Sunday, april 4, 2010 AND Monday, april 5, 2010
Monday, april 5, 2010
today i woke up late sia should be meeting kenneth in CLARKE QUAY at 3PM but i woke up 3pm+ damn it sia but glad not much fault been found againts me thank god.!!
today quite bored due to running out of cash...!!
i just feel like going HIKING @ HENDERSON WAVES i got the map u know:

the jeourney it's from VIVO AREA to TELOK BLANGAH HILL PARK.
who wanna join me sia??
mus prepare bag, water bottle, camerar, extra shirt to incase become too swetty and some money ofcoz..!!
today i kind of feel bored of my blog so i have to make new background for my blog urban vector!

here it is!!
Sunday, april 4, 2010
It's Easter service at SUNTEC CONVENTION HALL at 2PM glad MELVIN did come hope we can do greater thing as a group!
today we really have a great time fellowshiping till late.
today i woke up late sia should be meeting kenneth in CLARKE QUAY at 3PM but i woke up 3pm+ damn it sia but glad not much fault been found againts me thank god.!!
today quite bored due to running out of cash...!!
i just feel like going HIKING @ HENDERSON WAVES i got the map u know:
the jeourney it's from VIVO AREA to TELOK BLANGAH HILL PARK.
who wanna join me sia??
mus prepare bag, water bottle, camerar, extra shirt to incase become too swetty and some money ofcoz..!!
today i kind of feel bored of my blog so i have to make new background for my blog urban vector!

here it is!!
Sunday, april 4, 2010
It's Easter service at SUNTEC CONVENTION HALL at 2PM glad MELVIN did come hope we can do greater thing as a group!
today we really have a great time fellowshiping till late.