Wednessday DECEMBER 16 2009 my pork chop
Wednesday DECEMBER 16 2009. 2 more day for the movie AVATAR who wanna watch with me??
today it's such a boring cannot waste my day doing nothing warm up what ever skill that god given me if not he will take it back so i must unleash it.

today i did some cooking on my very own way of grilled pork chop.
actually i just come out with something new not following any cook book just use what ever i have in my freezer to make good use out of it.
i make serving for 2 person for my brother and me haha^^
2 rawr pork chop
6 rawr porke flesh
heinz vinegar.
5 shallot becoz i got no onion at home no choice.
Black Papper. (my Favourite)
olive oil quite an expasive brand my bro like it this way.
1 hard boil egg.
1 red apple where i took from my father prayer table haha^^
heinz salad cream just 2 table spoon will do.
i decided not to use any salt because pork got it natural salt if not gonna be so salty.
i D.frost the pork meat using microwave oven while waiting for it to be D.frost i quickly mix the the virniga, Shallot and sugar for the pork marination stir it up to mix it.
so later on i arrange the pork meat on my choping board not to chop it but to hammer it to tender the meat so it will be easier to chew instead of letting it like a stone then arrange it on a plate.
after that i pour the misture of virniga on to the pork so season it gether the Shallot on top the pork as a Garnishing some how then leaving it for 2 3 minute dun have to leave so long because i using virniga not any other marinating virniga will bite into the pork meat.
later on i take a table spoon to pour the olive oil around the seasoned pork meat rub it around then arange it on the grilling oven sprinkler the black papper around the meat then place it in the oven for 15 minute with 200oC leave it there till it ready.
while waiting i chop the apple into pieces throw it on a bowl smash the heard boil egg stir it up with the apple i chopped it pour down the salad cream onto it, it become a apple egg salad get.
then get ready a serving plate place the salad on the plate. when the pork chop ready gether it on the plate too.
i also did placed some rice on i also did bah kut teh soup but lazy type the recipe down haiz..!!

i did took some picture of it my bro keep eating it but he never give any comment he forever won't give praises to me.

that's the process of the pork chop in the oven rawr and cooked.

process of arranging the pork chop and pork flesh.

my egg apple salad and arangement

serving on the table just ignore the news papper i just use it to protect the table for becoming dirty.
next i gonna introduce to you my Bah Kut Teh soup.

the heavenly bah kut teh soup haha look glowing becoz of the camerar flash haha^^.

next i gonna intorduce to you my plant and so called farm haha inspired by the game happy farm from facebook haha my onion and Chilli plant it's organic.

next my anti mosquito plant my dad bought it haha^^ no mosquito will dare come:

i hope to get more put around my house to scare mosquito at 1st i dun believe my dad but he try put a bowl of water around for 3 to 4 day no egg it's layed.
looking forward to do more cooking i wanna plan a picnic.
today it's such a boring cannot waste my day doing nothing warm up what ever skill that god given me if not he will take it back so i must unleash it.

today i did some cooking on my very own way of grilled pork chop.
actually i just come out with something new not following any cook book just use what ever i have in my freezer to make good use out of it.
i make serving for 2 person for my brother and me haha^^
2 rawr pork chop
6 rawr porke flesh
heinz vinegar.
5 shallot becoz i got no onion at home no choice.
Black Papper. (my Favourite)
olive oil quite an expasive brand my bro like it this way.
1 hard boil egg.
1 red apple where i took from my father prayer table haha^^
heinz salad cream just 2 table spoon will do.
i decided not to use any salt because pork got it natural salt if not gonna be so salty.
i D.frost the pork meat using microwave oven while waiting for it to be D.frost i quickly mix the the virniga, Shallot and sugar for the pork marination stir it up to mix it.
so later on i arrange the pork meat on my choping board not to chop it but to hammer it to tender the meat so it will be easier to chew instead of letting it like a stone then arrange it on a plate.
after that i pour the misture of virniga on to the pork so season it gether the Shallot on top the pork as a Garnishing some how then leaving it for 2 3 minute dun have to leave so long because i using virniga not any other marinating virniga will bite into the pork meat.
later on i take a table spoon to pour the olive oil around the seasoned pork meat rub it around then arange it on the grilling oven sprinkler the black papper around the meat then place it in the oven for 15 minute with 200oC leave it there till it ready.
while waiting i chop the apple into pieces throw it on a bowl smash the heard boil egg stir it up with the apple i chopped it pour down the salad cream onto it, it become a apple egg salad get.
then get ready a serving plate place the salad on the plate. when the pork chop ready gether it on the plate too.
i also did placed some rice on i also did bah kut teh soup but lazy type the recipe down haiz..!!

i did took some picture of it my bro keep eating it but he never give any comment he forever won't give praises to me.

that's the process of the pork chop in the oven rawr and cooked.

process of arranging the pork chop and pork flesh.

my egg apple salad and arangement

serving on the table just ignore the news papper i just use it to protect the table for becoming dirty.
next i gonna introduce to you my Bah Kut Teh soup.

the heavenly bah kut teh soup haha look glowing becoz of the camerar flash haha^^.

next i gonna intorduce to you my plant and so called farm haha inspired by the game happy farm from facebook haha my onion and Chilli plant it's organic.

next my anti mosquito plant my dad bought it haha^^ no mosquito will dare come:

i hope to get more put around my house to scare mosquito at 1st i dun believe my dad but he try put a bowl of water around for 3 to 4 day no egg it's layed.
looking forward to do more cooking i wanna plan a picnic.