Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
today went to school feel great going to school, i think after living life with working too much.
i started to appreciate school.
today reached school at 9:45AM late by 45minute. ended at 4PM to 5PM; actually im not exactly sure what time didn't keep track of it.
today damn terrible there's a 2 classmate of my got into a fight which is ARAFAT & SHAIRUL. no ideal what they fighting over?
today i did a drawing out of my randomness, before that i just bought a new BLACK & RED PEN Uni-ball ultra fine pen. kind of comfortable using it, tin edges can draw tine line better.
actually i draw it out of my pissed off heart due to something that make me thinking about it, i still remember SONG OF THE SEA fired me because of the 2 damn fucked up staff which is RAFFI and KEN that 2 bloody bastard exist i can't sleep in peace.
hoping that they got eliminated, now im totally blocked from SENTOSA event side + SONG OF THE SEA.
the damn reason that they fired me it's really stupid, just because they dislike who i am in an in formal way to say is:" see me BUAY SONG". i also never do anything that offend anyone. im friend with everyone there regardless of who they are.
that 2 bloody bastard just jealous of me, because of their jealousy and bias ness make me out of the job + my friend FAIZ just joined the SONG OF THE SEA job but felt so un welcome by that 2 ass hole.
KEN & RAFFI existent pissed people off.
oh ya about to forget to upload my drawing here it goes:

it's kind of violence, im really glad that a friend of my EUGENE really encourage me by complimenting my drawing. it keeps me going.
there's nothing else i can draw but just violence scene, because im seroiusly suck at it.
today went to school feel great going to school, i think after living life with working too much.
i started to appreciate school.
today reached school at 9:45AM late by 45minute. ended at 4PM to 5PM; actually im not exactly sure what time didn't keep track of it.
today damn terrible there's a 2 classmate of my got into a fight which is ARAFAT & SHAIRUL. no ideal what they fighting over?
today i did a drawing out of my randomness, before that i just bought a new BLACK & RED PEN Uni-ball ultra fine pen. kind of comfortable using it, tin edges can draw tine line better.
actually i draw it out of my pissed off heart due to something that make me thinking about it, i still remember SONG OF THE SEA fired me because of the 2 damn fucked up staff which is RAFFI and KEN that 2 bloody bastard exist i can't sleep in peace.
hoping that they got eliminated, now im totally blocked from SENTOSA event side + SONG OF THE SEA.
the damn reason that they fired me it's really stupid, just because they dislike who i am in an in formal way to say is:" see me BUAY SONG". i also never do anything that offend anyone. im friend with everyone there regardless of who they are.
that 2 bloody bastard just jealous of me, because of their jealousy and bias ness make me out of the job + my friend FAIZ just joined the SONG OF THE SEA job but felt so un welcome by that 2 ass hole.
KEN & RAFFI existent pissed people off.
oh ya about to forget to upload my drawing here it goes:

it's kind of violence, im really glad that a friend of my EUGENE really encourage me by complimenting my drawing. it keeps me going.
there's nothing else i can draw but just violence scene, because im seroiusly suck at it.