Saturday, March 13, 2010 & Friday, March 12, 2010
Saturday, March 13, 2010
missed service because of money few day back ESTAR a friend of my intro me an ushering job for the E thingy no ideal wad company it's that but it's got to do with asian Entertainment.
worked with Faiz, Aisyah, Hamzah, Rachell and Estar.
at the CITY HALL AREA FLAOTING PLAT FORM tooked some picture around rougthly show where it's this place with my damn lousy phone ofcoz!!

Also Some where near Espranade.

how it look from the outside view

before the event start i saw shinee Rehersing sia cool..!! althought im not a fan but just a rare thingy for me to be around to take picture of it so i took shinee during their rehersing while waiting for even start:

this it's at 1st i was standing right behind didnt realize it's shinee yet

slowly i hear the song freaking firmilier like my sis use to play it before so i think it's shinee i quickly go nearer.

it was quite close to the shinee area so can take picture to get clearer view but still damn blur haiyo!

This picture it's when i taking picture of the shinee left side there's a damn Sercurity guard shouting at me there's 3 sercurity guard shouting irritating sia cant they see there's people rehersing they shout so loud for wad embarras me sia even the reherser look over to my direction.

this it's still not close enougth sia cant really see the face how they look like haha^^

actually most people who willingly buy the ticket just because they wanna see shinee lol to my thinking boy band wont last long i seen alot of previous generation boy band no longer there aredy so Shinee have to work extra harder lor.

Audience release the baloon just snap it with my phone.

never really step in the plat form before how the view look like from there

from my standing point view!!
evening time and night alot of MINISTER walking out of the VIP ROOM to the front have to usher them damn it like playing towel defence in WARCRAFT 3 i was standing facing the vip room!!

behind me it's the vip seating area but must direct them to take longer cut instead to my right hand side to the VIP seat the RED SEAT damn it must not let any VIP pass the direction i standing stress sia then some people still asking me to find their seat in the same time i am directing the VIP.
at night picture took actually all the picture i took it's secretly:

too dark to see a thing on my phone.

some video i took also:
freaking not clear ofcoz damn shit phone wad!
Friday, March 12, 2010
Today i follow Hui Yang a good friend of my to Apply for higher nitec in tempines ITE in MARINE ENGINEERING OFFSHORE.
actually nothing much for today but just got a photo to share only:

Trying to make eye off in photoshop!

Head off in photo shop still a learner not a photo shop magician yet!
missed service because of money few day back ESTAR a friend of my intro me an ushering job for the E thingy no ideal wad company it's that but it's got to do with asian Entertainment.
worked with Faiz, Aisyah, Hamzah, Rachell and Estar.
at the CITY HALL AREA FLAOTING PLAT FORM tooked some picture around rougthly show where it's this place with my damn lousy phone ofcoz!!

Also Some where near Espranade.

how it look from the outside view

before the event start i saw shinee Rehersing sia cool..!! althought im not a fan but just a rare thingy for me to be around to take picture of it so i took shinee during their rehersing while waiting for even start:

this it's at 1st i was standing right behind didnt realize it's shinee yet

slowly i hear the song freaking firmilier like my sis use to play it before so i think it's shinee i quickly go nearer.

it was quite close to the shinee area so can take picture to get clearer view but still damn blur haiyo!

This picture it's when i taking picture of the shinee left side there's a damn Sercurity guard shouting at me there's 3 sercurity guard shouting irritating sia cant they see there's people rehersing they shout so loud for wad embarras me sia even the reherser look over to my direction.

this it's still not close enougth sia cant really see the face how they look like haha^^

actually most people who willingly buy the ticket just because they wanna see shinee lol to my thinking boy band wont last long i seen alot of previous generation boy band no longer there aredy so Shinee have to work extra harder lor.

Audience release the baloon just snap it with my phone.

never really step in the plat form before how the view look like from there

from my standing point view!!
evening time and night alot of MINISTER walking out of the VIP ROOM to the front have to usher them damn it like playing towel defence in WARCRAFT 3 i was standing facing the vip room!!

behind me it's the vip seating area but must direct them to take longer cut instead to my right hand side to the VIP seat the RED SEAT damn it must not let any VIP pass the direction i standing stress sia then some people still asking me to find their seat in the same time i am directing the VIP.
at night picture took actually all the picture i took it's secretly:

too dark to see a thing on my phone.

some video i took also:
freaking not clear ofcoz damn shit phone wad!
Friday, March 12, 2010
Today i follow Hui Yang a good friend of my to Apply for higher nitec in tempines ITE in MARINE ENGINEERING OFFSHORE.
actually nothing much for today but just got a photo to share only:

Trying to make eye off in photoshop!

Head off in photo shop still a learner not a photo shop magician yet!