Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
today quite a peaceful day abit happy some how becoz i have a long sleep late for school but never mind i just got lot of excuse my EZ CARD still the problem for me so got a reason to be late or skip school.
once i got my student fare no more excuse for me aredy lol today i woke up at 9AM+ take my own sweet time surf the net take a shower try to call HUI YANG never anwer.
so i just hang on using computer till he suddently call me back he just prepare to leave the house so i quickly rush go find him take bus 22 at AMK HUB.
reached school at around 12PM just nice for STATIC and later on MATHS i am still freaking stuck at STATIC always change method now i dunno which fucking method to follow then maths also the lecture give so many method dunno which fucking method to follow.
was stressed went out of class with my random class mate to toilet they also say they dun understand so i no the only 1 haha^^ later on go back class manage to catch up with it 1 by 1 thanks god i did learn soemthing for today.
haiz tommorow was LOGARITHYM TEST i stil not study for any single shit of it yet pissed of gonna study in the bus tommorrow for it.
today took bus 22 back to AMK HUB with HUI YANG AND CHING CHYE after that i send my CUTE LITTLE HUI YANG back home make sure he is safe back home.
then i can go back in peace was some how thinking alot today so gonna keep my mind busy by doing some drawing cary on with my PIRATE TALES where i stopped half way for so long:

the flying ship came to rescue the PIRATE they clink tight onto each other hand to make their way up the flying ship after went througth the CLOUD CITY GUARD they was still having a smile in their face they was safe and sound.
next they gonna travel to FLYING SHIP OPERATOR place gonna intro who's the man on the flying ship.
today quite a peaceful day abit happy some how becoz i have a long sleep late for school but never mind i just got lot of excuse my EZ CARD still the problem for me so got a reason to be late or skip school.
once i got my student fare no more excuse for me aredy lol today i woke up at 9AM+ take my own sweet time surf the net take a shower try to call HUI YANG never anwer.
so i just hang on using computer till he suddently call me back he just prepare to leave the house so i quickly rush go find him take bus 22 at AMK HUB.
reached school at around 12PM just nice for STATIC and later on MATHS i am still freaking stuck at STATIC always change method now i dunno which fucking method to follow then maths also the lecture give so many method dunno which fucking method to follow.
was stressed went out of class with my random class mate to toilet they also say they dun understand so i no the only 1 haha^^ later on go back class manage to catch up with it 1 by 1 thanks god i did learn soemthing for today.
haiz tommorow was LOGARITHYM TEST i stil not study for any single shit of it yet pissed of gonna study in the bus tommorrow for it.
today took bus 22 back to AMK HUB with HUI YANG AND CHING CHYE after that i send my CUTE LITTLE HUI YANG back home make sure he is safe back home.
then i can go back in peace was some how thinking alot today so gonna keep my mind busy by doing some drawing cary on with my PIRATE TALES where i stopped half way for so long:

the flying ship came to rescue the PIRATE they clink tight onto each other hand to make their way up the flying ship after went througth the CLOUD CITY GUARD they was still having a smile in their face they was safe and sound.
next they gonna travel to FLYING SHIP OPERATOR place gonna intro who's the man on the flying ship.