Wednessday, July 7, 2010
Wednessday, July 7, 2010
haiz..!! in school all the way from early moring till evening.
reach home at 7PM+ only got less then 5 hour to spend at home.
now the media been broad casting saving gaia coming out all kind of video and song for for it.
some people been working toward it but no 1 wanna play apart still we gonna face the conserquences by the way its time for we all to die it's beyond our control.

look like hell right? we can make this happen just co-operate together this will be fullfill turning the earth into hell but 1 thing the real hell is way worst then this..!!
think about it ma friend!
i myself is a sinner who live life like shit! but 1 thing as a friend i wanna share to you about living life right with christ jesus you will learn to love people around even your enemy becoz jesus aredy prepared something great for us is his love that's why we got salvation just by follow him:

heaven will be greater then this..!! becoz god love is so great and its greater till beyond our imagination that's how big god is how unlimited god is and how powerful he is.
how small are we a more then a trillion time smaller then the earth.
guest how big the sun is?? god create it with just a breath.
and there's way more planet that bigger then sun some are enougth to fit a million sun in.

not my knowledge it's the scienctist and astrology knowledge they research defitnitly wont be me just wad i read about them alot.
by the way GOD wan us to believe by faith not by sign researching is as good as seeing the sign he create if u wanna research it's fine.
haiz..!! in school all the way from early moring till evening.
reach home at 7PM+ only got less then 5 hour to spend at home.
now the media been broad casting saving gaia coming out all kind of video and song for for it.
some people been working toward it but no 1 wanna play apart still we gonna face the conserquences by the way its time for we all to die it's beyond our control.

look like hell right? we can make this happen just co-operate together this will be fullfill turning the earth into hell but 1 thing the real hell is way worst then this..!!
think about it ma friend!
i myself is a sinner who live life like shit! but 1 thing as a friend i wanna share to you about living life right with christ jesus you will learn to love people around even your enemy becoz jesus aredy prepared something great for us is his love that's why we got salvation just by follow him:

heaven will be greater then this..!! becoz god love is so great and its greater till beyond our imagination that's how big god is how unlimited god is and how powerful he is.
how small are we a more then a trillion time smaller then the earth.
guest how big the sun is?? god create it with just a breath.
and there's way more planet that bigger then sun some are enougth to fit a million sun in.

not my knowledge it's the scienctist and astrology knowledge they research defitnitly wont be me just wad i read about them alot.
by the way GOD wan us to believe by faith not by sign researching is as good as seeing the sign he create if u wanna research it's fine.