can't forget the Rotation 1 training, i follow my officer to bash through the forest to our destination, took us 4 to 5 hour. after attacked a destined area, we have to capture to defend that area under the rain and wet in mud. followed by night mission another bashing of forest in a dark sky and area, which i couldn't see a thing. flying insect in the air which i can't see in the night, getting bitten all over my face and body.
have to endure those shit. alot more shit we went through as a Amour Trooper. im just lazy to specifically type down every single shit.
alot more. by the way yesterday its my Urban Ops. not so bad, only problem its the damn weather its so hot, burned me.
by the way i just got tagged in Facebook regarding an old photo, which display my 4 years ago ITE BEDOK time. really melted my heart, those are my friends in the pass few years. hope i can get to catch up with them again:
really memorable moment; where im still a civilian and having such friends which i can relate with.
that's FAIZ, JESSICA, RACHELL, SAGAR and ME. those moment where we always hang out till late and good day roaming.