update for ending dec
wah. Damn SEPTEMBER ENDED aredy sad i misses dec 2009 cannot get it back aredy now it's october time fly's damn fast haiyo..!
SEPTEMBER it's a month of blessing to me sia look:

i get a Keyboard From a Hui Yang September end finaly sia can practice aredy.
and some of the item here i found it during the december

PSP, ZIPPO, SMALL MIRROR, i also bought a new protecter and ear piece extender for my Samsung YP-p2 mp3 player, repaired my damn old watch.
now i can travel with entertainment haha^^
and look see what's that:

Look Latest version Firm ware for my PSP today joshua came to my house the malay looking guy who's from my brother school came to help me to update my PSP he say my PSP battery it's a PANDORA Battery amazing right??
and this SEPTEMBER i watched quite a number of movie some of the ticket i keep becoz got error throught the playing the service not bad asked me to keep the ticket for an exchange with a combo Set especialy Phobia 2 watched it on SUNDAY SEPT 20 2009
for SEPT i watched:
Year one, PhoBia 2 and Inglorious Basterd

i watched PHOBIA 2 with johnathan, my Bro, joseph, john and johnathan brother it's aloysious his side it's Jia Shun, Benedic, Jenna (aloy Biatchy wife) and Emily ( ALoy and Jenna Pet)

phobia 2 it's a thai horror movie nice show.
and i watched INGLORIOUS BASTERD on 27 SEPT 2009 SUNDAY i there's only Faiz and me go for the movie so romantic right damn people will think we GAY partner actually not it's just faiz came back from malaysia he say he wanna hang out the day after that it's he working

it's a damn funny and violent show nice not becoz there's brad pitt im not a gay damn it i like lady's not any shim or he.
i saw HITLER in the movie sia funny sia he like a god damn german worshiping him
oh ya today i prepare a meal for my self a last meal for SEPT:

my Lunch it's microwave cooking.

and moon cake almond flavour taste crappy damn it i throw it away forced my self eat a few.
wah. Damn SEPTEMBER ENDED aredy sad i misses dec 2009 cannot get it back aredy now it's october time fly's damn fast haiyo..!
SEPTEMBER it's a month of blessing to me sia look:

i get a Keyboard From a Hui Yang September end finaly sia can practice aredy.
and some of the item here i found it during the december

PSP, ZIPPO, SMALL MIRROR, i also bought a new protecter and ear piece extender for my Samsung YP-p2 mp3 player, repaired my damn old watch.
now i can travel with entertainment haha^^
and look see what's that:

Look Latest version Firm ware for my PSP today joshua came to my house the malay looking guy who's from my brother school came to help me to update my PSP he say my PSP battery it's a PANDORA Battery amazing right??
and this SEPTEMBER i watched quite a number of movie some of the ticket i keep becoz got error throught the playing the service not bad asked me to keep the ticket for an exchange with a combo Set especialy Phobia 2 watched it on SUNDAY SEPT 20 2009
for SEPT i watched:
Year one, PhoBia 2 and Inglorious Basterd

i watched PHOBIA 2 with johnathan, my Bro, joseph, john and johnathan brother it's aloysious his side it's Jia Shun, Benedic, Jenna (aloy Biatchy wife) and Emily ( ALoy and Jenna Pet)

phobia 2 it's a thai horror movie nice show.
and i watched INGLORIOUS BASTERD on 27 SEPT 2009 SUNDAY i there's only Faiz and me go for the movie so romantic right damn people will think we GAY partner actually not it's just faiz came back from malaysia he say he wanna hang out the day after that it's he working

it's a damn funny and violent show nice not becoz there's brad pitt im not a gay damn it i like lady's not any shim or he.
i saw HITLER in the movie sia funny sia he like a god damn german worshiping him
oh ya today i prepare a meal for my self a last meal for SEPT:

my Lunch it's microwave cooking.

and moon cake almond flavour taste crappy damn it i throw it away forced my self eat a few.