my brain and pride will drive me to walk away; but my heart will still stay on the same. it takes lots of damage for the heart to be changed.
Sunday, October 16, 2011
this picture of the cloud is taken from the PLANE; THAI AIR WAY flight. i miss THAILAND and the sky. memory.
today it's a END TIME course day; went for a talk about end time. the time will just end but the world will never end.
there's restoration on the way to earth; if im not wrong maybe PLANET NIBIRU is the restoration for earth? it seems to be lots of resource. that's what i think so, not garentee.
the day of the millennium come. long way for god to be seen.
take place at SIM AVE 160 if im not wrong.
with TOBIAS and the rest. after everything went to meet JABEZ to spend time with her; she give me alot of her time and her space. so i cannot left her out; as a friend i should be a greatful 1.
loyal friend deserve loyal treatment.
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i craving for xiao long bao; the dumpling with soup inside; bite and feel the juiciness, is what i feel like. cracing for it. just now i eat DIMSUM alone at some where SIM AVENUE. it build my craving up.

i suddently got a strong craving for DIM SUM and PRAWN CHING CHEONG FUN. craving for the crunchy prawn which i long for.
wonder who gonna call me out for that?
this picture of the cloud is taken from the PLANE; THAI AIR WAY flight. i miss THAILAND and the sky. memory.

there's restoration on the way to earth; if im not wrong maybe PLANET NIBIRU is the restoration for earth? it seems to be lots of resource. that's what i think so, not garentee.
the day of the millennium come. long way for god to be seen.
take place at SIM AVE 160 if im not wrong.
with TOBIAS and the rest. after everything went to meet JABEZ to spend time with her; she give me alot of her time and her space. so i cannot left her out; as a friend i should be a greatful 1.
loyal friend deserve loyal treatment.
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i craving for xiao long bao; the dumpling with soup inside; bite and feel the juiciness, is what i feel like. cracing for it. just now i eat DIMSUM alone at some where SIM AVENUE. it build my craving up.

i suddently got a strong craving for DIM SUM and PRAWN CHING CHEONG FUN. craving for the crunchy prawn which i long for.
wonder who gonna call me out for that?