Wednessday, May 5, 2010
Wednessday, May 5, 2010

thank god for my SIGN LANGUAGE ADVANCED i can show so much god love to CHING CHYE....!!
today school start at 8am end at 5pm glad im early becoz i yesterday stay over my mom place at CLARKE QUAY so today i woke up at clarke quay that's why im early.
today 1st lesson was MATHS i rather solve the BRACKET REMOVAL using long method then using the damn fomulae becoz using fomulae wont help me understand just by following step not giving me udnerstanding.
after MATHS break then 12PM ENGINEERING GRAPHIC it was AUTO CAD glad i am the most expert in my class in AUTO CAD becoz im a BUILDING DRAFTING STUDENT if i cannot make it in AUTO CAD i can go and die.
and i also a FREE LANCE DRAFT MAN i must make it if not it gonna be a shame that's why i glad i got a resource to trade with my friend becoz i can help them in AUTO CAD they can help me with my STATICS..!!
today i go back last actually i 1st to finish my work but i stay on to company my LITTLE HUI YANG and CHING CHYE hang around in class and also CHAT with the IT LECTURE he really a IT experience man asked him alot of question about command and coding althought i am not an IT student but i got interest in it some how.
after school i took bus 22 from my school to ANG MO KIO HUB with CHING CHYE, HUI YANG and JIE WEI.
after that i asked JIE WEI to company me go BISHAN to meet MR MELVIN LAI for sherperding i did a last minute preparation asked JIE WEI to be my surport in the same time i also wanna teach him the beginning and foundation.
not much TOPIC becoz i last minute flip my BIBLE and make a SERMON out just with begging GOD for mercy for not preparing earlier today my teaching is INTRODUCTION of the WORD OF GOD i use it to teach MELVIN LAI and JIE WEI since MELVIN is a new believer i just get him a BIBLE few day back so gonna guide him in wad the word of god is all about.
acutally JIE WEI is a good surport he guide MELVIN how to listen and copy glad i see an improvement in MELVIN so glad althought i am such a idiot sherperd who do alot of nonsence stuff...!!
i did pray and i did find way to open their heart MELVIN is on a down mood DUE to his lost of phone so glad he did smile againt after sherperding after sherperding he bought TIGER BEER big CAN i drink 1 he drink 1 = i drink with my sheep haha^^
i got DRUNK instead glad JIE WEI is there be an ASSISTANT haha^^ actually im not that drunk stil be able to talk and laugth.
after fellowship with my SHEEP took a bus 13 back home with JIE WEI the MR SURPPORT reached back home i was blur and HUNGRY so i any how make something for my self to eat my PAUL WK GARBAGE DUMPY CRUMZ SALAD that's my own style obviously it prepare by a DRUNK guy like me DRUNK but still be able to take photo:

daily VEGE increase my STRENGTH, STAMINA, ENERGY and also LOWER down my BODY TEMP.

not much but BREAD CRUMS, LETTUCE, MICRO WAVED EGG, HOT DOG SLICED in FLAT form soy sauce and GRAY PEPPER smacked in messily done..!!

thank god for my SIGN LANGUAGE ADVANCED i can show so much god love to CHING CHYE....!!
today school start at 8am end at 5pm glad im early becoz i yesterday stay over my mom place at CLARKE QUAY so today i woke up at clarke quay that's why im early.
today 1st lesson was MATHS i rather solve the BRACKET REMOVAL using long method then using the damn fomulae becoz using fomulae wont help me understand just by following step not giving me udnerstanding.
after MATHS break then 12PM ENGINEERING GRAPHIC it was AUTO CAD glad i am the most expert in my class in AUTO CAD becoz im a BUILDING DRAFTING STUDENT if i cannot make it in AUTO CAD i can go and die.
and i also a FREE LANCE DRAFT MAN i must make it if not it gonna be a shame that's why i glad i got a resource to trade with my friend becoz i can help them in AUTO CAD they can help me with my STATICS..!!
today i go back last actually i 1st to finish my work but i stay on to company my LITTLE HUI YANG and CHING CHYE hang around in class and also CHAT with the IT LECTURE he really a IT experience man asked him alot of question about command and coding althought i am not an IT student but i got interest in it some how.
after school i took bus 22 from my school to ANG MO KIO HUB with CHING CHYE, HUI YANG and JIE WEI.
after that i asked JIE WEI to company me go BISHAN to meet MR MELVIN LAI for sherperding i did a last minute preparation asked JIE WEI to be my surport in the same time i also wanna teach him the beginning and foundation.
not much TOPIC becoz i last minute flip my BIBLE and make a SERMON out just with begging GOD for mercy for not preparing earlier today my teaching is INTRODUCTION of the WORD OF GOD i use it to teach MELVIN LAI and JIE WEI since MELVIN is a new believer i just get him a BIBLE few day back so gonna guide him in wad the word of god is all about.
acutally JIE WEI is a good surport he guide MELVIN how to listen and copy glad i see an improvement in MELVIN so glad althought i am such a idiot sherperd who do alot of nonsence stuff...!!
i did pray and i did find way to open their heart MELVIN is on a down mood DUE to his lost of phone so glad he did smile againt after sherperding after sherperding he bought TIGER BEER big CAN i drink 1 he drink 1 = i drink with my sheep haha^^
i got DRUNK instead glad JIE WEI is there be an ASSISTANT haha^^ actually im not that drunk stil be able to talk and laugth.
after fellowship with my SHEEP took a bus 13 back home with JIE WEI the MR SURPPORT reached back home i was blur and HUNGRY so i any how make something for my self to eat my PAUL WK GARBAGE DUMPY CRUMZ SALAD that's my own style obviously it prepare by a DRUNK guy like me DRUNK but still be able to take photo:

daily VEGE increase my STRENGTH, STAMINA, ENERGY and also LOWER down my BODY TEMP.

not much but BREAD CRUMS, LETTUCE, MICRO WAVED EGG, HOT DOG SLICED in FLAT form soy sauce and GRAY PEPPER smacked in messily done..!!